Task D - Post Reading: Read The Passage and Answer The Following Questions

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Read the passage and answer the following questions.

It is wise to recycle because recycling reduces waste. This leads to less pollution and healthier world to live in. What can be recycled? Plastic, bottles, newspaper, aluminum cans, clear glass bottles and steel can be recycled. However, not all paper, plastic or glass products can be recycled. Waxed paper such as those that are used to wrap food cannot be recycled. Neither can colored glass. So, we should dispose of our garbage carefully. How can we recycle? We can reuse things such as old T-shirts, cardboard boxes and milk cartons. Start a new hobby by making new things out of old. There are many websites that you can visit to get ideas. You will help to reduce waste in this way. Make recycling part of your daily life. Bring along your own shopping bag when you go grocery shopping. Dont just throw away any leftover food. Turn it into compost to fertilizer your plants. Reduce the use of paper. Write on both sides instead of one. Wash and reuse empty jam jars to hold pencils and paper clips. Put your mind to work and you will see that it is possible to reduce, reuse and recycle for a better place to live in. It saves your money too.

1. We should recycle because ________________________________. A. B. C. D. we can help pollution we can produce more waste there is a lot of waste to use we can help to reduce waste HOTS Question 2. Which of the following items cannot be recycled? A. B. C. D. Clear glass bottles Aluminum cans Plastic bottles Waxed paper

3. Garbage should be disposed of carefully because ______________________. A. everything that we use can be recycled B. there is not enough space to dispose of garbage C. not all things can be recycled HOTS Question 4. Where can we get ideas on how to use old things in new ways? A. B. C. D. From the internet From the computer From the newspaper From the recycling bins HOTS Question 5. Which of the following does not promote recycling? A. B. C. D. Bring along your own shopping bag when you go shopping. Turn leftover food into fertilizer for plants by compositing. Use only one side of each sheet of writing paper. Reuse empty food jars in other ways. HOTS Question

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