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Patricia B. Anthony, LCSW Crossroads Program 4500 Crown Road Liverpoo , !

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/an0ary #4, 10#4 2o whom it may concern& 3t is my p eas0re to recommend 4s. Co0rtney Brown 5or the position o5 6ng ish teacher at yo0r schoo . 3 have rare y, i5 ever, .een as com5orta. e and con5ident giving someone an o0tstanding recommendation. 3 am a socia wor7er stationed in the c assroom to which 4s. Brown has .een assigned the past three years, and 7now her wor7 80ite we . She commands the attention o5 the st0dents .y ma7ing the c ass interesting, invo ving most o5 the st0dents direct y in the c ass, and with her technica competence. She is a nat0ra eader and incorporates many s7i s she has 0ndo0.ted y earned as a Lie0tenant in the 9nited States Army. :er c assroom is very st0dent and earner)5riend y. A tho0gh her position here is that o5 teaching assistant, she has o5ten .een as7ed to 5i in as a ong term teaching s0.stit0te, and d0ring that time she has e;ce ed. She has demonstrated that she commands the respect and admiration o5 gro0ps o5 high y cha enged st0dents with earning, deve opmenta and menta hea th diagnoses. She has shown an e;ceptiona 5aci ity 5or dea ing with a wide variety o5 persona ity di55ic0 ties that this pop0 ation presents. She presents herse 5 with the poise, grace, and dignity o5 a veteran teacher. Additiona y, she has a .road).ased 7now edge that a ows her, whi e she maintains e;ce ent contro , to ma7e her c asses en<oya. e. She wor7s very we with socia wor7ers, 7eeping 0s apprised in a time y 5ashion, o5 st0dents who need he p. She is a. e to 80ic7 y identi5y sit0ations that have the potentia to esca ate and ma7e appropriate decisions. +or that matter, she wor7s we with sta55 at a eve s, and has the respect o5 every pro5essiona 3 7now at B=C6S. Sincere y,

Patricia B. Anthony, LCSW

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