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"I love ethnic food", and the inverse, "I dislike ethnic food", are two statements that

I have been hearing more than usual. In my head, I have always thought of ethnic food as non-traditional cuisine from lesser known countries, but, upon some thought, I entertained the question, "Isn't all food ethnic food?" The Random House Dictionary definition of ethnic is: Pertaining to or characteristic of a people, especially a group (ethnic group) sharing a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like. If we apply this definition to the term ethnic food, we lump every single style of cooking from every single region of the world. Whether it is popularized cuisine from countries like France, Italy, India, Spain, or China, or lesser known cuisine from countries like Ethiopia, Columbia, or Vietnam, they are forced together under "ethnic food". Now, using common sense, we know that when people use this term they are not speaking about every single food preparation in the world. My question is this: What are people referring to when they say "ethnic food?

Ethnic food is exciting. For many Americans, its a step away from what they usually consume. On the other hand, it's also increasingly popular; in fact, over 80 percent of respondents to a Mintel Group survey reported that they had eaten ethnic food outside of their houses in the last month. Just as the flavor of ethnic food may be different, so is the marketing for ethnic restaurateurs.

8o% foreigner wants to taste ethnic food. Ethnic Food is present own religions and culture. All human nature to know different taste, different environment these are important of ethnic food. Restaurant is main place where people easily get ethnic food.

Thus, I agree ethnic food is more attraction for foreigner in restaurant .

Thank you very much.

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