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BENEFITS can remove the optical tube assembly quickly and easily from the mount for storage or travel. can swap optical tube assemblies in and out on this very portable mount. the setups light weight. ability to see fine detail. provides a practical limit on resolution. COMPUTERIZED The built-in CCD camera begins taking pictures of the night sky and comparing them to its internal database. If Sky brightness and horizons blocked by landscape or buildings, there will be a message alignment failed. use computers to analyze the blurring created by the atmosphere and compensate for it by rapidly distorting the mirrors in a reflecting telescope.

DISCOVER IN SPACE The sky backgrounds behind selected targets appeared black a trait indicative of little light scatter and the stars focused to sharp pinpoints. New developments in are occurring all the time as technologies reveal more and more about our Earth and what is in the night sky. Astronomers hope this technique will eventually make it possible to directly image small, Earthsized planets orbiting distant stars.

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