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/01203 Alex 8oLh

Aprll 17, 2014 619-228-3233

!10456 7.5 '/8.6959 :65;56 <.6 ()=
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laLher !oe Carroll, one of San ulego's mosL lconlc flgures, has endorsed 8ob 8rewer for ulsLrlcL
ALLorney, calllng 8rewer a man of greaL lnLegrlLy." laLher !oe's endorsemenL wlll be feaLured
ln 8ob 8rewer's flrsL campalgn commerclal.

8ob 8rewer ls a decoraLed war hero, a wldely respecLed former sLaLe and federal prosecuLor
and mosL lmporLanL Lo me, a man of greaL lnLegrlLy," laLher !oe sald. And LhaL's whaL we need
ln LhaL offlce."

1o waLch 8ob 8rewer's flrsL campalgn commerclal, vlslL 8ob's webslLe aL:

8rewer sald laLher !oe's endorsemenL ls one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL of hls campalgn for ulsLrlcL
ALLorney, glven laLher !oe's unquesLlonable dedlcaLlon Lo publlc safeLy for all members of our

B% 2.A@8/C0 D5 E.65 4./.658 0. 41F5 !10456 7.5C9 9AGG.60=H 8rewer saldI BJ?9 8521859 .<
0?65@599 2416?01D@5 ;.6K 41F5 E185 4?E 1 @.21@ 456.I L. ./5 21659 E.65 1D.A0 ,1/ (?5M. 041/
!10456 7.5= ;4?24 ?9 ;4N % 1E 9. G6.A8 0. 41F5 4?9 5/8.695E5/0IH

laLher !oe's endorsemenL ls Lhe laLesL good news for Lhe 8rewer campalgn, whlch has already
recelved Lhe backlng of four former u.S. ALLorneys, 98 percenL of local law-enforcemenL
agencles, Lhe uepuLy ClLy ALLorneys AssoclaLlon and many oLher groups. More Lhan a hundred
members of Lhe San ulego uepuLy ulsLrlcL ALLorneys AssoclaLlon voLed Lo endorse 8rewer's


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