Rebeca Baptista

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Rebeca Baptista

7214 Washita Way San Antonio, Texas 78256 Home Phone !21"# $$2%&461 'e(( Phone !21"# 2$2%5225 )mai( A**+ess bec,a-bap.hotmai(/com 0+a*1ate o2 T34 5 The )piscopa( Schoo( o2 Texas 3ay 2"1$ 0+a*e Point A6e+a7e $/77 8ate o2 Bi+th 8ecembe+ 2$, 1&&4 'o((e7e The 9ni6e+sity o2 Texas at A1stin 'o((e7e A**+ess 1 9ni6e+sity Station, A1stin, T: 78712 '(ass in Sp+in7 2"14 ;+eshman '1++ent 9ni6e+sity 0PA $/&175 9ni6e+sity 3embe+ships an* Positions <i2etime 3embe+ o2 the A(pha Phi 'hapte+ o2 A(pha 'hi =me7a %;1n*+aisin7 'hai+ 2"14%2"15 'o1nse(o+ 2o+ 'amp Texas 2"14 ;i+st >ea+ 4nte+est 0+o1p 3ento+ 2"14%2"15 Hono+s an* Achie6ements 8eans <ist Hono+ 2o+ ;a(( 2"1$ A(pha 'hi =me7a =1tstan*in7 Scho(a+ A?a+* 2"1$%2"14 @ationa( Hono+ Society 1", 11, 12 0o(* 3e*a( in @ationa( Spanish )xam & Si(6e+ 3e*a( in @ationa( Spanish )xam 1" The Associate* A(1mni o2 B+o?n 9ni6e+sity Boo, A?a+* This a?a+* is p+esente* to the A1nio+ ?ho best combines a hi7h *e7+ee o2 abi(ity in )n7(ish exp+ession, both ?+itten an* spo,en, an* ?ho sho?s those o1tstan*in7 pe+sona( B1a(ities ?hich, in the ?o+*s o2 the 1764 B+o?n 9ni6e+sity 'ha+te+, 7i6e p+omise that he o+ she may become one o2 the Cs1ccession o2 pe+sons *1(y B1a(i2ie* 2o+ *ischa+7in7 the o22ices o2 (i2e ?ith 1se21(ness an* +ep1tation/D 11 Acti6ities Ea+sity Tennis &,1", 'aptain 11, 12 4nte+act '(1b 1", 11, 12 Ha6en 2o+ Hope Eo(1ntee+F3ento+ 1", 11, 12 3o+7anGs Won*e+(an* Eo(1ntee+ 11, 12 3a+ch o2 8imes Eo(1ntee+ &, 1", 11, 12 Roc, an* Ro(( 3a+athon Eo(1ntee+ &, 1", 11, 12

)mp(oyment Eo(1ntee+ 3ento+FT1to+ at Ha6en 2o+ Hope, e6e+y ;+i*ay 2o+ 1/5 yea+s ;40 3ento+ at 9T % A1stin 2"14 Re2e+ences 8anie( 'ant1 8ominion 'o1nt+y '(1b $ 8ominion 8+i6e San Antonio, Texas 78257 !21"# $55%1$$6 Honathan H1hn 8ep1ty Re7iona( 8i+ecto+ 2o+ Senato+ 'o+nyn 6"" @a6a++o St/ S1ite 21" San Antonio, Texas 782"5 !21"# 224%7485

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