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Stage Set Induction (5 minutes)

Content/Skills -Introducing the concept of three-dimension shape with puppet show.

Teacher/Students Activities -Teacher show objects of 3D shape in the environment such as tissue box, tin can and geometric figures. -Teacher introduce todays topic

Step 1 (20 minutes)

-Teacher explains the shapes and guides students to name those objects. Example: Cube Cylinder Cuboid Cone

-Teacher will be introducing 3-D shapes through puppet show amd names the shape. -Example: - Teacher, Hi, I am Mr Cube.. I have 6 flat faces, 12 edges and 8 corners nice too meet you -The show will be continued with next shapes -Teacher explains the shapes and describes the flat faces, edges, curves and corners. -Teacher begins the class activity with dividing the class into two groups. -A students selected will be recognize the shape given by the member later on and name the correct it.

Rational/Ava -Teaching Method 3-D models. -Moral Values Cooperative and helpful -Vocabulary Cube, cylinder, sphere,cuboid, and cone. -Teaching Method Puppet show and 3-D Models -Moral values Cooperative and helpful -Thinking Skills Comparing and contrasing -Vocabulary Cube, cylinder,sphere,cuboid,cone.

Step 2 (15 minutes)

Class activities

-Teaching Method Woo

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