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Bird 1

15 ovember 2013 You've Got a Friend in M~ .. The people oftoda lack kindness. This is a given because of the nature of ou~~u.~y!J~!:

Comment [KDFl]: Check Chicago's formatting about this as well as the header. Comment [KDF2]: Would it help to expand your thesis? Maybe include other characteristics and qualities that people no longer have. Deleted: in our

paced society. Kindness is a myth from the tales of chivalrous knights from..~Y~)~':l.KP.~~:m ... '{ Deleted: [oday.,peojlle focus solely on themselves and !~_t?i!.~l! r Th e indivjduaJ~'Y.ant tomake it to " the toptoprove that they as good as th~y.~~.~I)~y.<~r~:.!~y.t?~.~!-!}I!~~}~1x.frtt::~~~.~~ "\



[KDF3]: This is kind ofa broad

Deleted: p Deleted: y Comment Deleted:' [KDF4]: The top of what?

family often attribute the qual ity of kindness to me. Because of this desire to be ikin~.~~.I.i.f.t others up, and to help them on their way, I seek paths in which I can accomplish ~hi r,tI.',!!!,t._ why being an editor is perfect for me. Contrary to popular opinion, editors are mentors, guides, and friends, and they know exactly what they are doing. They are not correctors or fixers of problems

-... ..:

Deleted: Comment

' [KDFS]: I would probably choose a

a lot.



synonym. You use kindness/kind

Comment Deleted:

[KDF6]: Accomplish what?

Comment [KDF7]: I don't think you make a strong enough connection between how kindness pertains to editing. I know that it's just an intra, but give us a little hint about what's to come. Deleted: is

experiences, this has been the case. I am currently a copyeditor at Jolly Fish Press. I am responsible for grammar and conventions. To others, I am seen as a fixer, one who corrects the

Deleted: is Deleted: with

Deleted: Deleted:

' '

someone who guides. I make suggestions to the author according to the tandards of socie~)f. the author agrees with what I say, we can change the manuscript accordingly. Ifnot,

. _.

h wel~.A~ .. _.

Comment [KDF8]: This makes it sound like society is judging their manuscript/judging them. Is there a better way to phrase this. Comment [KDF9]: You could probably extend this a little.

times, I might have to take a stand so that we can help the novel appeal to audiences, which truly is one of the goals of a publisher. But that does not~~. manuscriptJ~.~~I: __ .. __ ..... .. ..
n ._ n.n

nn n __ .

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Bird 2


editors make mistakes. We~~_9.~),


editors should listen to their authors. Just because we are their mentor everything.

sipes not

- --- --~, ';-----------<

mean we know Deleted: so Deleted: doesn't sent to [them] by [their]

::- rDel__ _eted :_' Deleted: it \: ?DeI-e-ted-:-s-----------<


In its most recent edition, The Chicago Manual of Style and its authors recognized from the many helpful comments and suggestions

that they "benefit[ed]

readers" (xiii). fIhey listened to their patrons and realized that they had made mistakes before and it was time to fix them. ~J!()R~_!~cul_t}:vat~~!~ ~J<!!L~J_~()_!!l:y_~estt~_~~l.P_~y_~u!Il()!~-'~!~J~~ their books fabulous. Editors should be friends to their authors. Who wants to listen to a dictator who only tells you when you~e_~()~g?~~~_me. IfI we~e_~_<l:~!!()_RIl_~~~h-'~)'_~()~k~l~~Il}~ ~~!_!O __<.. {>-DeI~eted_~: _' Deleted: I'd be able to go to my editor with concerns about my manuscript, whether those be the story or the ~ Comment [KDF10]:I think youcould expound
this a little more. Give it another sentence.



by which the story is told. I woulcl,'Y.aIltth~m to exR~~.s.~.s)'I1lRathy.,l<in~t?~s).~~__

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friendship toward me. ~woul(twantt.h~I1l_!()J!ell'_rn)'m~.~~~~~p~.!~~~()me.!lle.t)es!

!!_<::~.!J.t?;_L... __.....


Deleted: 'd Deleted: I'd


is to the book" (Gross 74). When editors focus on making novels the absolute best, ~ __ _=<

then authors.,g()_n.ot.Il~y.t?!().'Y.()!.r)'.~~().~!~ci!to!.~.~~~ng.1:'~ki_~~~tll~book ~~.c:ol1le.s..t_~~~i!()~:!j. .... _"'::.:. >-D_el_e_ted=:~do=n_'t= Deleted: them goal. I want to be able to do this for my authors because I want to give the world something Deleted: ir good, the culmination of all our hard work. do their jobs if they do~~()!.kn~~.llow. Becauseofthis"

Editors cannot successfully

Deleted: n't Deleted: So Comment [KDFll]: What typeof classes and why should theytakethem? Comment [KDF12]:Everyone ormaybe
perhaps prescriptivists.

reference books to inform them on both what is popular in society's accepts as correct in the world of academics.

usage and what everyon

Mistakes on editors' parts are inevitable in this

world, so we can learn from them "only if [we] know they are errors of some kind" CGross lO2j)L_."

.. { Comment [KDF13]:Chicagolormatting

Bird 3

!as Michael Siedman kindly reminds us in his essay, "The Editor and the Author at the Writers' Conference.' '
_-- -{ Comment [KDF14]: Not exactly necessary.

Deleted: ' Deleted: They


This is beneficial

in two ways. First, editors learn what authors are taught. They helps editors speak to


need to

learn what authors are expected to do in their writing. This knowledge authors on their own level and makes relationships Second, at conferences

between authors and editors much better. agents, and other editors.

editors network with authors, publishers,

Authors are able to learn who editors are, who editors work for, and how authors can get an editor for their books, The more connections at getting their book published. ~ truly can attest to this concept. I got into the publishing conferences. world through writers' authors have to editors, the bigger chance they have

To begin with, I went there to learn how to write. I found, however, that I could you name it. ---Comment [KDFlS]:
has impacted experiences Expound a little bit how this you, how grateful you are for your Fish, etc.

also learn how to edit and how to network. I met authors, editors, agents, publishers, Networking at conferences is how landed ajob at JolJy Fish Press.!..

at conferences/Jolly

Comment [KDF16]: What kind of editor?

coming to me.,ill>ollt_~~~_~~_~~_~hl:l~_t~_~y.h_!l:"t:.J~a~t_~1!~h~_~~_~o know th~t! l:l~ _tht:re_!~_h~.I2: I~_u,:-'

Deleted: with Deleted: '

not trying to take over their project and make it my own. I...w.!l:_nott-r.Y.~g_!~.P~~Y.~_!~.'!!L __ J)e~e.~ __,-- -because I know how to make it appeal to audiences. I just want them to succeed so that others

Deleted: ' Deleted: '

can enjoy the novel as I have. I strive for success for both authors and their ~ooks

Comment [KDF17]: Don't forget your works

cited page.


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