Internship Experience Self Analysis Form

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Internship Experience Self Analysis Form

SPM 433 Sport Management Internship

Your Name: Darius Robinson ____________________________
Name of Internship Site: West Charlotte High School___________
City & State: Charlotte, NC__________________________
Semester & Year of Internship: Spring 2014___________
Overall, how would you grade the quality of your internship experience:
Briefly explain why you gave the site this grade?
I gave west charlotte a grade of the a C because of the structure and shape of the of their
athletic program and administration. The teacher to student ratio is terrible, the facilities
arent big enough to accommodate all the students and the consequences and discipline
instilled in students is also very low._________________________________________
Please briefly describe your anticipated projects and activities at the beginning of
the internship. Did you get to participate in these activities as expected? If not,
please tell us why and what activities you were assigned to do instead.
I anticipated really observing lending a helping hand as needed. Helping out with
different sporting events, strength and conditioning and physical education classes, but I
soon realized that I was going to be doing that and a lot more.
In order to assist the Department with making recommendations to future interns, we
request your assistance with evaluating the quality of your internship experience at the
site you selected. Your answers will not affect your internship grade in any way so your
honesty and detail would be appreciated.
Please type or print legibly!
What percentage of your time was spent on the following activities?
Doing clerical/office work?
Learning about or planning sport programs?
Interacting with clients in an exercise or wellness program? ___30_____
Conducting research?
Doing counter/front desk work?
Doing chores such as cleaning or facility maintenance?
Developing written or online sport materials?
Other work? (Please specify below)


How prepared would you say you were for the work you were assigned to do at your
internship site?
{Very Prepared}
Somewhat Prepared
Not Prepared At All
How often do you feel your internship supervisor showed support and interest in
your education and internship progress?
All of the time

{Most of the Time}

Some of the Time


What would you say was the best part of your internship?
The best part of my internship would have to be my interaction and my relationship I
made with the students. Becoming a positive role model for some of the students that
walked those halls really made me want to come back every day.

What was the worst part of your internship?

The worst part of my internship has to be seeing some teachers, coaches and
administrators really not care about the students, just being there to receive a check.
When students see a teacher, a coach or administrator not care for them or what happens
to them they dont care about their grades, future, or anything else. ___________

What is your recommendation of this site for future interns?

{Strongly Recommend}

Recommend with Reservations

Do Not Recommend

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