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Full Lesson: Mythology/Creative Writing Project 1.

The overreaching purpose of this lesson is tell students what they are working toward at the end of this unit. Show them the rubric and talk about what is expected of them. 2. The essential learning goal for today is What are we doing to wrap up this unit? 3. The Common Core State Standards that are covered in this lesson are: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences. (CCSS: Text Types and Purposes #3) 4. The process by which I will equip my students to demonstrate the essential goal for today is: a. Pass out the rubric to each student. b. Go over it together. c. Answer any and all questions. d. With the extra 10 or less minutes, if there is any time left over, have the students either begin on their writing or have them silent read. 5. The technology I am going to use today is: a. No technology will be used. Each student will have what they need right in front of them. 6. The following evidence will show that my students demonstrated an understanding for the essential goal today: a. After the entire rubric is gone through the students will all have an opportunity to ask any clarifying questions. When all of the questions are answered I will see that the students are understanding what is expected of them. 7. Students that I will keep an eye on a. Andrew: Keep in mind that he may be hungry. If he seems to be acting in a strange way then ask him to stay after everyone else has left, before you let anyone from the next class in ask Andrew if he would like a granola bar from the bottom, left drawer in my desk. After he leaves then let next class in. b. Tony: Has a Speech and language IEP. Make sure that the dictionary and thesaurus are next to his desk. Also, he gets very frustrated at times so watch for the yellow/green card on his desk. When it is green he is doing just fine, but when you see the yellow side flipped up go over and see what he is beginning to get frustrated about before he gets angry. If he seems to be angry already ask him if he would like to go get a drink of water and when he comes back you will help him.

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