A3 Final Exam Speaking Outline

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Sophie (Hui) Li hl2764@tc.columbia.edu Youngmee Suh yms2118@tc.columbia.

edu Community English Program

Presentation outline Guiding Questions

1. Do you have a saying in your mother tongue you want to introduce to us? 2. How would you translate the saying into English? 3. Why did you pick this saying? 4. When would you use this saying? 5. Is there a similar/different saying in English? 6. When would you use/ hear people use the English saying? 7. Compare and contrast the saying from your language with the saying in English. 8. What's your understanding of the two sayings? Do they reflect the cultures? 9. (Is there an interesting personal story you'd like to share?

Language Focus (required)

1. Please use reported speech in your presentation 2. Please use contrasting words in your presentation. For example, unlike, while, whereas, in contrast, on the contrary, etc.

1. Do you have a clear beginning ? 2. Do you compare 2 sayings in the middle part? (similarity & differences) 3. Is your middle part organized logically? 4. Do you have a conclusion?

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