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A Guide to Oracle Quality

An Oracle White Paper

August, 2003

A Guide to Oracle Quality

ABSTRACT This paper introduces the reader to the concepts of quality management in Oracle Quality and reinforces that understanding with the aid of a business case that spans across the Work In Process (WIP) and the Purchasing modules. As we walk across the shopfloor and the receiving bay, we study the data collection process from the perspective of Oracle Quality business flow. The paper also covers the enhanced features that have been added to Oracle Quality through Family Packs G, H and I. SCOPE This paper covers the basic business flow for Oracle Quality. It also takes a close look at Global Specifications (Family Pack I), Parent Child Relationships (Family Pack H) and Collection Plan Security (Family Pack G), to obtain a better understanding of Oracle Quality as it stands today. This paper is intended for an audience familiar with Work In Process and Purchasing transactions and desirous of gaining an insight into how to set up a quality inspection process at strategic junctures to ensure that products are conforming to specifications and of how to define those specifications, standards and measurable parameters in the first place, using Oracle Quality. CONCEPTS IN ORACLE QUALITY Oracle Quality is integrated with the Oracle Manufacturing and Distribution applications to provide consistent quality data definition, data collection and data management across the enterprise and throughout the supply chain. Oracle Quality application can be used to gather user-defined quality data. Data collected and input into Oracle Quality may come from functions such as purchasing, service, shopfloor inspection or directly from the customer, to name a few. Quality data can also be collected in a totally standalone method or may be linked to third party systems. It is possible to import data from other systems to give the users a full view of the quality process in their plants. The data collection structure in Oracle Quality comprises !" Collection Elements !" Specifications !" Collection Plans The basic building block of this structure is the collection element, which is used in both the specification and the collection plan. Collection elements define the characteristics or the quality parameters of the product or the process, which is being analyzed and for which we collect and report data. Collection Plans are similar to test or inspection plans. Collection plans specify which are the collection elements to be used in collecting data. Collection plans specify when and how to collect the data as well as the actions to take based on the data collected. Specifications set the quality standards to which the product or the process should conform. These standards can be in the form of absolute values or a specific range within which the results would be acceptable. The type of collection elements being used determines the nature of the specification. Examples from the business case used in this paper would elucidate these concepts. DESCRIPTION OF THE QUALITY INSPECTION SCENARIO FOR THIS PAPER The organization manufactures steel shafts for use in different assemblies and also for sale as spares. One such product is the item SS180/15. The prefix SS stands for steel shaft. 180 specifies the finished shaft length of 180mm and 15 specifies the finished shaft diameter of 15mm. The organization receives the raw material for SS180/15 in the form of a rough-cut job,

which is in fact a cylindrical steel shaft of length measuring approximately 200mm and diameter measuring approximately 20mm. This raw component is termed as SRCJ200/20 (SRCJ for steel rough cut job and 200/20 signifies length/diameter). This component undergoes the Cutting operation to have its length trimmed to 180mm. The result is the intermediate product SCJ180/20 (SCJ for steel cut job and 180/20 signifies length/diameter). This component now undergoes the Turning operation to have its diameter reduced to 15mm. The result is the intermediate product STJ180/15 (STJ stands for steel turned job). In the final operation, STJ180/15 undergoes Grinding to attain a smooth and presentable finish. The end result or the final assembly is SS180/15. Thus, moving down from the final assembly level, SS180/15 has STJ180/15 as its component. STJ180/15 has SCJ180/20 as its component. SCJ180/20 has SRCJ200/20 as its component (refer Fig 1). This process will be mapped into 3 separate routings of a single operation each. The Collection Elements used in this paper To suit our quality inspection scenario, we have defined five collection elements. These are !" SHAFT LENGTH !" SHAFT DIAMETER !" FAILURE CODE !" MY ITEM !" MY SERIAL Besides these five collection elements we have also used some predefined collection elements viz., Quantity, Inspection Result, Transaction Date and UOM Name, to name a few. Note: Oracle Quality provides a (seeded) reference information type collection element Item. This collection element can be used in collection plans wherein data is to be collected against items or item codes. However, sometimes customers prefer to define and use a reference information type collection element instead of the Item collection element. An example would be the case of the organization that prefers the term Device or Product Code instead of Item in their collection plan. Though this leads to the creation of redundant collection elements, since they all point to the same data object the item, Oracle Quality allows users to define reference information type collection elements to suit their terminology or business case. MY ITEM is a collection element defined and used in this paper, to demonstrate this very point. But, before we probe into the rationale for these collection elements, let us take a brief look at the collection element types available in Oracle Quality. Oracle Quality provide us with three predefined collection element types, Attribute, Variable, and Reference Information which are available in the list of values (henceforth referred to as LOV) in the field Element Type when we define the collection element. Variable collection element type represents numerically measurable parameters. They can and often do, have a range of acceptable values defined as specification limits. In this paper, SHAFT LENGTH and SHAFT DIAMETER are the two Variable type collection elements. As the names suggest, one measures the length of the shaft and the other measures the diameter. For SHAFT LENGTH the desired value (Target Value) is determined as 180 MM. However, the upper specification limit has been set at 182 MM and the lower specification limit has been set at 179 MM. Similarly, specification limits have been determined for SHAFT DIAMETER. A collection element of type Attribute represents a characteristics or an attribute of an item such as colour (possible list of values includes pink, blue, orange,) or it represents the outcome of a process (possible list of values could include damaged, scrapped, to-be-reworked, use-as-is,). Collection elements of type Attribute have only a limited list of acceptable values. In this paper, FAILURE CODE is the Attribute type collection element. Refer Fig 2, for the values assigned to this collection element.

Reference Information collection element type refers to common objects defined in other Oracle Applications. When transactions are performed in Oracle Purchasing, Inventory, Service, Work In Process or in Flow Manufacturing, the values of related reference information collection elements are then automatically entered in the collection plan, if they are available on the parent form. Thus Reference Information collection elements are also known as context elements because their values are derived in the context of transactions entered and saved in these applications. In this paper, we have defined two Reference Information type collection elements. These are, MY ITEM and MY SERIAL. As their names suggest, these collection elements will draw their values from the corresponding objects (item code and serial number) as used in Oracle Inventory. The Specifications used in this paper Specifications document the requirement to which a product, process or service should conform. Oracle Quality supports three types of specifications: Item Specification, Supplier Specification and Customer Specification. Item specifications can be used to define the standards for items irrespective of the supplier from whom it is procured or the customer for whom it is manufactured. Customer and supplier specifications are used to define the standards for items sold to or purchased from specific customers or suppliers respectively. When defining specifications, the user is required to select the appropriate radio button Item Spec, Supplier Spec or Customer Spec to classify the type of the specification. In this paper, we have defined two specifications SPEC_SCJ180/20 and SPEC_STJ180/15. SPEC_SCJ180/20 is meant for the item SCJ180/20. This is an Item specification that measures the length of the item SCJ180/20 using the collection element SHAFT LENGTH. Similarly SPEC_STJ180/15 is meant for the item STJ180/15. This is an Item Specification that measures the diameter of the item STJ180/15 using the collection element SHAFT DIAMETER. About Global Specifications The Global Specifications feature was introduced in Manufacturing Family Pack I. Some specifications in Oracle Quality can now be used across organizations if users need to use identical specifications in two or more organizations. Prior to Family Pack I, the specifications were setup per organization and a specification could not be shared with other organizations. There are often plants that produce the same product to the same specifications. In such a scenario, it is necessary to maintain the specs at each organization. But, this cannot be achieved so long as the specifications cannot be shared across the organizations. If the specifications cannot be shared, they may go out of synch which can adversely impact the manufacturing of the product. The Enhancement in the form of Global Specifications, resolves this issue. Enhancement Request 1941132 was logged for this feature to be made available. The Collection Plans in this paper Quality collection plans determine what data to collect, where to collect it, and what action to take based on the results. A collection plan is a test plan or inspection plan, consisting of a group of collection elements that we want to collect and analyze for a given business case. In this paper we have defined a Collection Plan to inspect the outcome of the Cutting operation and a Collection Plan to inspect the outcome of the Turning operation. These have been named 01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN and 01 STJ COLLECTION PLAN. A Collection Plan has also been put in place to inspect the outcome of the Grinding operation (01 SS COLLECTION PLAN). As an additional exercise, we shall perform a Receiving Inspection for the raw component SRCJ200/20 using a collection plan called 01 SRCJ COLLECTION PLAN. Defining the items

Define item SS180/15 using the Finished Goods template. Define items STJ180/15 and SCJ180/20 using the Subassembly template. Define item SRCJ200/20 using the Purchased item template. For each of these items, except for SRCJ200/20, set Serial Generation to At Receipt. SRCJ200/20 has Serial Generation set to No Control. Assign each of these items to the organization (M3 in this paper). Defining a Resource Define a machine type resource named LATHE. Attach this resource to the METAL_FAB department (predefined in Vision database). Defining the Routings Routing for SCJ180/20: Operation 10, Department = METAL_FAB, Resource = LATHE, Usage = 0.25, Scheduled = Yes (the Usage and the Scheduled flag do not have much relevance for the exercises carried out in this paper). Routing for STJ180/15: Operation 10, Department = METAL_FAB, Resource = LATHE, Usage = 0.25, Scheduled = Yes. Routing for SS180/15: Operation 10, Department = METAL_FAB, Resource = LATHE, Usage = 0.25, Scheduled = Yes. Defining the Bills Of Material BOM for SCJ180/20: Component = SRCJ200/20, Qty Per Assembly = 1, Supply Type = Operation Pull, Supply Subinventory = Stores Attach the component to Operation 10 of the Routing of SCJ180/20 BOM for STJ180/15: Component = SCJ180/20, Qty Per Assembly = 1 Attach the component to Operation 10 of the Routing of STJ180/15 BOM for SS180/15: Component = STJ180/15, Qty Per Assembly = 1 Attach the component to Operation 10 of the Routing of SS180/15 Check the Indented Bills Of Material for SS180/15, to ensure that the BOM structure is complete (Fig 1).

Fig 1. The Bill Of Material for SS180/15 Defining the Collection Elements Quality > Setup > Collection Elements Define a Collection Element SHAFT LENGTH. Check the Enable checkbox. Note: Only Collection Elements, which are enabled, can be attached to a Collection Plan. Collection elements can be disabled but not deleted, if results are associated with them. Element Type = Variable Enter Prompt = Shaft Length Hint = Enter Shaft Length Data Type = Number Check the Mandatory checkbox. Reporting Length = 5 Decimal Precision = 2 UOM = MM Click on the Spec Limits button. Because we are defining a Variable type collection element, we would be defining the specification limits for this parameter. Enter Target Value = 180 Specification Range: Lower = 179 Specification Range: Upper = 182 Reasonable Range: Lower = 178.5 Reasonable Range: Upper = 183.5

The lower and upper reasonable range limit ensures that we collect values that make sense. The system does not allow entry of values that lie outside the Reasonable range. Save your work. The collection elements we define are stored in the table QA_CHARS along with the specification limits. SQL> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 select substr(char_type_code,0,8) TYPE, substr(data_entry_hint,0,18) HINT, substr(target_value,0,6) TARGET, substr(upper_spec_limit,0,5) USL, substr(lower_spec_limit,0,5) LSL, substr(upper_reasonable_limit,0,5) URL, substr(lower_reasonable_limit,0,5) LRL, substr(enabled_flag,0,7) enabled from QA_CHARS where name = 'SHAFT LENGTH';

TYPE HINT TARGET USL LSL URL LRL ENABLED -------- ------------------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ------VARIABLE Enter Shaft Length 180 182 179 183.5 178.5 1 We shall define another Variable type Collection Element. Collection Element = SHAFT DIAMETER Check the Enable checkbox. Set Element Type = Variable. Enter Prompt = Shaft Diameter Hint = Enter Shaft Diameter Data Type = Number Check the Mandatory checkbox. Reporting Length = 5 Decimal Precision = 2 UOM = MM Save your work. For SHAFT DIAMETER, we shall enter the Specification Limits later. We shall now define an Attribute type Collection Element. Collection Element = FAILURE CODE Check the Enable checkbox. Set Element Type = Attribute. Enter Prompt = Defect Code, Hint = Enter Defect Code Data Type = Character Check the Mandatory checkbox. Reporting Length = 20 Click on the Values button. Recall: When defining Variable type collection elements, we had clicked on Spec Limits button to specify upper and lower acceptable values.) Enter the values as shown below:

Fig 2. The values for the Attribute type collection element FAILURE CODE Save your work. We shall now define two Reference Information type Collection Elements, MY ITEM and MY SERIAL. Item and Serial Number are common objects defined in Oracle Inventory. This is why reference information type collection are also known as context elements because their values are derived in the context of transactions entered and saved in other Oracle Applications (Oracle Inventory in this case). Collection Element = MY ITEM Check the Enable checkbox. Set Element Type = Reference Information. Enter Prompt = Item Number Hint = Enter Item Number Data Type = Character Check the Mandatory checkbox. Reporting Length = 15 Click on the Actions button. This opens the Quality Actions screen. In the top half of this screen, we define Action Rules. For each Action Rule, we define the corresponding Action at the bottom-half of the screen. The steps below shall illustrate this point. Enter Action Rule Seq = 10. The Element defaults as MY ITEM Set Condition to equals (=) Select radio button Value. Enter From = SCJ180/20 Ensure that the cursor is on the Action Rules line of Seq 10. Now click on the first field in the region Actions this Rule Invokes. Display the LOV for the Actions. Select Display a message to the operator. This will activate a text box at the bottom of the screen for us to enter the message to be displayed for this action. The text box will appear under the Action Details region. Type the message - Use Test Plan for the Cutting operation. Save your work. Note: The LOV for Actions displays the values from the master list of actions available in Oracle

Quality. These values are stored in the table QA_ACTIONS. All information in this table is preseeded and should not be changed. SQL> select distinct(substr(description,0,60)) ACTION, action_id ID 2 from QA_ACTIONS 3 order by action_id; ACTION ID ------------------------------------------------------------ -------Display a message to the operator 1 Reject the input 2 Send an electronic mail notification 10 Execute a SQL script 11 Execute an operating system script 12 Launch a concurrent request 13 Create a Corrective Action Request 14 Post an entry to the Quality Action Log 15 Place the job on hold 16 Assign a shop floor status to the intraoperation step 17 Assign a lot status 18 Assign a serial status 19 Assign item status 20 Place the supplier on hold 21 Place a document or release on hold 22 Hold all schedules building this assembly on this production 23 Assign a value to a collection element 24 Accept the shipment 25 Reject the shipment 26 Assign an ASL Status 27 Launch a Workflow 28 Create a work request 29 Create a Maintenance Work Order 30 23 rows selected. Enter Seq = 20 in the next line of Action Rules. The Element defaults as MY ITEM Set Condition to equals (=) Select radio button Value. Enter From = STJ180/20 Ensure that the cursor is on the Action Rules line with Seq = 20. Now click on the first field in the region Actions this Rule Invokes. Display the LOV for the Actions. Select Display a message to the operator. In the text box under the Action Details region at the bottom of the screen, type the message Use Test Plan for the Turning operation. Save your work.

Fig 3. Action Rules for the Collection Element MY ITEM The Action Rules we have defined for the collection element MY ITEM can be queried at the table level as follows:
SQL> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SEQ --10 20 select substr(qcat.trigger_sequence,0,3) SEQ, substr(qa.description,0,33) ACTION, substr(qca.message,0,40) MESSAGE from QA_CHARS qc, QA_ACTIONS qa, QA_CHAR_ACTIONS qca, QA_CHAR_ACTION_TRIGGERS qcat where qca.action_id = qa.action_id and qca.char_action_trigger_id = qcat.char_action_trigger_id and qcat.char_id = qc.char_id and = 'MY ITEM'; ACTION --------------------------------Display a message to the operator Display a message to the operator MESSAGE ---------------------------------------Use Test Plan for the Cutting operation Use Test Plan for the Turning operation

QA_CHAR_ACTIONS contains actions defined for collection elements. Each row of the table defines one action and its detail. To summarize, this is what the collection element MY ITEM has been programmed to do: Collection Element: MY ITEM Action Action Message Display a message to the Use Test Plan for the Cutting operator operation

Action Rule MY ITEM = SCJ180/20

MY ITEM = STJ180/15

Display a message to the operator

Use Test Plan for the Turning operation

We shall now define the second Reference Information type collection element. Collection Element = MY SERIAL Check the Enable checkbox. Set Element Type = Reference Information. Enter Prompt = Serial Number Hint = Enter the Serial Number Data Type = Character Check the Mandatory checkbox. Reporting Length = 10 Save your work. Defining the Specifications We shall define specifications for the item SCJ180/20. Quality > Setup > Specifications Enter Specification Name = SPEC_ SCJ180/20 Effective (from) date defaults to todays date. Select the radio button Item Spec. Enter Item = SCJ180/20. Now click on the Spec Elements button. This opens the Specification Elements screen. Here we shall attach our predefined collection elements. From the LOV select Specification Element = SHAFT LENGTH The specification limit values that had earlier been defined for this collection element will default here. Save your work. Note: As discussed earlier, we can make this specification SPEC_ SCJ180/20 global, by assigning it to multiple organizations. First, query and retrieve the specification SPEC_ SCJ180/20 in the Specifications definition form (Fig 4). Now, click on the Org Assignments button at the bottom of the form (Fig 4). This will bring up the Organization Assignment form for Specification SPEC_ SCJ180/20 (Fig 5).


Fig 4. The Org Assignments button in the Specifications form

Fig 5. Assigning the Specification to organizations M1 and M2 The list of organizations in Fig 5 is generated automatically to correspond with the org assignment in the Master Item form. As Fig 5 shows, the specification name in each organization defaults as the original name of the specification prefixed by a white space and the organization code. We have assigned this specification to organizations M1 and M2. So the specification SPEC_SCJ180/20 that was defined in M3 is now shared by orgs M1 and M2 as well. In fact, we can assign the spec to as many orgs in the list as required.


This specification assignment form can only be used when creating a new specification. Save your work. We shall now define specifications for the item STJ 180/15. Quality > Setup > Specifications Enter Specification Name = SPEC_ STJ 180/15 Effective (from) date defaults to todays date. Select the radio button Item Spec. Enter Item = STJ 180/15 Now click on the Spec Elements button. This opens the Specification Elements screen. Here we shall attach some of our predefined collection elements. From the LOV, select Specification Element = SHAFT DIAMETER Note: In the collection elements definition form, no specification limits had been defined for this collection element. Those values can now be entered in the Specification Elements screen. Under the Spec Range tab, enter Target Value = 15 Lower = 14.5 Upper = 15.5 Click on the Reasonable Range tab and enter Lower = 13.75 Upper = 15.75 Save your work Note: The above definition of Specifications demonstrates that there are two ways of entering specification limits data for a collection element. (i) when defining the collection element itself in Quality > Setup > Collection Elements > (B) Spec Limits (ii) when attaching a predefined collection element to a Specification. If (i) is used, then the specification limits defined will default in any Specification to which this collection element is being attached. The user can override these default values. Similarly, (ii) can be used when the same collection element is likely to have different specification limits under different specifications. The table below summarizes the work done on the specifications: Spec Name Spec Type Item Spec Item Spec Spec Element Specification Range (MM) Target 180 15 Lower 179 14.5 Upper 182 15.5

SPEC_SCJ180/2 0 SPEC_STJ180/15


The master table for Specifications defined is QA_SPECS. This table has a parenttochild relationship with QA_SPECS_CHARS. Our Specification SPEC_SCJ180/20 has been defined for the item SCJ180/20 using the collection element SHAFT LENGTH. This information can be culled from the tables as shown below.


SQL> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

select substr(msib.segment1,0,15) ITEM, substr(,1,15) COLLEC_ELEMENT, substr(qsc.target_value,0,6) TARGET, substr(qsc.upper_spec_limit,0,5) USL, substr(qsc.lower_spec_limit,0,5) LSL, substr(qsc.upper_reasonable_limit,0,5) URL, substr(qsc.lower_reasonable_limit,0,5) LRL from MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B msib, QA_CHARS qc, QA_SPECS qs, QA_SPEC_CHARS qsc where qs.item_id = msib.inventory_item_id and qs.spec_id = qsc.spec_id and qc.char_id = qsc.char_id and msib.organization_id = qs.organization_id and qs.item_id in(select inventory_item_id from mtl_system_items_b where segment1 = 'SCJ180/20') and qs.spec_name = 'SPEC_SCJ180/20' and = 'SHAFT LENGTH';

ITEM COLLEC_ELEMENT TARGET USL LSL URL LRL --------------- --------------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ----SCJ180/20 SHAFT LENGTH 180 182 179 183.5 178.5

Defining a Collection Plan for the Production of SCJ180/20 Quality > Setup > Collection Plans Enter Collection Plan = 01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN Description = COLLECTION PLAN FOR SCJ180/20 Effective Date defaults to the system date. Plan Type = WIP Inspection Click on the Specifications button. In the Specification Types window, select the Item Specifications radio button and click OK. In the Quality Collection Elements region, Select from the LOV Name = MY ITEM for Seq = 10 Select from the LOV Name = MY SERIAL for Seq = 20 Select from the LOV Name = Job for Seq = 30 Select from the LOV Name = SHAFT LENGTH for Seq = 40 Select from the LOV Name = FAILURE CODE for Seq = 50 For the first collection elements MY ITEM, MY SERIAL and Job, ensure that all the three checkboxes Mandatory, Enabled, and Displayed are checked. For the collection elements SHAFT LENGTH and FAILURE CODE, the Mandatory checkbox will remain unchecked, while the other checkboxes will remain checked.


Fig 6. Defining the Collection Plan for SCJ180/20 Save your work. Note: We have attached five collection elements to this Collection Plan. The first three are of type Reference Information, the next one is of type Variable and the last one is of type Attribute. Defining Values and Actions for the individual collection elements in 01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN With the cursor still on the FAILURE CODE line, click on the Values button. We shall be copying the predefined values for FAILURE CODE onto this Collection Plan. The Values window opens up looking for Short Code and Description values. Click on the Defaults button. This opens the window Copy Values for (M3) FAILURE CODE. The message reads - You can copy the entire list of values defined for this collection element. These values appear in the Collection Elements Values window. The message is referring to the values we had defined for collection element FAILURE CODE. To copy these values into the collection plan, click on the Copy button. Once the values are copied onto the Values window, review the values. The Value IMPRECISE DIAMETER will not apply to the Collection Plan for SCJ180/20 because we shall only be measuring the length of the shaft here. So delete this value from the values window.


Fig 7. Selecting and copying the FAILURE CODE values for 01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN Now close the Values window. Save your work. Now, place the cursor on MY ITEM under Quality Collection Elements. Click on the Actions button. This opens the Quality Actions screen. Now click on the Defaults button. The same message with reference to copying the values of the collection element appears again. Click on the Copy button. The Action Rules defined previously for MY ITEM will default. The Action Rule of Seq 20 refers to the item STJ180/15. This item is not relevant to the current Collection Plan. Therefore, delete this Action Rule (Seq 20). Close the Quality Actions window. Save your work. Now, place the cursor on SHAFT LENGTH under Quality Collection Elements. Click on the Actions button. Enter Seq = 10, set Condition to less than (<). Select the radio button Spec Limit. Select from the LOV From = Lower Specification Limit. With the cursor still on the line of Seq = 10, click on the first field under Action this Rule Invokes. From the LOV select Assign a value to a collection element. Click on the Action Details button. This opens the Assign a Value screen. The system now prompts for the name of the collection element to which a value needs to be assigned if the SHAFT LENGTH value is less than the lower specification limit. Enter Assign to = FAILURE CODE. Select the Formula radio button. In the textbox, enter SCRAP (the single quotes must be entered). Click OK. Refer Fig 6.


Fig 8. Defining Action Rules for SHAFT LENGTH in 01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN Save your work. Similarly, enter another Action Rule for SHAFT LENGTH collection element. Enter Seq = 20, set Condition to greater than (>). Select the radio button Spec Limit. Select from the LOV From = Upper Specification Limit. With the cursor still on the line of Seq = 20, click on the first field under Action this Rule Invokes. From the LOV select Assign a value to a collection element. Click on the Action Details button. This opens the Assign a Value screen. The system now prompts for the name of the collection element to which a value needs to be assigned if the SHAFT LENGTH value is greater than the upper specification limit. Enter Assign to = FAILURE CODE. Select the Formula radio button. In the textbox, enter IMPRECISE LENGTH (the single quotes are mandatory). Click OK. Save your work. In the final step, we shall associate this collection plan with the WIP move transaction and have it triggered at the move between Queue of operation 10 and To move of operation 10 for the Routing of SCJ180/20. In the Collections Plan form, click on the Transactions button. This opens the Collection Transactions form. Under Quality Collection Transactions, for the field Transaction Description, select Move Transactions (Oracle Work in Process) and check the boxes Mandatory and Enabled. Checking the Mandatory box ensures that the user will have to enter the quality collection plan data in order to be allowed to process the move transaction. Now click on the Trigger Name field under Collection Triggers. From the LOV select From Op Seq Number. Set Condition to equals (=), From = 10. Add a second trigger. Trigger Name = From Intraoperation step. Set Condition to equals (=), From = Queue. Add a third trigger. Trigger Name = To Op Seq Number. Set Condition to equals (=), From = 10 Add a fourth trigger Trigger Name = To Intraoperation step. Set Condition to equals (=), From = To move.


Fig 9. Assigning 01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN to the WIP Move Transaction in the routing of SCJ180/20 Save your work. Note: In the trigger (Fig 9), all the conditions must be met for the trigger to work. To summarize the setup of 01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN: Collection Element MY ITEM SHAFT LENGTH SHAFT LENGTH FAILURE CODE DAMAGE, IMPRECISE LENGTH, SCRAP Values Action Rule MY ITEM = SCJ180/20 SHAFT LENGTH < Lower Specification SHAFT LENGTH > Upper Specification Action Display a message to the operator Assign a value to a collection element Assign a value to a collection element Message/Action Detail Use Test Plan for the Cutting operation Assign the value SCRAP to FAILURE CODE Assign the value IMPRECISE LENGTH to FAILURE CODE

Note: Collection Plans when defined are stored in the table QA_PLANS. The following query on this table displays all the Collection Plans defined for organization M3.
SQL> select substr(name,0,30) NAME, substr(description,0,45) DESCRIPTION 2 from QA_PLANS 3 where organization_id = 606 /* org M3 */


order by name;

NAME -----------------------------01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN General Receiving (M3) PO Inspection Plan (M3) Recv/Inspection (CM52293) (M3) Service Request Tracking (M3) Shipping Plan (M3) WIP Test (M3)

DESCRIPTION --------------------------------------------COLLECTION PLAN FOR SCJ180/20 General Receiving Plan Standard Purchasing Inspection Plan Inspecting Power Supplies Service Request Tracking Plan Shipping Collection Plan Work In Process System Test

Another table to take note of is QA_PLAN_TRANSACTIONS. This table stores the transaction information defined for a specific collection plan. Oracle Quality allows the user to define a collection plan for specific transactions, as well as to enter quality results for these plans while executing the parent transactions. A plan can be associated with one or more transactions. Therefore, if a Plan is attached to more than one transaction, then the field plan_transaction_id (primary key) stores a unique value for each Collection Plan and transaction combination. The transaction_number field stores the value of the transaction, which is associated with the plan. The seeded values for transaction_number are 1 = Move transaction (Oracle Work in Process), 6 = Receiving transactions (Oracle Purchasing), 20 = Service Requests (Oracle Service), 21 = Inspection Transactions (Oracle Purchasing) Querying for our collection plan. SQL> 2 3 4 select plan_transaction_id PLAN_TXN_ID, transaction_number TXN_NUM from QA_PLAN_TRANSACTIONS where plan_id = 496; /* 01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN */

PLAN_TXN_ID TXN_NUM ----------- ---------537 1 We shall now test this setup with a WIP Transaction. Perform a Miscellaneous Receipt of 50 units of SRCJ200/20 into Stores subinventory. Enter Unit Cost = $2 in the Miscellaneous Transaction form. Create a Discrete Job WIP > Discrete > Discrete Jobs Job No. 62268 Assembly = SCJ180/20 Status = Released Quantity = 10 Completion Subinventory = Stores Perform the move transaction. WIP > Move Transactions > Move Transactions Move 10 units from the Queue of Operation 10 to To move of Operation 10. Enter quantity to move as 10. Try to save your work. The system will pop up the following error message:


Fig 10. Error when trying to commit a transaction without entering Quality Results against a mandatory Collection Plan Click OK Now click on the Quality icon on the toolbar, as shown below to enter quality results.

Fig 11. The Enter Quality Results icon This opens the Enter Quality Results form. The Job number defaults in the Job field. The fields Item Number and Serial Number appear as mandatory. This is because the collection elements MY ITEM and MY SERIAL had the Mandatory checkbox checked in the 01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN. Enter the Item Number = SCJ180/120 and tab out. The system pops the following message:

Fig 12. Action Message defined against MY ITEM in 01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN This is a warning message to remind the user that the shopfloor production results have to be compared to the specifications attached to the cutting operation.


This message comes because when defining the collection element MY ITEM, under Action Rules we had defined (Action Rule Seq 10), that when MY ITEM equals SCJ180/20, then the Action this Rule Invokes is Display a message to the operator and that message was defined as Use Test Plan for the Cutting operation. So in the Quality Results window, every time the operator enters the item as SCJ180/20, this message will pop up. Click OK and proceed with the data entry as shown below:

Fig 13. Quality Results entered against 01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN Click OK, once the data entry is complete. This will close the Quality Results form and bring us back to the Move Transactions form. Click the Save button. The Move transaction gets committed. Note: When we enter the shaft length data, if we enter a value less than the Lower Specification limit, then the Failure Code defaults as SCRAP. This piece cannot be reworked and will have to be scrapped. Similarly, if we enter a value greater than the Upper Specification limit, the Failure Code defaults as IMPRECISE LENGTH. This length will have to be trimmed further (reworked). For serial Number 104, the length equals the Target length but it was found that the piece had suffered physical damage. Hence we manually selected the Failure Code value of DAMAGE from the LOV. Also, if we try to enter any value that lies beyond the range specified by the Reasonable limits, we get either of the two messages depending on the value we entered: APP-QA-16081: Value must be less than or equal to the Upper Reasonable Limit of 183.5 APP-QA-16080: Value must be greater than or equal to the Lower Reasonable Limit of 178.5 As of now all these 10 units of SCJ180/20 reside at the To move of Operation 10. What business decisions would these quality results trigger? The units with serial numbers 102 and 103 will have to be reworked. The unit with Serial Number 101 will have to be scrapped. A


decision will have to be taken on what to do with the physically damaged unit at Serial Number 104. Before we proceed any further, we can review the quality results through the utilities provided in Oracle Quality. Quality > Results > Charts > Pareto Charts Enter Chart Name = SCJ FAILURE Select Collection Plan = 01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN Y-Axis Element = Occurrence Y-Axis Function = Count X-Axis element = FAILURE CODE Display Top 5 Groups

Fig 14. Pareto chart for failures recorded for SCJ180/20 during WIP Move transaction Quality > Results > Inquiries > View Quality Results Select the Collection Plan = 01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN Place the cursor on the Results region and click on the Find (torch light) icon on the tool bar. In the Find Results widow that comes up, set Collection Element = MY ITEM, set Condition to equals and From to SCJ180/20. Enter another line. Set Collection Element to FAILURE CODE, set Condition to is entered. Click on the Find button. The View quality Results screen would display all entries against which there exists a FAILURE CODE. We will therefore perform the completion transaction for the 6 units that were inspected and found to be without fault (Serial Numbers 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110).


WIP > Material Transactions > Completion Transactions Subinventory = Stores, Quantity = 6 Click on the Lot/Serial button. Enter serial Numbers 105 to 110. Commit your transaction. These 6 units are now completed into the Stores subinventory which was the completion subinventory for SCJ180/20. Defining a Collection Plan for the Production of STJ180/15 Quality > Setup > Collection Plans Enter Collection Plan = 01 STJ COLLECTION PLAN Description = COLLECTION PLAN FOR STJ180/15 Effective Date defaults to the system date. Plan Type = WIP Inspection Click on the Specifications button. In the Specification Types window, select the Item Specifications radio button and click OK. In the Quality Collection Elements region, Select from the LOV Name = MY ITEM, Seq = 10 Select from the LOV Name = MY SERIAL, Seq = 20 Select from the LOV Name = Job, Seq = 30 Select from the LOV Name = SHAFT DIAMETER, Seq = 40 Select from the LOV Name = FAILURE CODE, Seq = 50 Note: Seq 40 is where 01 STJ COLLECTION PLAN differs from the previous plan 01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN, with collection element SHAFT DIAMETER replacing the collection element SHAFT LENGTH. Defining Values and Actions for the individual collection elements in 01 STJ COLLECTION PLAN With the cursor still on the FAILURE CODE line, click on the Values button. Click on the Defaults button. This opens the window Copy Values for (M3) FAILURE CODE. The message reads - You can copy the entire list of values defined for this collection element. These values appear in the Collection Elements Values window. The message is referring to the values we had defined for collection element FAILURE CODE. To copy these values into the collection plan, click on the Copy button. Once the values are copied onto the Values window, review the values. The Value IMPRECISE LENGTH will not apply to the Collection Plan for STJ180/15 because we shall only be measuring the diameter of the shaft here. So delete this value from the values window. Now close the Values window. Save your work. Now, place the cursor on MY ITEM under Quality Collection Elements. Click on the Actions button. This opens the Quality Actions screen. Now click on the Defaults button. The same message with reference to copying the values of the collection element appears again. Click on the Copy button. The Action Rules defined previously for MY ITEM will default. The Action Rule of Seq 10 refers to the item SCJ180/20. This item is not relevant to the current Collection Plan. Therefore, delete this Action Rule (Seq 10). Close the Quality Actions window. Save your work.


Now, place the cursor on SHAFT DIAMETER under Quality Collection Elements. Click on the Actions button. Enter Seq = 10, set Condition to less than (<). Select the radio button Value. Enter From = 14.25. Note: Unlike in the previous Collection Plan we want the shaft diameter to be not less than 14.25, which is an absolute value and not a specification limit. So we are entering the absolute value of 14.25. With the cursor still on the line of Seq = 10, click on the first field under Action this Rule Invokes. From the LOV select Assign a value to a collection element. Click on the Action Details button. This opens the Assign a Value screen. The system now prompts for the name of the collection element to which a value needs to be assigned if the SHAFT DIAMETER value is less than 14.25. Enter Assign to = FAILURE CODE. Select the Formula radio button. In the textbox, enter SCRAP (the single quotes must be entered). Click OK. Save your work. Similarly, enter another Action Rule for SHAFT DIAMETER collection element. Enter Seq = 20, set Condition to greater than (>). Select the radio button Spec Limit. Select from the LOV From = Upper Specification Limit. With the cursor still on the line of Seq = 20, click on the first field under Action this Rule Invokes. From the LOV select Assign a value to a collection element. Click on the Action Details button. This opens the Assign a Value screen. The system now prompts for the name of the collection element to which a value needs to be assigned if the SHAFT DIAMETER value is greater than the upper specification limit. Enter Assign to = FAILURE CODE. Select the Formula radio button. In the textbox, enter IMPRECISE DIAMETER (the single quotes must be entered). Click OK.


Fig 15. Action Rules for SHAFT DIAMETER in 01 STJ COLLECTION PLAN Save your work. In the final step, we shall associate this collection plan with the WIP move transaction and have it triggered at the move between Queue of operation 10 and To move of operation 10 for the Routing of STJ180/15. This setup will be identical to the setup created in Fig 9. In the Collections Plan form, click on the Transactions button. This opens the Collection Transactions form. Under Quality Collection Transactions, for the field Transaction Description, select Move Transactions (Oracle Work in Process) and check the boxes Mandatory and Enabled. Checking the Mandatory box ensures that the user will have to enter the quality collection plan data in order to be allowed to process the move transaction. Now click on the Trigger Name field under Collection Triggers. From the LOV select From Op Seq Number. Set Condition to equals (=), From = 10. Add a second trigger. Trigger Name = From Intraoperation step. Set Condition to equals (=), From = Queue. Add a third trigger. Trigger Name = To Op Seq Number. Set Condition to equals (=), From = 10 Add a fourth trigger Trigger Name = To Intraoperation step. Set Condition to equals (=), From = To move. Save your work. Create a Discrete Job. WIP > Discrete > Discrete Jobs Job No. 62368 Assembly = STJ180/15 Status = Released Quantity = 6 Completion Subinventory = Stores Perform the move transaction. WIP > Move Transactions > Move Transactions Move 6 units from the Queue of Operation 10 to To move of Operation 10. Enter quantity to move as 6. Click on the Quality icon button from the toolbar. In the Enter Quality Results window that opens up, ensure that you select the Collection Plan 01 STJ COLLECTION PLAN. The Collection Plan that defaults is the first Collection Plan in alphanumeric order. However, the Spec Name field at the bottom left of the screen displays the correct Specification name (SPEC_STJ180/15), which is picked up from the item for which the job has been created. In our case (assuming no other collection plan comes before 01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN in alphanumeric order), the collection plan that will default will be 01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN. If you try to select the correct collection plan (which is 01 STJ COLLECTION PLAN) by clicking on the right arrow, you get the error FRM-40202: Field must be entered. Click OK. In the first line of the Results region of the form, enter the Item as STJ180/15 and the Serial Number as 201. Now click on the blue right button to select the correct collection plan. Proceed with entering the Quality Results. Now when we enter the item name and tab out, we get the following message, as expected.


Fig 16. Action Message defined for MY ITEM in 01 STJ COLLECTION PLAN The results are entered as shown:

Fig 17. Quality Results entered against 01 STJ COLLECTION PLAN Serial Number 202 will probably need to be reworked. But for now, we shall complete the job for serial numbers 203, 204, 205 and 206. When we try to save the Move transaction, the Backflush screen pops up requiring us to enter the serial numbers (105 to 110) of 6 units of SCJ180/20 that had been completed into Stores subinventory. Enter the required data and save the transaction. WIP > Material Transactions > Completion Transactions Subinventory = Stores, Quantity = 4 Click on the Lot/Serial button. Enter serial numbers 203 to 206. Commit the completion transaction. Defining a Collection Plan for SS180/15


We have now reached the final stage where the shaft has to undergo the Grinding operation. Here, STJ180/15 will get processed into SS180/15. We shall now create a collection plan for WIP Completion. This plan will apply to our final assembly SS180/15. Quality > Setup > Collection Plan Enter Collection Plan = 01 SS180/15 COLLECTION PLAN Description = COLLECTION PLAN FOR SS180/15 Plan Type = WIP Inspection Click on the Specifications button. In the Specification Type window that opens up select the radio button No specifications used. Click OK. Select the collection elements as follows: MY ITEM Seq 10 Job Seq 20 MY SERIAL Seq 30 Quantity Seq 40 Quantity Passed Seq 50 Quantity Failed Seq 60 Percent Passed Seq 70 Percent Failed Seq 80 With the cursor on the Quantity Passed line (Seq 50), click on the Actions button. Now enter the Action Rule as shown in Fig 18. This Action Rule ensures that as soon as you enter the Quantity Passed figure, the Quantity Failed figure will be calculated. But, the formula to do that, has two parameters or tokens - Qty and Qtypass. What these tokens stand for has not been defined yet. So, in the Assign a Value form, click on the Variables button. This opens the Output Variables screen. Enter the Token Name = QTY and attach this to the Collection Element Quantity. Similarly, enter Token Name = QTYPASS and attach this to the Collection Element Quantity Passed. This is shown in the Fig 19. Click OK. Save your work. Now, in the Action Rules for Quantity Passed, enter another line. Set this also to Seq 10. This time enter an Action Rule such that if Quantity Passed is entered then the Percent Passed will be calculated as a formula comprising the values in the tokens qty and qtypass. Once again, for this new action Rule, we will need to attach the tokens to the collection elements they represent. This is shown in Fig 20.


Fig 18. Action Rule and Details to calculate Quantity Failed for collection element Quantity Passed

Fig 19. Associating the tokens used in the Formula (under Action Details) to collection elements


Fig 20. Action Rule and Detail to calculate Percent Passed from Quantity Passed Finally, let us decide on some Action Rule if the failure percentage exceeds a certain number say, 40%. In the main Collection Plans window, place your cursor on the Percent Failed line (Seq 80). Click on the Actions button. Enter an Action Rule such that if the Percent Failed is greater than 40%, then this rule should invoke the following actions: (i) Place the job on Hold (select from the LOV) (ii) Display a message to the operator (select from the LOV)


Fig 21. Action Rules if the collection element Percent Failed exceeds 40% The message to be displayed to the operator can be typed in as shown in Fig 21. You can even choose the Action Send an electronic mail notification and then click on the Action Details Window. You would then be able to compose the notification mail. Save your work. Special Note: If we want to enter the WIP Completion Quality Results for each individual serial number then we will have to define one more Action Rule. Ensure that the cursor is on the collection element MY SERIAL (Seq 30). Now click on the Actions button. Set Seq = 10, Condition is entered, select the Value radio button. In the region Action this Rule Invokes, select Assign a value to a collection element. Now, click on the Action Details button. Assign To = Quantity Select the radio button Formula and enter 1 in the textbox. Note: What would be the implications if this Action Rule were not defined for MY SERIAL? This is what would have happened. When we perform the entry of Quality Results during WIP Completion for each serial number of the final assembly (SS180/15), the value that would default against each serial number in the Quantity field would equal the Job Completion Quantity. This will lead to incorrect figures in the Quantity Failed field once we enter the Quantity Passed. The figure below demonstrates this (assuming we have a WIP Completion quantity = 4).

Fig 22. The erroneous value in the quantity field The reason for this is that Quantity is a collection element of type Reference Information. It therefore, derives its value from the context in which it is used. The context we have chosen is Work Order Completion and the system takes the WIP Completion Quantity from the Work Order as the "Quantity" (which is 4 in the above example). But we want the system to default a Quantity of 1 every time we enter a serial number, since the serial number represents 1 Each of the final assembly. To achieve this very objective, we defined the above action Rule against the collection element MY SERIAL. But, in this case we have decided not to enter the WIP Completion Quality Results for each individual serial number. Rather we shall enter the results for the entire completion quantity in


one line. Therefore, to automate the calculation of the collection element Percent Failed, we shall enter another collection element to Quantity Passed. In the Action Rules screen for Quantity Passed, enter another line with Seq 10. The Rule would be: When Quantity Passed is entered, assign a value to the collection element Percent Failed using the formula (1-&qtypass/&qty)*100. Thereafter, do not forget to click on the Variables button and attach the tokens qty and qtypass to collection elements Quantity and Quantity Passed respectively. Finally, we will associate this collection plan with the WIP Completion transaction. In the opening form of the Collection Plan, click on the Transactions button. Select the Transaction Description as Completion Transactions (Oracle Work in Process). Check the Mandatory and the Enabled checkboxes. In the collection Triggers region, select Trigger Name = Item, set Condition equals(=) and From = SS180/15. This setup ensures that when we perform a WIP Completion transaction for SS180/15, it will be mandatory for the user to enter Quality results into the 01 SS COLLECTION PLAN. Save your work. We shall now create a Discrete Job for the final assembly SS180/15. WIP > Discrete > Discrete Jobs Job Number 62468 Assembly = SS180/15 Status = Released Quantity = 4 Completion Subinventory = FGI WIP > Move Transactions > Move Transactions Perform a Move Transaction of 4 units from operation 10 Queue to operation 10 To move. In the Backflush screen that opens up, enter serial numbers 203 to 206 for component STJ180/15. Save your work. WIP > Material Transactions > Completion Transactions Completion Quantity = 4 Click on the Lot/Serial button. Enter Serial Numbers from 301 to 304. Click on Done to close the Lot/Serial window. Now, click on the Quality icon. In the Quality Results screen, enter Item = SS180/15, Qty Passed = 1. Tab out. Based on the Action Rules we had defined for the collection element Quantity Passed, the fields Qty Failed, % Passed and % Failed will get populated as shown below.


Fig 23. Quality Results for 01 SS COLLECTION PLAN Here we find that only one of the 4 pieces of SS180/15 have been cleared after inspection. Click on the OK button. Immediately the following message pops up:

Fig 24. The Action Message defined against the collection element Percent Failed in 01 SS COLLECTION PLAN Click OK. The Enter Quality Results screen will get closed bringing us back to the WIP Assy Completion screen. Click on Done. On querying the Discrete Job 62468, we find that the job status has changed to On Hold. A Collection Plan for Receiving We shall now perform a receiving inspection for our purchased component SRCJ200/20. For this exercise, we have defined a Supplier Quality Metal Works (Supplier Number = 8004). This supplier has Type set to Manufacturing and Receipt Routing set to Inspection Required. Quality > Setup > Collection Plans Enter Collection Plan = 01 SRCJ COLLECTION PLAN Description = Receiving Inspection Plan for SRCJ200mm/20mm Select Plan Type = Receiving Inspection Note: The plan_type_code field in the table QA_PLANS, specifies the value in the Plan Type field. The three seeded values are 1 = WIP Inspection, 2 = Supplier Inspection, 3 = FGI Inspection. However, the user can define his own plan types in Quality > Setup > Collection Plan Types. The spec_assignment_type field in the table QA_PLANS points to the specification assignment type associated with this plan. The possible values are: 1 = Validate data using Item specification, 2 = Validate data using Vendor/Item Specifications, 3 = Validate data using Customer/Item Specifications 4 = No specifications used for data validation To display this information for the all the collection plans in this paper, we use the following query: 31

SQL> 2 3 4 5 6

select substr(name,0,30) NAME, substr(plan_type_code,0,10) PLAN_TYPE, spec_assignment_type SPEC_TYPE from QA_PLANS where name like '01%' order by creation_date; PLAN_TYPE SPEC_TYPE ---------- ---------1 1 1 1 1 4 2 4


Click on the Specifications button. Select the radio button No Specification Used. We shall add the following collection elements to this Collection Plan: MY ITEM, Quantity, Inspection Result, Transaction Date and UOM Name. The checkboxes Mandatory, Enabled, and Displayed are all enabled for each of these collection elements. Now, click on the Transactions button. Select Transaction Description = Inspection Transactions (Oracle Purchasing). Ensure that the Mandatory and Enabled checkboxes are checked. In the Collection Triggers region, select Trigger Name = Supplier, Set Condition to equals (=), and From = Quality Metal Works. Save your work. Close the Quality Collection Transactions window. With the cursor on the Inspection Results (collection element) line, click on the Actions button. In the Quality Actions window enter two Quality Action rules as shown below.

Fig 25. Action Rules for collection element Inspection Result in 01 SRCJ COLLECTION PLAN


Fig 26. Action Rules for collection element Inspection Result in 01 SRCJ COLLECTION PLAN Save your work. We shall now create a Purchase Order for 50 units of SRCJ200/20. Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders Supplier = Quality Metal Works Item = SRCJ200/20, Quantity = 50 Click on the Shipments button. In the Shipments screen, click on the Receiving Controls button. Ensure that Receipt Routing is set to Inspection Required. Save your work and note the PO number. PO Number 4060. Approve the PO. We shall now receive the consignment. Purchasing > Receiving > Receipts Query using the PO Number. For the 50 units of SRCJ200/20 Destination Type displays as Receiving and Routing displays as Inspection Required. Check the box at the left of the Quantity field and with the Quantity as 50, save your work. The items have now been received into the specified location (which defaulted from the location set on the PO). Note the Receipt Number. Receipt Number = 8539. We shall now inspect the consignment. Purchasing > Receiving > Receiving Transactions Find the Receipt using the Receipt number or the PO number. For the 50 units of SRCJ200/20 Destination Type displays as Inspection and the Inspection field displays as Not Inspected Inspection Required.


Fig 27. The Inspection field in the Receiving Transactions form prior to entering Quality Results Click on the Inspect button. Enter the Quality Results as shown below.

Fig 28. Entering Quality Results for 01 SRCJ COLLECTION PLAN Click OK. Save your work. Based on the Inspection Results, we shall now perform the Receipt into Inventory. Purchasing > Receiving > Receiving Transactions Find the Receipt using the Receipt number or the PO number. The Receiving Transactions form now displays two lines. For the 43 units of SRCJ200/20 that were Accepted, Destination Type displays as Inventory and the Inspection field displays as Accepted Inspection. For this line select Subinventory = Stores. For the 7 units of SRCJ200/20 that were Rejected, Destination Type displays as Inventory and the Inspection field displays as Rejected Inspection Required. For this line select Subinventory = MRB (Material Review Board). A business decision will have to be taken of how to process theses 7 units of rejected SRCJ200/20.


Fig 29. Assigning the Accepted and the Rejected material to different subinventories Save your work. Once again we shall view the quality Results using graphical utilities. Quality > Results > Charts Enter the data as shown below:

Fig 30. Entering data to generate the Pareto Chart for Quality Results against 01 SRCJ COLLECTION PLAN The quality chart is generated as shown below.


Fig 31. Pareto Chart for Quality Results against 01 SRCJ COLLECTION PLAN Similarly, the results can also be viewed using Quality > Results > Inquiries > View Quality Results

Fig 32. Quality Results for 01 SRCJ COLLECTION PLAN viewed through Inquiries PARENT CHILD COLLECTION PLANS Based on Customer requirements and field implementations, the product development team for Oracle Quality had previously published a customization solution for parent-child collection plans in Note 152288.1. In Family Pack H, Oracle Quality is formally supporting this functionality in the application. Family Pack H provides for parent-child collection plans, which allow for establishing parent child relationships between plans and collected quality data. A parent-child relationship allows Quality users to launch multiple child collection plans from a parent plan. History relationship is a specific type of parent child relationship that supports the ability to automatically collect historical data on a child plan thereby keeping a record of any change made to the records in the parent plan.


We shall explore these features through the business case that follows under this section. Note: The parent-child functionality delivered in Family Pack H is only supported on the Oracle Forms based platform, including direct data entry and transaction integration. The parent-child functionality is not supported for the mobile and self-service execution components. A case for Parent Child Collection Plans The organization in this paper, sometimes procures shafts from suppliers. This procurement process includes the entire range of steel shafts listed in this paper SRCJ200/20, SCJ180/20, STJ180/15 and SS180/15. The quality division has set up some collection plans of type Receiving Inspection, to inspect the quality of these shafts when received from the supplier. At the top of the hierarchy is the parent plan 01SHAFT PROCUREMENT INSPECTION. This collection plan simply records the item, the serial number and the inspection result of whether the shaft is to be accepted or rejected. Now, if the shaft is rejected, then the type of defect, which the shaft suffers from, needs to be identified and recorded. This information is captured in the collection plan 01SHAFT DEFECT ANALYSIS. Thus, 01SHAFT DEFECT ANALYSIS acts as the child plan for 01SHAFT PROCUREMENT INSPECTION. However, once the defect is identified, an analysis is done on the probable cause of the defect and the observations need to be recorded in the form of Comments, which can be comprehensive and detailed. The collection plan 01SHAFT DEFECT CAUSE ANALYSIS comes into the picture to capture this very information. Therefore, 01SHAFT DEFECT CAUSE ANALYSIS is the child plan for 01SHAFT DEFECT ANALYSIS. This is a fairly simple example, but the purpose it serves is to demonstrate how the information flow can be designed to cascade from one parent plan to its child plan and from there on to plans lower down the line. The Parent child architecture for capturing quality results becomes very effective in situations where one parent quality collection record requires more than one child collection records. Taking an example from our business case, a shaft received from the supplier can be assigned the inspection result status of Reject. But an analysis of this shaft reveals that it has more than one defect. So, this shaft can have a Defect Code of Surface and Chemical (the meaning of these codes has been explained later). So the parent plan 01SHAFT PROCUREMENT INSPECTION will contain one record for this shaft identified by its item code and serial number. But since we are recording the Defect Code also (besides item code and serial number) in the child plan 01SHAFT DEFECT ANALYSIS, this (child) collection plan will have two records for the same item code and serial number. One record will have the Defect Code value as Surface and the other will have the Defect Code value as Chemical. Also, we shall define a child plan for 01SHAFT PROCUREMENT INSPECTION titled 01SHAFT INSPECTION HISTORY. This child plan will have a relationship type of History with its parent plan. Using the History Relationship would mean that whenever a record is created or updated in the parent plan 01SHAFT PROCUREMENT INSPECTION, the details of that record along with the name of the user who entered the data and the date and time stamp when the record was entered all the information would get captured in the child plan 01SHAFT INSPECTION HISTORY. Before proceeding any further, using the System Administrator responsibility, we have created four users USER1, USER2, USER3 and USER4. We have assigned the Manufacturing and Distribution Manager Responsibility to each user, so all the functions of Oracle Quality are available to these users. Log in as USER1. Define the collection plan 01SHAFT PROCUREMENT INSPECTION


Description = Inspection Plan for Steel Shaft when purchased from Suppliers Plan Type = Receiving Inspection Include the following Collection Elements: Seq 10, MY ITEM Seq 20, MY SERIAL Seq 30, Inspection Result For Inspection Result, define the same actions and action rules as shown in Fig 25 and Fig 26. The Mandatory, Enabled and Displayed checkboxes are checked for all the collection elements. Save your work. Add the following values in Defect Code collection element Quality > Setup > Collection Elements Short Code = Chemical Description = Damage from rust and exposure to chemicals Short Code = Under Dia Description = Diameter less than lower spec limit due to excess turning/grinding We shall also be using the following already defined values Physical - Physical Damage This would be used for items with serious physical damage caused by dents and cracks. Surface - Surface Damage This would be used for items with surface damage caused by scratches and abrasions. Define the collection plan 01SHAFT DEFECT ANALYSIS Description = Analysis of Defects in Steel Shafts procured from Suppliers Plan Type = Receiving Inspection Include the following Collection Elements Seq 10, MY ITEM Seq 20, MY SERIAL Seq 30, Inspection Result Seq 40, Defect Code For Defect Code, click on the Values button. Now click on the Defaults button. The system presents the option of copying all the existing values for Defect Code. Copy all the values. Now, delete the Defect Code unwanted values, such that the collection plan is left with the four values we have selected - Physical, Surface, Chemical and Under Dia. Save your work. Define the collection plan 01SHAFT DEFECT CAUSE ANALYSIS Description = Cause Analysis for Defects in Steel Shafts procured from Suppliers Plan Type = Receiving Inspection Seq 10, MY ITEM Seq 20, MY SERIAL Seq 30, Defect Code Seq 40, Comments Define Collection Plan = 01SHAFT INSPECTION HISTORY Description = History of Procured Shaft Inspection Plan Type = Receiving Inspection Include the Collection Elements: Seq 10, MY ITEM Seq 20, MY SERIAL Seq 30, Inspection Result Save your work.


We shall now define the parent child relationships. Quality > Setup > Define Parent Child Plan Relationship This opens up the Self Service window titled Define Parent Child Collection Plan Relationship. From the LOV select Organization as M3. For the Parent Plan field, click on the flashlight icon. This will open the window Search and Select: Parent Plan. Click on the button Go. All the Collection Plans defined for M3, will now be listed as shown below in Fig 33.

Fig 33. Selecting the parent plan from the collection plans listed in organization M3 Select the plan 01SHAFT PROCUREMENT INSPECTION. Click on the Select button on the bottom right or the top right of the screen. The Parent Plan field now gets populated with this value. Similarly select 01SHAFT DEFECT ANALYSIS for the field Child Plan. In Plan Relationship Type, select Parent Child. This is the only relationship type value available in the LOV. Set Child Data Entry Mode = Immediate, as shown in Fig 34.


Fig 34. Selecting the Child Data Entry Mode Note: As Fig 34 shows, there are four child data entry modes. !" Immediate: this means that when entering data in the parent collection plan, the user will be prompted to enter the corresponding quality results for the applicable child plans. Without doing so, the user will not be able to save the record in the parent plan. !" Automatic: once the user enters the record in the parent plan, the system will insert a number of rows (as specified by the user, if he selects this option), in the applicable child plans. !" Delayed: here users have the choice to enter results in the applicable child plans at a later point of time. To do so, they would need to click on the Enter Child Records button. !" History: any time data is entered or updated in the parent plan, a record is inserted in the History plan automatically by the system. This helps maintain an audit trail of all additions and changes made to the data in the parent collection plan. Once the data entry mode for the child plan is selected, click on the Next button. We are now required to enter the Parent Child Collection Element Relationship. We want all the data from the parent plan to get copied into the child plan. So, we use the Relationship Type as is copied to. This is the only relationship type that relates from parent to child. All other relationship types (refer Fig 35 below), relate from the child to the parent. All the relationship type elements other than is copied to are numerical type elements and serve to copy the data from the child plan to the parent plan, whenever such a requirement arises in quality data collection.


Fig 35. Establishing the relationship between the collection elements of the Parent and the Child plans The Parent Child Key check box is selected to indicate that the Parent Element value and the Child Element value are logically linked together. For example, in the Parent Plan, we are collecting the inspection result against an item and the serial number for that unit. In the Child Plan, we are going to record the Defect Code against that serial number for the item. It is logical to store the item number and the serial number in both the parent and child collection plans to establish this link. Now, click on the Next button. We will now have to define the Parent Child Collection Plan Criteria. Note: The idea here is that when Inspection Result = Reject in the Parent Plan (01SHAFT PROCUREMENT INSPECTION), then the user would be prompted to enter the Defect Code in the Child Plan (01SHAFT DEFECT ANALYSIS). We shall be using the same criteria (Inspection Result = Reject), to link 01SHAFT DEFECT ANALYSIS to its child 01SHAFT DEFECT CAUSE ANALYSIS. This setup would ensure that as soon as we enter the Defect Code for the item in 01SHAFT DEFECT ANALYSIS, we would be required to enter our comments in the child plan 01SHAFT DEFECT CAUSE ANALYSIS.


Fig 36. Selecting the Inspection Result value in defining the Parent Child Collection Plan Criteria

Fig 37. The Parent Child Collection Plan Criteria Click on the Next button.


Fig 38. Summary of the Parent Child relationship before confirmation Click on the Submit button (not shown in Fig 38).

Fig 39. The message on successfully creating the Parent Child relationship This completes the first of the three Parent Child relationships that we are going to define in this paper. Now, on to our second Parent Child relationship. Click the OK button in the window that displays the message as shown in Fig 39. This brings us back to the Parent Child Relationship definition form. Note: If, you had closed the Self Service window, then you would need to use the navigation Quality > Setup > Define Parent Child Plan Relationship to re-launch the Self Service window.


Enter the data as detailed below. Select from the LOV, Organization = M3 Dallas Manufacturing Parent Plan = 01SHAFT DEFECT ANALYSIS Child Plan = 01SHAFT DEFECT CAUSE ANALYSIS Plan Relationship Type = Parent Child Child Data Entry Mode = Immediate Click on the Next button. Enter the Parent Child Collection Element Relationship as shown in the table below. Parent Element MY ITEM MY SERIAL Defect Code Relationship Type is copied to is copied to is copied to Child Element MY ITEM MY SERIAL Defect Code Parent Child Key Yes Yes No

Click on the Next button. Enter the Parent Child Collection Plan Criteria as Parent Element Inspection Result Condition equals From Reject

Click on the Next button. Submit the relationship. The Parent Child Relationship is successfully created. Now, click on the OK button. We will now create our third and last Parent Child relationship. Select from the LOV, Organization = M3 Dallas Manufacturing Parent Plan = 01SHAFT PROCUREMENT INSPECTION Child Plan = 01SHAFT INSPECTION HISTORY Plan Relationship Type = Parent Child Child Data Entry Mode = History Click on the Next button. Enter the Parent Child Collection Element Relationship as shown in the table below. Parent Element MY ITEM MY SERIAL Inspection Result Relationship Type is copied to is copied to is copied to Child Element MY ITEM MY SERIAL Inspection Result Parent Child Key Yes Yes No

Click on the Next button. Enter the Parent Child Collection Plan Criteria as Parent Element MY ITEM Condition is entered

Click on the Next button.


Submit the relationship. The Parent Child Relationship is successfully created. We shall now enter the Quality Results for the Parent Child Collection Plans that we have set up. Quality > Results > Entry > Enter Quality Results Enter Collection Plan = 01SHAFT PROCUREMENT INSPECTION In the Results region, enter the first record. Item = SS180/15 Serial Number = 411 Inspection Result = Reject and then tab out. The following message pops up on the screen: APP-QA-16237: You should enter values for child plan(s) 01SHAFT DEFECT ANALYSIS before saving this record. Click OK. In the field Child Plan at the bottom of the screen, click on the drop down list. This list will display the two child plans (01 SHAFT DEFECT ANALYSIS and 01SHAFT INSPECTION HISTORY) that are associated with 01 SHAFT PROCUREMENT INSPECTION as their parent. Select 01 SHAFT DEFECT ANALYSIS. Now, click on the button Enter. This will open the Enter Quality Results screen for 01 SHAFT DEFECT ANALYSIS. As defined earlier in our setup, the Item Number, Serial Number and Inspection Result values are copied from the parent plan. The field to be entered now is Defect Code. From the LOV for Defect Code, select Physical. The following message pops up on the screen: APP-QA-16237: You should enter values for child plan(s) 01SHAFT DEFECT CAUSE ANALYSIS before saving this record. Click OK. This time when you select the drop down list in the Child Plan field, it shows the child plan as 01SHAFT DEFECT CAUSE ANALYSIS. Select this plan from the list. Now, click the Enter button. This will open the Enter Quality Results screen for 01 SHAFT DEFECT CAUSE ANALYSIS. As defined earlier in our setup, the Item Number, Serial Number and Defect Code values are copied from the parent plan. The field to be entered now is Comments. Enter your observations in Comments. Now click on the OK button. The message pops up stating that 1 record has been applied and saved. Accept the message and click OK. We are now back to the Quality Results screen for 01SHAFT DEFECT ANALYSIS. Again click on the OK button. The message pops up stating that 1 record has been applied and saved. Accept the message and click OK. We are now back to the Quality Results screen for 01SHAFT PROCUREMENT INSPECTION. Save your work. We have now entered one complete set of records for the Parent Child relationships we had formed between the three collection plans using the Immediate Child Data Entry Mode. This process can be repeated for as many records as are required to be entered.


We shall now see the impact this exercise has had on the collection plan 01SHAFT INSPECTION HISTORY. Quality > Results > Inquiries > View Quality Results Enter Collection Plan = 01SHAFT INSPECTION HISTORY Click on the Find Plan button. We see the record in the Results region as shown in Fig 40.

Fig 40. The record inserted into the History Collection Plan The Child Data Entry Mode being History, as a child plan, 01SHAFT INSPECTION HISTORY will always carry a record corresponding to any creation or updating of data in the Parent Plan 01SHAFT PROCUREMENT INSPECTION. Some new tables have been introduced in Oracle Quality to support the Parent Child Relationship feature. These are: !" QA_PC_PLAN_RELATIONSHIP: This table stores the parent_plan_id and the child_plan_id, along with the relation type. !" QA_PC_ELEMENT_RELATIONSHIP: This table stores the relationships between the parent and child plan elements. !" QA_PC_CRITERIA: This table stores the criteria for the child plans to be applicable. !" QA_PC_RESULTS_RELATIONSHIP: This table stores the relationship between two parent and child result rows. Some new views have also been introduced in Oracle Quality to support the Parent Child Relationship feature. These are: !" QA_PC_RESULT_COLUMNS_V !" QA_PC_PLAN_COLUMNS_V !" QA_PC_CRITERIA_COLUMNS_V COLLECTION PLAN SECURITY Currently Oracle Quality does not limit the access of users to Quality Collection Plans. When the user initially signs on with the user_id and password this is the only limit we have to accessing Collection Plans and making updates. In Manufacturing Family Pack G, improved security has been added to Oracle Quality. The enhancements for this area are: !" Provide security for results by collection plan !" Define security constraints for results entry !" Define security constraints for results update !" Define security constraints for results deletion This means an operator (or a group) is given privilege to perform a set of functions (say, enter and view only) on a set of collection plans (say, PLAN A, PLAN C and PLAN F). Securing the collection plans created in this paper


Quality > Setup > User Groups Enter User Group Name = GROUP A Now, we shall add members to this group as shown below User Login USER1 USER2 Last Name Twain Dickens First Name Mark Charles Enabled Yes Yes

Save your work. Now, define another group of users. Enter User Group Name = GROUP B Now we shall add members to this group as shown below User Login USER3 USER4 Last Name Hemingway Bronte First Name Ernest Emily Enabled Yes Yes

Save your work. We shall now grant privileges to each group with reference to collection plans. Quality > Setup > Grant Privileges



Change Plan Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes

Enter Results Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes

View Results Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Update Results Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes

Delete Results Yes No No No No No Yes No Yes









Now to turn Security on, set the Profile Option QA:Collection Plan Security = Yes. Since we are already logged in as USER1 let us verify how many collection plans are visible to USER1 (belonging to GROUP A). Quality > Results > Inquiries > View Quality Results The LOV for Collection Plans will display only those collection plans for which USER1 has been assigned View Quality Results privilege. These are: 01 SS COLLECTION PLAN 01 STJ COLLECTION PLAN 01 SCJ COLLECTION PLAN 01SHAFT INSPECTION HISTORY The same applies to the enter and update privileges too, when we access the respective forms. CONCLUSION The data collection structure in Oracle Quality comprises collection elements, specifications and collection plans. Collection elements are the basic building blocks of this data collection structure and are used in specifications as well as in collection plans. Oracle Quality provides three seeded collection element types Attribute, Variable and Reference Information type. The nature of the parameter that needs to be inspected or monitored, determines which collection element(s) to use in the collection plan. If a collection plan is made mandatory, then the transaction to which it is attached cannot be completed and saved without entering the quality results. Manufacturing Family Packs G, H and I have introduced some major features in Oracle Quality. Specifications defined in one organization can now be shared across multiple organizations. This is made possible through the Global Specifications feature introduced through Family Pack I. Parent Collection plans can now launch multiple child plans once the relationship has been established between them. This feature was incorporated in Family Pack H. The privileges to change, enter, view, update and delete collection plans have been introduced through Family Pack G. This makes it possible to fine-tune the security of collection plans by assigning specific privileges with respect to each plan to specific groups of users. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to record my sincere appreciation towards: !" Larry Gray and Suren Jalali for reviewing this paper and for making it complete with their feedback and inputs. My deep gratitude goes to Larry for enriching this paper with his valuable insight into the enhanced features that have been added to Oracle Quality through Manufacturing Family Packs G, H and I. !" Ankur Bhatia, from the Core Manufacturing QE team at IDC Hyderabad, for reviewing some of the setups and for resolving some issues that came up in the course of testing the collection plan security scenario. !" Adiraju Sastry and Srikant Bevara for their encouragement and constant support for this project !" Diane Davis, for her invaluable help through the review and the publishing process. This paper would not have been possible without the assistance received from these individuals.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR Saumit Mandal CPIM, is a Senior Support Engineer and a BDE for Core Manufacturing at Oracles India Support Center, Bangalore

White Paper: A Guide to Oracle Quality Author: Saumit Mandal CPIM Contributing Authors: N/A Oracle Corporation World Headquarters 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065 U.S.A. Worldwide Inquiries: Phone: +1.650.506.7000 Fax: +1.650.506.7200 Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. Various product and service names referenced herein may be trademarks of Oracle Corporation. All other product and service names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright 2003 Oracle Corporation All rights reserved.


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