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I. Short Definition: To begin, the second mate is a licensed member of the deck department of a merchant ship who owns a Second Mate certificate of competency. He is an important member of the deck department. He is often the medical officer and is in charge of maintaining distress signaling eq ipment. !lso, he s ally assists the chief mate with the tank"cleaning operations.


#hat are his main responsibilities$ The second mate has many responsibilities on board. %irst, he is responsible of the ships safe na&igation, so he has to check that e&erything is fine before the ship starts sailing in the ocean. Second, he has to respond to emergencies beca se sometimes he acts as a medical officer, so he has to be prepared and ready to safe any seaman life. Third, he is in charge of checking the charts while the &essel is sailing.

Pronunciacion: Da second meit jas meni responsi i!itis on ord" #erst$ ji is responsi o! o% da s&ips sei% na'i(eis&on$ sou ji jas tu c&e) dat e rit&in is %ain i%or da s&ip starts sei!in in di ous&an" Second$ ji jas tu respond tu emer(encis icos somtaims ji acts as a medica! o%icer$ sou ji jas tu i pripeir an redi tu sei% eni siman !ai%" T&erd$ ji is in c&urc& o% c&e)in da c&arts uai! da 'esse! is sei!in"


#hat kind of personality traits and special skills does he need for this 'ob$ %irst, it is &ery important that a second officer speaks in (nglish for the IM). Second, the second officer m st be able to transmit and recei&e signals by Morse light and to se the International *ode of Signals. Third, he m st be able to s per&ise the loading, stowage, sec ring and nloading of cargoes and abo t personality traits+ he m st be intelligent, a risk taker, sincere, self"disciplined and a tr stworthy person.

I,. I,. I,. I,. I,. I,. I,. My opinion:

-arissa: To s m p, I belie&e that a second mate is a really important person on board and he m st be a prepared and e.perienced person beca se he has many responsibilities and he can/t make mistakes

0recya: To concl de, from my point of &iew I strongly belie&e that he needs to know how to work with a big gro p of people and how to protect their life in diffic lt circ mstances.

Pronunciacion: Tu conc!ud$ %rom mai point o% 'iu ai estron(!i i!i% dat ji nids tu nou jau tu *or) *it& a i( (rup o% pipo! an jau tu protect deir !ai% in di%icu!t circunstanses"

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