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Characters in The Catcher In The Rye 1.

) Holden Caulfield- Holden is a 16 year boy who went to school called Pencey Prep. Holden is kicked out of Pencey Prep during the book. He cannot stand people that are phoneys or who are too typical. Holden is a virgin but he thinks about sex often and thought the book he is trying to lose his virginity. 2.) Ackley- Is Holdens neighbor at Pencey Prep. Holden describes Ackley as a pimply guy that has bad dental hygiene. Ackley lies about having sex because he tries to tell Holden about all these past sexual experiences he has had that arent true. Sometimes Ackley randomly comes into Holdens room and he never gets the hints that Holden wants him to leave. 3.) Stradlater - Holdens roommate at Pencey Prep. Stradlater is good looking and has high self-esteem. Holden calls him a secret slob, because he looks to be well kept, but his toiletries, unclean. Stradlater is sexually active and experienced for a prep school student. 4.) Jane Gallagher - A girl that Holden spent a lot of time one summer, Jane is one of the few girls that Holden both respects and finds attractive. 5.) Phoebe Caulfield - Phoebe is Holdens ten-year-old sister and Holden loves her. Phoebe is a really good dancer and is also really smart. 6.) Allie Caulfield Allie is Holdens younger brother and he died 3 years before this book was written. Holden was strongly affected by Allies death. 7.) D. B. Caulfield - Holdens older brother. 8.) Mr. Spencer - Holdens history teacher at Pencey Prep. 9.) Mr. Antolini - Holdens previous English teacher at the Elkton Hills School. 10.) Sunny - The prostitute that Holden hires.

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