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OB Issues paper NURS 330- Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family Purpose of Assignment To examine a controversial issue, whether

political or publicly debated womens health, obstetric, or neonatal, and present both sides equally. Student Approach to Assignment This paper discusses the ethical implications of selective reduction after IVF therapy and provides the advantages and disadvantages without offering persuasion to one side or the other. Before deciding on this topic, I researched extensively several different ideas in obstetric and nursing literature and in political media. I chose this topic because I am particularly interested in obstetric nursing and today it is increasingly more common to care for laboring mothers who conceived via IVF. Instead of discussing the pros and cons of IVF itself, this paper focuses on the advantages and disadvantages specifically regarding selective reduction after IVF had already been performed. Reason for Inclusion of the Assignment in the Portfolio This assignment is included in my portfolio because it demonstrates my ability to relate an ethical issue to obstetric nursing and support either side adequately and equally with research support. This demonstrates my ability to react objectively and provide holistic and unbiased care in the clinical setting. The following objectives are highlighted: Communication Produces clear, accurate, and relevant writing using correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. Example: In this paper, I equally presented both sides of the ethical issue of selective reduction after IVF treatment in a clear and concise manner with minimal grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors and with the inclusion of accurate information to support each side based in research. Accesses and utilizes data and information from a wide range of sources to enhance patient and professional communication. Example: In this paper, I supported the advantages and disadvantages of selective reduction with five sources of literature support including reviews and primary research, to showcase the plethora of research in favor of either side of the issue in order to present information as thorough as possible and enhance healthcare professionals and patients understanding of the risks and benefits of the procedure so that together they may make informed and responsible decisions. Teaching Uses information technologies and other appropriate methods to communicate health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention across the lifespan.

Example: I utilized several literature sources in order to educate patients, families, and healthcare providers on the associated risks of embryo reduction, such as when I discussed the possibility of placental abruption, which is related to uterine over distention caused by too many babies in one small space. Therefore by presenting this information I am attempting to reduce this and other risks by properly informing in order to facilitate responsible decision-making. Research Applies research-based knowledge from nursing as the basis for culturally sensitive practice. Example: In the conclusion of this paper I discuss that there is substantial research supporting both the advantages and disadvantages of selective reduction. There are significant health, financial, emotional and societal risks to a woman, the embryos, and her family that may influence a woman to selective reduce the number of embryos she carries. However, doing so may pose some societal and emotional risks as well. Therefore, it is important to take the knowledge of these risks gained from the literature and provide this information in an unbiased manner to all clients in order to provide culturally sensitive practice and to allow the woman to choose whatever decision is best for her and her culture. Shares research findings with colleagues. Example: In this discussion, my intended audience included registered nurses and other healthcare professionals. Therefore, with the inclusion of a variety of research citations and integration of these sources to support the information presented, I intended to share this research with my colleagues. Culture Considers the impact of research outcomes, and the effects of health and social policies, on persons from diverse backgrounds. Example: The outcomes of all of the research used for this paper affects people from a variety of backgrounds, and had the potential to effect health and social policies. For example, the research that shows the numerous and significant health risks of carrying more than three embryos at once will reinforce the decision to selectively reduce for those women that do not look at it as murder and who would rather have a healthy life for themselves and the children they do deliver. Contrarily, it may cause conflict for those women who feel that selective reduction is the same as killing. The research that discusses all of the emotional and societal ramifications may, alternatively support those women who are pro-life for example.

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