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Lesson Sketch for EDT 313 Individual completing this lesson plan: Lesson title: Different Sports in Different

Seasons was taught: 4/1/14 Bethany Vannoy Date that lesson

Standards in 2 Domains: Approaches Towards Learning. Engagement !ersistence. !ersistence" #arry o$t tas%s& acti'ities& pro(ects& or e)periences from *eginning to end. !hysica+ ,e++"Being and -otor De'e+opment. -otor De'e+opment. Large -$sc+e& Ba+ance and #oordination" Demonstrate coordination in $sing o*(ects d$ring acti'e p+ay .e.g.& throwing& catching& %ic%ing *a++s& riding tricyc+e/. Instructional ob ectives: list 2observable/measurable objectives for this lesson. Use precise language w/ action verbs. The st$dent wi++ *e a*+e to: 1. Sit sti++ whi+e +istening to instr$ctions and wi++ participate in p+ay with sports e0$ipment 1. #atch the *ase*a++ type *a++& %ic% the soccer *a++& hit the 'o++ey*a++ and other types of *a++s.

E!periences: Describe authentic (real life, hands-on not representational) materials and enticing/ creative e periences in
which children are activel! engaged. "afet! should be addressed if warranted.

Teacher wi++ disc$ss with the st$dents what types of sports are p+ayed in winter and spring. As%ing the st$dents if they ha'e e'er p+ayed any of the sports or ($st watched them *eing p+ayed. E)amp+es: ,inter"2oc%ey& 3oot*a++& Bas%et*a++& S%iing& Snow*oarding& 4ce S%ating Spring"Base*a++& Spring& Soccer& Lacrosse& Tennis& Teacher wi++ as% what are the differences *etween the sports. St$dents wi++ *e a*+e to interact with the e0$ipment either on the p+aygro$nd or in the c+assroom. Addressing that there is protecti'e e0$ipment that needs to *e worn& so the st$dents wi++ %now they cannot throw it at each other 'ery hard. 5eeping an eye on the st$dents to ma%e s$re they are safe wi++ he+p pre'ent accidents. Evidence of student learning: !ict$res of the st$dents with the e0$ipment. Lang$age ana+ysis"what %ind of +ang$age are they $sing to descri*e the sports and e0$ipment.

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