Lime Sugar Cookies-Jumbo

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Giant Lime Sugar Cookies Crispy on the outside, slightly chewy on the inside, these super-sized treats pack

a punch of lime in every bite. cups all-purpose flour ! teaspoon baking soda !" teaspoon salt !"$ c. vegetable shortening tablespoons light corn syrup ! tsp. vanilla e'tract !"# cup yellow cornmeal !" teaspoon cream of tartar !"$ C. butter, softened %no substitutes& ! !" cups sugar, divided ! large egg $ ( ) !" tsp. lime zest, divided

*hisk together flour, cornmeal, baking soda, cream of tartar and salt in a large bowl. Set aside. +eat butter, shortening and ! cup sugar in a large mi'er bowl on medium-high speed until light and creamy, to $ minutes. +eat in corn syrup, then egg until combined. +eat in vanilla and $ tablespoons lime peel, scraping side of bowl until blended. ,t low speed, beat in flour mi'ture -ust until combined. Cover and refrigerate dough ! hour. .eat oven to $/012. 3i' together combined. Set aside. tablespoons sugar and remaining !" teaspoon lime peel in a small bowl until well cookie sheets with foil. 2ill a !"#-cup dry measuring cup with dough.

Spread remaining !"$ cup sugar on a plate. Line Shape dough into a ball4 then roll in sugar.

5lace on prepared cookie sheet. *ith bottom of a glass, gently press top of ball into a

!" -inch circle.

6epeat with remaining dough and sugar, arranging # cookies on each cookie sheet. +ake cookies until edges begin to color, ! to !/ minutes. Cool cookies on pan / minutes. Sprinkle warm cookies with lime-sugar mi'ture. (ransfer to wire racks and cool completely. %Can be made ahead. 2reeze in airtight container up to one month.& 3akes ! cookies. (hese can be made smaller for more cookies. ,d-ust cooking time. ,nother 7ote8 (he recipe for this dough makes a great pie crust for chiffon pies.

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