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Farmland Preservation in Kent Count Tar n S! "orst PA #$%

FARMLAND PRESERVATION A'stra(t Kent Count ) Mi(*i+an is *ome to some o, t*e most -rodu(tive ,armland in t*e (ountr ! Mi(*i+an de-ends on t*e e.-orts and t*e -rodu(ts t*at t*ese ,arms -rovide! Kent Count *olds


1%$)1%% a(res t*at are in dan+er o, 'ein+ /as*ed a/a ' t*e /ave o, ur'an s-ra/l! T*is -a-er re(ommends t*at t*e (ount s*ould ta0e several initiatives i, t*e (ount is serious a'out -rote(tin+ t*ese vulnera'le and valua'le ,arms! Re+ional -lannin+ is one /a t*at Kent Count (an -rote(t Mi(*i+an ,armland! Re+ional -lannin+ /ould -ut to+et*er t*e s*ards o, to/ns*i-s) (ities) ,arms) and ot*er (ommunities into a more (on(isel -lanned (ount /it* distin(t -lans on /*ere ur'an areas ma +ro/! Anot*er /a to -rote(t ,armland is ' (reatin+ in(entives ,or ,armers to -rote(t t*eir land and ,or develo-ers not to develo- o-en s-a(es! T*is -a-er also re(ommends -rote(tin+ ,armland ' su--ortin+ t*e Pur(*ase o, Develo-ment Ri+*ts! T*ese land ri+*ts onl need to 'e -ur(*ased on(e) and (an *el- ,armers -ass on to t*e ne.t +eneration /*ile still -rovidin+ mone ,or retirement /it*out *avin+ to sell t*e land! 1ealt* and -rote(ted ,armland *el- (ontri'ute to a *ealt* (ount e(onom !

FARMLAND PRESERVATION Farmland Preservation in Kent Count I! Introdu(tion II! Land 2ort* Savin+ III! Re+ional Plannin+ IV! 3r'an Plannin+ V! Pur(*ase o, Develo-ment Ri+*ts VI! Kent Count VII! Con(lusion VIII! 2or0 Cited


Introduction Per*a-s it *as al/a s 'een t*e Ameri(an /a to s-ra/l out! T*e Ameri(an -eo-le /ere en(oura+ed and o,ten times re/arded ,or s-readin+ out and develo-in+ t*e -reviousl Native Ameri(an o/ned land! T*is ma 'e /* it is so in+rained in our (ulture to s-read out! "ut as t*e -o-ulation *as +ro/n so too *ave -eo-le moved into (ities and a/a ,rom t*e ,arms! 1avin+ s-a(e 'et/een nei+*'ors and livin+ in a *ouse /it* some s-a(e *ave 'e(ome 0e ,a(tors to /*at -eo-le (onsider t*e 5Ameri(an Dream6! T*is idea is aided ' ,ederal and state t*at -rovide in,rastru(ture no matter *o/ ,ar d/ellin+ is a/a ,rom t*e (it ! It *as +iven Ameri(ans t*e ,inan(ial lee/a to s-ra/l out over t*e (ountr side! "ut untou(*ed land or ,armland (an -rovided man t*in+s t*at are lost t*rou+* develo-ment! On an e(olo+i(al level) areas /it* +reen s-a(e (an -rovide *a'itats ,or /ild animals and a -la(e ,or -lants to +ro/! On a (ommunit level) areas /it* +reen s-a(e (an -rovide -eo-le /it* ,iltered air) /ater) and also (an -rovide -la(es o, re(reation! 7et /it*out in(entive t*ese +reen s-a(es ma 'e lost) and /it* t*em) lo(al a+ri(ulture! Kent Count ) Mi(*i+an needs to ,o(us on -rote(tin+ t*ese ,arms ' (ommittin+ to a re+ional +overnment) (reatin+ ta. in(entives to -rote(t ,armland) and ' (ontri'utin+ ,unds to t*e Pur(*ase o, Develo-ment Ri+*ts! Land Worth Saving A((ordin+ to t*e A+ri(ulture Census t*e 3nited States *as lost over ,our million a(res o, a+ri(ultural land 'et/een &$$& and &$$%! T*e -o-ulation o, t*e 3nited States onl +re/ ' t*irt -er(ent8 /*ere as t*e amount o, develo-ed land +re/ ' ,i,t 9seven -er(ent :'et/een t*e ears o, 1;<& and &$$%=! T*is -resents a *u+e issue to Mi(*i+an 'e(ause in Mi(*ian) develo-ment *as 'een eatin+ u- valua'le ,armland) et Mi(*i+an is t*e onl state to *ave lost

FARMLAND PRESERVATION -o-ulation a((ordin+ to t*e &$1$ Census! T*ere is a -ro'lem /*en a on(e -rodu(tive or(*ard 'e(omes a -ar0in+ lot ,or a stri- mall) or a ne/ to/ns*i-! 2it* sales alone) a+ri(ulture 'rin+s in around ?&&@!@ million a((ordin+ to t*e state 'ud+et ,or &$$;! And a((ordin+ to t*e Mi(*i+an De-artment o, A+ri(ulture) Mi(*i+an e.-orted more t*an ?1!%> 'illion a+ri(ulture -rodu(ts out o, t*e (ountr in &$1$! T*e de-artment also estimates t*at ever dollar made in a+ri(ulture e.-orts stimulates ?1!#1 ,or ot*er 'usiness ventures! Farmland is vital to t*e interests o, Mi(*i+anAs ,uture! T*e &$$% Census o, A+ri(ulture reveals t*at in Kent Count t*ere are 1)1;# ,arms in Kent Count ) /*i(* *old 1%$)11% a(res o, land! T*e avera+e ,arm is a'out 14# a(res and t*e avera+e mar0et value o, ea(* a(re is ?4)<#;! T*e avera+e estimated mar0et value o, all eBui-ment is ?<@);@<! Mi(*i+an needs to -a attention to ,armland 'e(ause o, t*e revenue ,armland :-aired /it* ,ood -rodu(tion= 'rin+s into t*e state! Mi(*i+an State 3niversit ,ound t*at a+ri(ulture and t*e -rodu(tion o, ,ood 'rin+s in ?4;&!# 'illion in t*e ear &$1$ ,or t*e state! Farmin+ alone 'rin+s in ?1$!4 'illion! T*at does not in(lude ,ood and leat*er -ro(essin+) ,lori(ulture) tur, +rass) and et*anol -rodu(tion! Mi(*i+an a+ri(ulture *as (reated Cust under 14)$$$ Co's! T*e re-ort done ' Mi(*i+an State s*o/s t*at Mi(*i+an *as more t*an %#)$$$ ,ull9time ,armers and ,arm /or0ers! All o, t*is data -oints to 'e+s one BuestionD A,ter t*e ,ailin+ auto industr ) (an Mi(*i+an ris0 loosin+ a


'oomin+ a+ri(ultural industr as /ellE T*e ans/er is undou'tedl 5no6! Fo(usin+ es-e(iall on Kent Count ) /*i(* (ontains ver -rodu(tive ,arms t*at are in +reat ris0 o, 'ein+ lost to ,urt*er s-ra/l and develo-ment! Regional government Fra+mented lo(al +overnments (an lead to im-ro-er use o, land and (an +reatl (ontri'ute to ur'an s-ra/l and t*us t*e de-letion o, usea'le ,armland! Mi(*i+an in -arti(ular is

FARMLAND PRESERVATION a (*allen+in+ state ,or re+ional -lannin+! Elisa'et* Fer'er and C! Lo* :&$1$=) resear(*ed /*et*er or not Mi(*i+an /as ri-e ,or (*an+e ,rom ,ra+mentation to re+ionalism! T*e /rote t*at Mi(*i+an is a (*allen+e 'e(ause Mi(*i+an su--orts a stron+ individual rule and 'e(ause it 5vests -lannin+ aut*orit and servi(e deliver in ,ra+mented lo(al +overnments and to/ns*i-s8 o,,ers ,e/ state mandates) in(entives or resour(es ,or re+ional -lannin+8 and en,or(es several statutes t*at im-ede stron+ re+ional -lannin+ e,,orts6 :&#$4=! It is di,,i(ult to +et t*e 'all rollin+

on /*et*er or not Mi(*i+an is read to 'e(ome a re+ional (ommunit ! "e(ause o, t*e attitude o, stron+ *ome rule t*at is -resented ' t*e (itiGens o, Mi(*i+an) it is di,,i(ult to -ut a sto--er in t*e lea0in+ (ontainer o, ur'an s-ra/l! Fer'er and Lo*As :&$1$= stud on t*e /illin+ness o, lo(al o,,i(ials to +et involved /it* re+ional -lannin+ s*o/ed t*at t*e (urrent state o, Mi(*i+anAs e(onom ma -rovide a /indo/ ,or re+ionalism to ta0e *old! Fort 9t*ree -er(ent o, surve ed o,,i(ials 'elieve t*at t*eir Curisdi(tionAs involvement /it* re+ional -lannin+ ,alls s*ort o, /*at it s*ould 'e) and onl t/o -er(ent o, o,,i(ials 'elieve t*at t*eir involvement is too mu(*! Mi(*i+an *as t*e (*an(e to move to/ard (*an+e and 'e+in ado-tin+ adCusted re+ional -oli(ies ,or t*e state! It is time ,or Mi(*i+anAs -oor e(onom to 'e used as a tool ,or (*an+e) -roo, o, t*is (an 'e ,ound in t*eir stud /*i(* s*o/ed t*at o,,i(ials o, (ommunities t*at *ave 'een +oin+ t*rou+* times o, ,is(al stress su--ort re+ional land use -lannin+ :Fer'er) &$1$D -! &#1>91%=! T*e (on(lusion t*at s*ould 'e made ,rom t*e results o, t*is stud is t*at t*e time ri-e ,or Mi(*i+an to move ,rom ,ra+mented +overnment muni(i-alities to united re+ions o, Mi(*i+an t*at (an /or0 to+et*er /it*in t*eir di,,erent to/ns*i-s) villa+es) (ities) and ,armland (ommunities! I, lo(al o,,i(ials (annot /or0 to+et*er /it*in a Coined re+ion) it is almost (ertain t*at t*ose same lo(al +overnments /ill not /or0 to+et*er /it*out!

FARMLAND PRESERVATION Re+ional su--ort is needed not Cust ,or t*e (onvenien(e o, servi(e deliver ) or t*e lo/ered (osts o, (ommunit trans-ort) or even ,or t*e attra(tiveness t*at re+ionalism -rovides ,or 'usiness and t*ere,ore Co' (reation! Re+ionalism is needed to (ontrol ur'an s-ra/l! It /as +overnment in(entives t*at en(oura+ed ur'an s-ra/l8 t*ere,ore t*ere must 'e +overnment in(entives :or t*e /it*dra/al o, +overnment in(entives= t*at sto-s ur'an s-ra/l! 3r'an s-ra/l is t*e 'i++est rival to ,armland! T*is is /* t*e issue o, re+ionalism is vital to t*e -rote(tion o, national /ide ,armland) 'ut s-e(i,i(all in terms o, t*is -a-er) to Kent Count ,armland! T*ere is an ina'ilit o, ,ra+mented lo(al +overnments to sto- ur'an s-ra/l! HimeneG and 1endri(0 :&$1$= /rite t*at (ontainin+ ur'an s-ra/l *as 'een a deal 'rea0er issue in man lo(al ele(tions) 'ut 5t*at +ro/t*9related -ro'lems are re+ional in nature rat*er t*an lo(al! T*e re-resent

-ro'lems t*at s-illover ,rom one Curisdi(tion to ot*ers) and t*eir resolution -rovides re+ion9/ide and individual 'ene,its6 :&@#=! Fra+mentation is a *u+e issue 'e(ause it divides t*e aut*orit over /*o uses t*e land! T*is allo/s ,or lo(al Gonin+ to attem-t to e.-and t*e ta. 'ase and t*ere,ore allo/ :and -rovide (ommunit ta. dollars to -a ,or t*e in,rastru(ture= t*e develo-ment at t*e ,rin+e o, t*e (it 'e(ause t*e (enter o, t*e (it or (ommunit *as 'e(ome undesira'le and t*ere,ore t*e -ro-ert ta. is not as *i+*! Fra+mentation (auses ur'an s-ra/l to +ro/ even more t*an it /ould i, t*ere /as less ,ra+mentation 'e(ause it in(reases t*e (om-etition ,or a lar+er ta. 'ase and t*ere,ore allo/s and even en(oura+es t*e develo-ment o, ,armland or o-en land on t*e ,rin+e o, develo-ed land :HimeneG) &$1$D -! &@4=! T*e remed ,or all o, t*is is re+ionalism! Re+ionalism /ould -rote(t t*e outl in+ ,arms ,rom t*ese issues! Re+ionalism /ould -rote(t ,armland on t*e ,rin+e) and even ,armland t*at is ,ar a/a ,rom t*e ,rin+e 'e(ause eventuall t*e ,rin+e /ould (ree- ,art*er and ,art*er a/a ,rom t*e (it ) ,rom 'e(omin+ a tar+et ,or lo(al muni(i-alities ,or additions to a ta. 'ase! Re+ionalism



is ne(essar ,or 2est Mi(*i+an! It is ne(essar to t*e sta'ilit o, t*e lo(al +overnments and it is ne(essar ,or t*e -rote(tion o, t*e -rodu(tive ,armland t*at Kent Count ) Mi(*i+an is 'lessed /it*! Urban planning One o, t*e Buestions t*at is 'rou+*t u- /*en ar+uin+ t*at t*e +overnment su'sidiGes ur'an s-ra/l is /*et*er or not Ameri(ans (*oose s-ra/lE T*e ans/er to t*is Buestion dire(tl e,,e(ts ,armland -rote(tion! It matters to t*e ,uture o, ,armland -rote(tion 'e(ause i, t*e ans/er is t*at Ameri(ans (*oose ur'an s-ra/l all on t*eir o/n and /ill not /ant to 'e sto--ed 'e(ause it *as 'e(ome a (ultural 0e to *a--iness) t*en stron+ +overnment san(tions must ,all on t*ose /*o -lan to 'ulldoGe over ,armland! I, t*is is t*e (ase) t*ere must 'e more e,,ort -ut into (it -lannin+ and strin+ent (ount rules! "ut t*e ans/er (ould 'e t*at t*e -oli( (*oi(es ma0e it less e.-ensive to 'uild on o-en land rat*er t*an to renovatin+ land t*at alread *as 'een develo-ed! T*is ma0es *omes sold out in t*e (ountr less e.-ensive and (ould 'e /*at is drivin+ Ameri(ans to s-ra/l out! I, t*is is t*e (ase t*en t*e -ro(ess o, (*an+e /ill 'e mu(* easier! Ro'ert Kir0man :&$1&=) a Pro,essor in t*e Feor+ia Institute o, Te(*nolo+ As S(*ool o, Pu'li( Poli( ) /rites a'out /*et*er or not Ameri(anAs (*oose s-ra/l! 1e e.-lains 'ot* sides o, t*e ar+ument) and /*ile e.-lainin+ t*e 5anti9anti9s-ra/l6 ar+uerAs side *e /rites t*at +overnment -oli(ies do ,avor s-ra/l) 'ut t*at is onl 'e(ause t*e -oli(ies are res-ondin+ t*e /ants and desires o, t*e (itiGens! T*ose /*o are anti9anti9s-ra/l 'elieve t*at +overnment -oli(ies are su--osed to res-ond to /*at t*e (onsumer desires :Kir0man) &$1&D -! 1&<=! 1e /rote t*at t*ere is a tri-le dream in Ameri(a! T*e 5*ouse -lus land -lus (ommunit 6:1&>= dream is /*at 0ee-s s-ra/l -um-in+ t*rou+* t*e nation -aired /it* +overnment -ro+rams su(* as t*e interstate *i+*/a t*at en(oura+es -rivate (ar use on t*e ta.-a erAs dime! Somet*in+ t*at

FARMLAND PRESERVATION Kir0man :&$1&= ,ails to ar+ue in *is -a-er is t*at t*ere *ave 'een man -eriods o, (*an+e in our (ountr ) man o, /*i(* (itiGens did not li0e! I, t*e +overnment *ad res-onded to /*at -eo-le /anted in areas o, ra(ial tension) ra(ial se+re+ation /ould still 'e a -u'li( -oli( in our nation! T*ere are some -oli(es t*at need to 'e im-lemented ' ,ederal) state) and lo(al +overnments /*et*er or not -eo-le reall /ant t*em 'e(ause t*e (ause is /ort* o, t*e ,i+*t! 3ltimatel Kir0man :&$1&= (on(ludes t*at Ameri(ans do (*oose s-ra/l) 'ut t*at it is t*ose around t*em /*o in,luen(e t*is (*oi(e) and t*at it is also +overnment in(entives t*at ma 'e -reCudi(es 5,or automo'iles and a+ainst transit) or ,or sin+le9,amil *ousin+ and a+ainst a-artments6 :Kir0man) &$1&D -! 14$=! One /a t*at ur'an s-ra/l (ould 'e en(oura+ed to *alt) /*et*er Ameri(anAs (*oose it or not) is ' ena(tin+ a -oli( o, (onservation easement ta. (redits! Sometimes mone must 'e on t*e ta'le to +et t*e 'all movin+ on a issue! Kent Count s*ould -rote(t its ,armland and o-en s-a(es ' ,ormin+ a ta. -oli( t*at o,,ers in(entives t*at

/ill en(oura+e -reservation! In a revie/ on state and lo(al +overnment) C*arles Ta lor /rote an arti(le on t*is ver to-i(! T*ere are a variet o, di,,erent -reservation in(entives t*at are des(ri'ed in *is arti(le! T*e most (ommon ta. in(entive deals dire(tl /it* a+ri(ulture ta. easement on ,armland in +eneral! T*is ta. in(entive (an 'e ,ound in ever state! T*e arti(le notes is t*at t*e ta. easements are 5in(ome ta. (redits ,or donations o, (onservation easements to land trusts6 :Ta lor) &$1&D -!1$&=! A (onservation easement is /*en a lando/ner and a land trust ,orm a le+al -a(t to (onserve a -ie(e o, land! T*e lando/ner (an still use t*eir land or sell it) *o/ever t*e lando/ner +ives u- t*e ri+*t to develo- t*e land and /*oever 'u s t*e land /ill still 'e 'ound ' t*e easement! T*e lando/ner (an re(eive a ta. dedu(tion ,rom t*e (onservation easement and t*is /ill also redu(e estate on t*e -ro-ert ! A((ordin+ to t*e &$1$ National Land Trust Census re-ort) Mi(*i+an -rote(ted 1@1) <1;

FARMLAND PRESERVATION a(res o, land t*rou+* Land Trusts! T*is is somet*in+ t*at t*e t/o most dominant -oliti(al


-arties (an 'e satis,ied ' ! It is su--orted ' environmentalists and so(ial (onservatives and is a -o-ular -ro+ram amon+ ,armers /*o /ant to -rote(t t*eir land ,or t*e ,uture! Conservation easement ta. (redits are entirel voluntar ! T*e resear(* at t*e end o, t*e +overnment -oli( anal sis s*o/s t*at t*is ma not 'e t*e most (ost e,,e(tive /a to (onserve undevelo-ed land) 'ut t*at t*e -oli( (ould 'e more e,,e(tive i, used ' more a(tive state and lo(al +overnments t*at are serious a'out (onservin+ o-en s-a(e :Ta lor) &$1&D -! 11$=! Some -ro+rams are ver su((ess,ul) 'ut ot*ers sta+nate a,ter t*e are started! Fenerall ) t*e a(tive -ro+rams *ave *el-ed slo/ do/n ur'an s-ra/l) 'ut t*ese ta. easement and land trust -ro+rams do not ne(essaril /or0 /ell in t*e lon+ term 'e(ause o, t*e la(0 o, sta'ilit /it*in t*e -ro+ram! Conservation easement ta. (redits ma 'e more e,,e(tive /*en (*anneled dire(tl t*rou+* Pur(*ase o, Develo-ment Ri+*ts! Purchase of Development Rights T*e Pur(*ase o, Develo-ment Ri+*ts :PDR= -ro+ram is a voluntar develo-ment restri(tion a+reement t*at is -la(ed on ,arm or o-en land and is a le+al a+reement 'et/een t*e lando/ner and t*e state! PDR is a t -e o, (onservation easements and a /a to t*ere,ore (*annel 'ot* ,ederal and state (onservation easement ,unds to dire(tl -rote(t ,armland! T*ere are -er0s to t*e lando/ner /*o sells t*e develo-ment ri+*ts o, t*e land! One is t*at ta. dollars on t*e land +o do/n 'e(ause t*e -ressure to develo- t*e land is no/ diminis*ed! Anot*er -lus is t*at t*e lando/ner +ets to 'e -aid u- ,ront and t*at is somet*in+ t*at ,armers *ave t*e -ossi'ilit o, 'ein+ a'le to retire on! And on an emotional level) t*e lando/ner 0no/s t*at t*eir land /ill 'e 0e-t sa,e ,rom develo-ment!! T*e state and lo(al (ommunities 'ene,it ,rom t*is as /ell 'e(ause it /ill ma0e sure t*at state mone /ill not 'e /asted to su--ort t*e in,rastru(ture t*at is



,reel -rovided to t*ose /*o s-ra/l out into ,arm Gones! T*e lo(al -eo-le also *ave more ,ood inde-enden(e 'e(ause t*e lo(al ,armer is not ,or(ed to sell t*e land! It also raises t*e value o, t*e nei+*'orin+ ,arms and *omes! PDR -ro+rams also are less ,or(e,ul t*an Gonin+ land mana+ement 'e(ause it is a voluntar measure to -rote(t ,armland! PDR -ro+rams are an eas /a ,or state and lo(al +overnments to -rote(t land /it*out *avin+ to maintain li0e -u'li(l o/ned land! Some PDR -ro+rams do not onl *ave ,undin+ ,rom t*eir -rivate donors) lo(al +overnments) and state +overnments8 t*ere is also ,ederal ,undin+ ,or -ro+rams t*at -rote(t ,armland! Federal mone is less ,le.i'le as t*ese t*e lon+er t*ese -ro+rams! T*ere are di,,erent -ro+rams t*at allo/ ,or ,ederal mone to 'e s-ent mat(*in+ state ,unds t*at mat(* lo(al ,unds! T*is -rovides less -ressure to ,inan(e ,or all sides! T*e Farmland and Ran(* Prote(tion Pro+ram :FRPP= *as s-ent ?>#@ million ,rom t*e time o, its in(e-tion in 1;;@ to &$1$ and *as *el-ed to ,und t*e (onservation o, >##)$$$ a(res! 2*en ,armland is 'ou+*t u- ' -ro+rams li0e Pur(*ase o, Develo-ment Ri+*ts) or ,unded ' Farm and Ran(* Land Prote(tion Pro+rams t*e entitlement is onl -aid on(e and /*oever in*erits or 'u s t*e land a,ter t*e land develo-ment ri+*ts *ave 'een sold /ill 'e su'Ce(t to t*e same restri(tions :So0olo/) &$1$) -! &#%9&#<=! From t*e ears 1;;@9&$1$ t*e Mi(*i+an De-artment o, A+ri(ulture re(eived ?4!; million dollars to ,inan(e 4)4$# a(res :So0olo/) &$1$) -! &>1=! T*e FRPP is mostl used to en(oura+e lo(al +overnments to add t*e -rote(tion o, ,armland to t*e a+enda and /or0 it into t*e 'ud+et! A((ordin+ to t*e Natural Resour(es Convention Servi(es) Mi(*i+an saved 1)%#@ a(res and (ommitted Cust over ?& million dollars to t*e easement o, ,armland in &$11 out o, t*e total o'li+ation o, Cust over ?@ million dollars and >)$#& enrolled a(res! T*e Pur(*ase o, Develo-ment Ri+*ts -ro+rams *ave 'een around in Mi(*i+an le+islation

FARMLAND PRESERVATION ,or t*e last t*irt 9ei+*t ears in t*e ,orm o, -u'li( a(ts! T*is s stem (omes /it* a s(orin+ s stem t*at tests s-e(i,i( (riteria t*at matter to t*e (onservation o, ,armland! T*e Kent Count


Farmland Preservation Pro+ram :KCFPP= is t*e -ro+ram t*at ta0es revie/s t*ese a--li(ations ,or PDR! T*e KCFPP /as (reated to se(ure state ,unds 'e(ause one o, t*e state reBuirements /as t*at 5(ounties must *ave a (om-re*ensive -lan or re+ional -lan not more t*an ten ears old and must *ave esta'lis*ed a lo(al -ur(*ase o, develo-ment ri+*ts -ro+ram6 :FVMC) &$$&=! Kent Count *as made a +oal to -reserve &>)$$$ a(res o, ,armland ' t*e ear &$1&! T*is is ,i,teen -er(ent o, t*e total ,armland in Kent Count a((ordin+ to t*e &$$% A+ri(ultural Census and is 4!@ -er(ent o, t*e (ount As ,armland :FVMC) &$$&=! T*e a--li(ation -ro(ess ,or Kent Count ) Mi(*i+anAs PDR -ro+ram reBuires t*at at least ,i,t one -er(ent o, t*e -ro-ert must *ave a+ri(ultural use) a si+nature ,rom t*e lando/ner) /ritten a--roval ,rom t*e lo(al to/ns*i-) t*e ,arm must 'e in a a+ri(ultural Gone and not a -art o, land use -lans! T*e land must also 'e a'le to 'e develo-ed :t*ere,ore not -rote(ted= and in to/ns*i-As ,armland -reservation area and not in t*eir ,uture land use area! T*e lando/ner must (ontrol all land ri+*ts on t*e -ro-ert t*at in(ludes minin+ ri+*ts and mineral ri+*ts :FVMC) &$1&=! T*e -oint s stem to re(eive PDR ri+*ts in Kent Count is 'ased on di,,erent (*ara(teristi(s o, t*e ,armland! First o,, is t*e a(tual ,armland itsel,8 its soil Bualit ) siGe) /*et*er or not it *as 'een irri+ated or tiled) /*et*er t*e ,arm *as ta0en ste-s to (onserve soil) t*e amount o, -u'li( road tou(*in+ t*e ,arm) t*e amount o, ,armland land t*at is tou(*in+ t*e ,arm) and t*e num'er o, 'uildin+s on t*e -ro-osed area! Anot*er se+ment ,o(uses on t*e amount o, -ressure t*e ,armer *as to develo-! T*is -ressure is measured ' *o/ ,ar a/a ,rom se/er or /ater s stems t*e ,arm is! Anot*er set o, -oints em-*asiGes and re/ards ,arms t*at are /or0in+



in (olla'oration /it* ot*er ,arms and to/ns*i-s to -rote(t land! And /*et*er or not t*e ,arm *as a *istor o, -arti(i-atin+ in ,armland (onservation (ommitments 'e,ore :Pu'li( A(t 11@ /*i(* /as a tem-orar (onservation -ro+ram t*at -re(eded Pu'li( A(t &@& /*i(* is t*e (urrent and more -ermanent PDR -ro+ram ,or Mi(*i+an=! T*e more mone t*e ,arm *as raised to mat(* /*at t*e lo(alIstate +overnments are +oin+ to (ontri'ute *el-s add -oints to t*e ,arms s(ore! I, t*e land is es-e(iall *istori(al or uniBue additional -oints are +iven :FVMC) &$1&=! T*e ,arms /it* t*e most -oints Buali, ,or t*e -ro+ram ,unds! A *eav em-*asis) -oint /ise) is -la(ed on t*e soil Bualit ! T*e s(orin+ s stems ,or t*e ,ederal) state) and lo(al ,undin+ levels are di,,erent! Kent County Man Mi(*i+an ,arms do not ,it t*e soil (riteria ,or t*e Farm and Ran(* Land Prote(tion Pro+ram! 7et Kent Count /as su((ess,ul in se(urin+ ,unds in &$1$ /*en it /as re/arded a ?4@%)$$$ in a +rant ,rom t*e 3!S De-artment o, A+ri(ulture so as to se(ure @1@!> a(res o, ,armland ,or -reservation! T*e mone (ame out o, t*e Farm and Ran(* Land Prote(tion Pro+ram! T*e total (ost o, -reservin+ t*e ,armland /as ?1!$< million! Kent Count (overed ?&%>)$$$ and t*e ,inal ?##<)$$$ (ame ,rom ot*er outside donations! Ea(* a(re (ost ?1)%>@) /*i(* /as t*e lo/est -ri(e t*e (ount *as ever *ad to -a sin(e PA &@& /as ado-ted in &$$& :CGura0) &$1$=! In Fe'ruar o, &$1& Kent Count (ommissioners aut*oriGed t*e (ount to -ur(*ase #$$ a(res ,rom ,our se-arate ,arms! ?&1$)$$$ o, ,ederal +rant mone su--orted t*is a(tion! T*e rest o, t*is ?4@<)$$$ sale :?1)>@$ -er a(re= /as (overed ' Kent Count ! T*is transa(tion /as uniBue 'e(ause it is t*e ,irst time t*at t*e (ount ,ound itsel, s*ort and t*ere,ore *eld a ,undraiser ,or t*is s-e(i,i( transa(tion! 1o/ever) a,ter t*is su((ess,ul -reservation Kent Count Finan(e Committee *as dis(ussed 'um-in+ t*e ?&%>)$$$ PDR -ro+ram do/n to a mere ?>$)$$$ :CGura0) &$1&=! T*is (ould seriousl dama+e t*e amount o, ,ederal +rants t*at *ave

FARMLAND PRESERVATION (ome into Kent Count to mat(* (ount ,unds! Conclusion A((ordin+ to resear(* done ' t*e Frand Valle Metro Coun(il) Kent Count *as


in(reased in ur'aniGed areas ' %<J 'ut t*e -o-ulation o, t*e (ount *as onl in(reased ' 1<J! Farmland is too im-ortant to t*e 'ud+et o, Mi(*i+an as /ell as Kent Count ,or it to 'e sBuandered on s*o--in+ mall -ar0in+ lots and s-ra/lin+ to/ns*i-s! " ,ormin+ a (olla'orative re+ion t*at (an /or0 to+et*er instead o, ,ra+mentin+) s-ra/l (an 'e (ontained and t*ere,ore ,armland (an 'e -rote(ted! 2*at /ill also su--ort t*e (onservation o, ,armland is su--ortin+ re+ional initiatives to su--lement (onservation easements! T*at /a ) i, a lando/ner (*ooses to donate t*e develo-ment ri+*ts o, t*e land to a lo(al +overnment so as to -reserve t*at land) *e or s*e /ill 'e re/arded /it* ta. 'rea0s! "ut t*e main (*annel t*at s*ould 'e used to -rote(t t*e land ,rom s-ra/l is t*e use o, PDR -ro+rams! PDR -ro+rams en(oura+e re+ional intera(tion and re+ional (oo-eration as /ell as -romote (onservation easements ' 'ein+ a su((ess,ul and -otent met*od to (onserve ,armland! Kent Count Buali,ies ,or mat(*in+ ,unds ,rom 'ot* t*e state and ,ederal level o, +overnments) and /it* t*e (urrent e(onom a(res o, land are availa'le at an all9time lo/ -ri(e ,or t*e ta.-a er! No/ /ould 'e t*e 'est time to im-lement t*ese -oli(ies) not Cust 'e(ause it is a less e.-ensive o-tion) 'ut 'e(ause it /ould su--ort Mi(*i+an ,armers /*o su--ort t*e state e(onom /it* ?1$!4 'illion) not to mention em-lo ment a(ross man di,,erent industries! T*e ri--le e,,e(t t*at -reservin+ ,armland (reates /ill +ro/ t*e Kent Count e(onom 'e(ause -reservin+ +reen s-a(e) t*ere,ore 'ein+ a'le to (*annel ,unds a/a ,rom (reatin+ in,rastru(ture ,or ur'an s-ra/l) allo/s (ities to invest in t*e 'usinesses and ur'an (ommunities o, t*e (it ! Farmland is a (ru(ial element to t*e (itiGens o, Kent Count As *ealt* and (ontentment 'e(ause it -rovides Co's)

FARMLAND PRESERVATION aest*eti( 'eaut ) ,ood) and ta. ,undin+!




CGura0) D! :&$1&=! Kent (ommissioners +ive +reen li+*t to PDR e,,ort! Grand Rapids Business Journal) #$:44=) %9%! CGura0) D! :&$1$=! More area ,armland -reserved! Grand Rapids Business Journal) &<:#>=) #9#! Fer'er) E!R!) K Lo*) C!F! :&$1$=! Pros-e(ts ,or E.-andin+ Re+ional Plannin+ E,,orts in Mi(*i+an! Urban Studies) 4<) &#$#9&#1;! Frand Valle Metro-olitan Coun(il! :&$$&=! Kent County Farmland Preservation Program! Retrieved Novem'er &$) &$1&) ,rom *tt-DII///!+vm(!or+IlanduseI-drLran0in+!s*tml Frand Valle Metro-olitan Coun(il! :&$$&=! Preserving Farmland in Kent County. Retrieved Novem'er &$) &$1&) ,rom *tt-DII///!+vm(!or+IlanduseIdo(umentsI-drL/*ite-a-er!-d, HimeneG) "!S!) K 1endri(0) R! :&$1$=! Is Fovernment Consolidation t*e Ans/erE! State Local Government Reve ) 4&:#=) &><9&%$! Kir0man) R! :&$1&=! Did Ameri(ans C*oose S-ra/lE! !t"ics and t"e !nvironment) 1>:1=) 1&#9 144! Knudson) 2!A!) K Peterson) 1!C! :&$1&=! #"e !conomic $mpact o% &ic"igan's Food and (griculture System! Retrieved ,rom Mi(*i+an State 3niversit ) Pro+ram on Food and A+ri(ulture 2e' siteD *tt-DII-rodu(t(enter!msu!eduIu-loadsI,ilesIMS3Produ(tCenter&$1&E(onomi(Im-a(tReort9Summar #!-d, National Land Trust Census! :&$1$=! &ic"igan! Retrieved Novem'er 1<) &$1&) ,rom *tt-DII///!landtrustallian(e!or+Iland9trustsIland9trust9(ensusInational9land9trust9(ensus9 &$1$Istate9,a(ts*eetsImi(*i+an9,a(t9s*eet

FARMLAND PRESERVATION State o, Mi(*i+an "ud+et O,,i(e! :&$1$=! Compre"ensive (nnual Financial Report! 2as*in+ton) DCD 3!S! Fovernment Printin+ O,,i(e! Retrieved ,rom *tt-DII///!mi(*i+an!+ovIdo(umentsI'ud+etIF7&$1$LCAFRL&$1$L#4>#@1L%!-d, So0olo/) A! D! :&$1$=! Federal Poli( ,or Preservin+ FarmlandD T*e Farm and Ran(* Lands Prote(tion Pro+ram! Publius) )*:&=) &#>9&>@! Ta lor) C! D! :&$1&=! Conservation Easement Ta. CreditsD A Via'le Poli( ,or Stimulatin+ DonationsE! State and Local Government Revie + 44:&=) 1$1911&! 3nited States De-artment o, A+ri(ulture! :&$11=! ,ational Resource Conservation Service-


FRPP .*// (cres !nrolled and 0ollars 1bligated.. Retrieved Novem'er 1;) &$1&) ,rom) *tt-DII///!nr(s!usda!+ovI/-sI-ortalInr(sIdetail,ullInationalI-ro+ramsIeasementsI,armra n(*IE(idMstel-rd'1$4@%1@ 3nited States Census "uerau! :&$$%) Hanuar 1&=! (griculture State 2 County- Mi(*i+an! Retrieved Novem'er 1<) &$1&) ,rom ///!a+(ensus!usda!+ov! Nmit0o9Somers) H! :&$11=! Ne/ E.-ort stats s*o/ Mi(*i+an a+ri(ulture e.-orts is +ro/in+! &ic"igan 0epartment o% (griculture 2 Rural 0evelopment! Retrieved ,rom De-artment o, A+ri(ulture K Rural Develo-ment 2e' siteD *tt-DII///!mi(*i+an!+ovImdardI$)4@1$)%91&>91>@<L&#<%L#%<49&>;;#<99)$$!*tml

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