The Melting Processrevised-Channa Griham

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College of Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Channa Griham Date and Time of Lesson: 2/27/14 1: !chool: "oodfields Elementar# !u$%ect/Grade Le&el: !cience/'rd

Description of Lesson: (n this lesson students )ill learn a$out the melting process*
!tudents )ill learn a$out $oiling+ condensing+ e&aporating and melting* Through a )hole class demonstration+ students )ill $e a$le to see each of these phases in action*

Lesson Title or Essential ,uestion that guides the lesson:

What is the melting process? Name each of the phases that take place during the melting process.

Curriculum !tandards -ddressed:

!C Curriculum !tandard.s/: SC 3.3-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the changes in matter that are caused ! heat.

!C -cademic (ndicator.s/: 3-4." #$plain how water and other su stances change from one state to another %including melting& free'ing& condensing& oiling& and e(aporating).

Lesson 0$%ecti&e.s/:
Antecedent: When gi(en a demonstration of the melting process Beha(ior: Students will summari'e Content: the melting process Degree: with a *+, degree of accurac!.

-ssessment.s/ of the 0$%ecti&es:

-efore the lesson& . will ask the students what the! remem er from the pre(ious da!. . will ask students to discuss with their partner one thing the! remem er from the lesson efore. /uring this time . will walk around and o ser(e the students responses. /uring the lesson& students will e completing a handout as well as discussing what the! are o ser(ing. /uring this time . will keep a checklist of the student0s responses. 1fter the lesson students are re2uired to answer the essential 2uestion. Students will answer these 2uestions on a slip of paper pro(ided to them and . will collect them for re(iew. . will use the information to make further instructional decisions if necessar!.

Revised 1.20.14


3ot plate& pot& ice cu es& science note ooks& 4e! Words handout

Prere3uisites .Prior 4no)ledge/: Student0s will need to e a le to work with their peers
cooperati(el!. Students will need to know how to identif! and define ke! words pertaining to a certain content area. Students will need to know how to respect others feelings when discussing their ideas. Students will also need to know how to make o ser(ation and predictions to understand a change.

5. So class& do we remem er !esterda! when we studied the ice cu es. We talked a out how a li2uid can e turned into a solid ! free'ing it. We also learned a out how the solid melts into a li2uid again. ". .n toda!0s e$periment& we are going to e$plore the concept of heat. 3a(e !ou e(er seen someone cooking and !ou noticed that there is steam coming from the sto(e? Steam is a form or gas that occurs during e(aporation. We are going to learn all a out e(aporation and like terms toda! in our e$periment. 3. 6n the ta le . ha(e set up a hot plate and a pot. .f !ou notice eside the pot . ha(e a tra! of ice cu es. /oes this look familiar? 7emem er !esterda! when we o ser(ed the ice cu es? Well here are the same ice cu es we o ser(ed that ha(e een turned ack into a solid. We are going to take these ice cu es through the melting process ! adding heat. 4. 8irst thing . will do with the students is the demonstration of the water oiling. /uring this demonstration . will introduce the ke! words to the students. When we are in the melting9 oiling stage . will ask the students to e$plain to me what the! are o ser(ing. . will then gi(e the correct term used to descri e this phase and the definition for the students. . do this with each term during each phase that corresponds with the terms. :. Toda! we are going to conduct an e$periment of the melting process. There are 4 phases in the melting process: e(aporation& condensing& melting and oiling. /uring the demonstration . want each of !ou to notice what is happening during each phase. . will identif! and define each phase that happens during the demonstration. Students will ha(e the chance to discuss what the! are noticing and o ser(ing. ;. . will do this acti(it! long enough for all of the students to ha(e the chance to o ser(e all of the phases. <. Now that we ha(e completed the demonstration and the students ha(e had the chance to see each of the terms in action& we will hold a small discussion on each of the phases that we o ser(ed during the demonstration. Students will e asked to descri e what the! o ser(ed during each of these different phases with a partner and then we will share together as a whole class. =. 1fter the completion of the demonstration& students will e asked to answer the essential 2uestion: What is the melting process? Name each of the phases that take place during the melting process. *. Students will ha(e the chance to answer the 2uestion and then . will collect them to e(aluate the students understanding of the melting process. .f further instruction is needed& . will re(iew with the students the following da!.

-cti&it# -nal#sis:
5. 6ne acti(it! . am completing with m! students is the definitions of the main ke! words for the lesson. Students need to know the ackground and the meaning of the words so that the! are a le to understand what is happening during the demonstration. This will help m! students who need more help forming meaning of certain words. This will help the students uild schema. This will also help m! students who ha(e more trou le Revised 1.20.14

comprehending content. With this instruction . am hoping to help these students enefit from this instruction. /uring this lesson . will e using technolog! to teach m! students the definitions of the ke! words. . am using the Smart-oard so that all of m! students are a le to see the definitions and . will ha(e e(er!one0s full attention. ". 1nother acti(it! . am completing with m! students is the demonstration. -! doing this demonstration . hoping that m! students will understand what melting is& condensation& e(aporation and the oiling point. 3a(ing a hands-on demonstration will hopefull! set of a >light ul ? when students make connections to the definitions and eing a le to see the definitions in action. -! doing this& it will enefit m! students who are more (isual learners. Some of the students who ha(e trou le understanding onl! lectures will enefit ! (isuall! seeing what is happening during this process. /uring this demonstration& there will e no technolog! used. The reason for this omission is ecause there is no need to ha(e technolog! when the demonstration is a hands-on e$periment.

Differentiation/-ccommodations/1odifications/(ncreases in 2igor
When completing this lesson& there are man! accommodations . am going to ha(e to make. 6ne of the accommodations that will e made is making sure that . group students with others that will help them understand the concepts. . ha(e man! #S@ and di(erse students in m! classroom that need a little more support than others. . will make sure that . place m! #S@ students with others that the! will feel comforta le working with. -! doing this with m! students& it will pro(ide them with support and guidance when the! are completing the in(estigation. 8or the students who are elow le(el& . will make sure that . am a(aila le to them for help or for further e$planation of the topic. 8or students who ma! complete their work earl!& the! will e asked to re(iew their work or choose a ook to read until e(er!one is finished

2eferences: 1ll ideas were generated ! Channa Ariham

Revised 1.20.14

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