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Mohawk Tribe By: Junji and Koby Fifth grade,Mrs.

Perez Pearlridge Elementary 2013

Table of Contents
Introduction................................1! ! ! History and Background.............3! ! Region........................................5! ! Culture/Customs.........................7! ! Clothing.........................9! ! Food11! ! Shelter13! ! Transportation..15! ! Interesting facts17! ! About the Authors 19! ! Bibliography...21!

Introduction Did you know that the Mohawk Indians ate their enemies after battle? Well if you didn't this is the perfect research book for you! And if you did know, go read another book.
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History and Background

The Mohawk Indians retreated in 1776-1777 . When the war started, Mohawk Valley's population went from 10,000 to 3,000 in 1 year.


The Mohawks retreated form their original home land (New York) in the1700's to all over Canada and North Dakota. They're revervations are the worst kind and look like a dry grass land but is actually looks like a town today.

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Culture and Costums

Mohawk comes from what their enemies call them meaning man-eaters. It also comes from when they go to battle they wear Mohawks. It is said that Mohawks eat brains for knowledge and hearts for power. Mohawks call themselves kanienkehaka meaning "people of the flint".


Mohawks obviously wore moccasins. Men wore an Iroquois headress. Women wore special beaded tiaras. In war men styled their hair into a Mohawk. The men also wore leggings and breech cloths. Women wore skirts and shorter leggings.


Food Mohawks mostly ate meat since they were hunters. But they were also farmers and fishermen. So they also ate fish and fruits and veggies such as squash, beans and corn. They traditionally ate soups and stews.




The mohawks lived in long houses. The men had to chop down trees and assemble the houses. The long houses could hold up to 60 people. Long houses are similar to apartments today.



They mohawks used canoes for a transportation when they were free. But now they use there feet and dogs.



Interesting facts The name Mohawk is pronounced mo-hawk. The name means man eater because after battle, the Mohawks ate people. They ate the brain for knowledge and heart for power.

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About the authors Hi we're the authors of this book. Where both in Mrs.Perez's 5th grade class room at pearlridge elemantry. The one on the top is Koby and the one on the bottom is Junji.




Http:/! ! Mohawk _kids.htm! !

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