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My name is Kurt Louie-J M. Dizon. I was born on a warm, sunny day in February 21, 1995 in Chinese General Hospital.

I live in Poblacion, Pulian, Bulacan. Now, I'm studying Business Administration major in Marketing Management at Centro Escolar University.

I started school when I was three years old. I went to International Montessori in elementary then graduated in St. Dominic Academy in high school. I am now a 3rd year college student and currently aiming to graduate my bachelors degree in the near future.

My favorite sport is basketball. When I don't have anything to do, I love to surf the net and watch television. I can play some instruments like guitar and piano.

As I said at the beginning, I was born here in Bulacan and I've lived here my whole life. I would like to explore the whole world but unfortunately, I don't have enough money to go anywhere right now. I hope you have enjoyed watching my life story as much as I have enjoyed making it for you.

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