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Seat No.

-nrolment No.

Marwadi Education Foundations rou! o" Institutions Facu#t$ o" Mana%e&ent 'ub(ect code) 2*40702 'ub(ect ,a&e) , O Mana%e&ent (,M) -i&e) +ate) -ota# Mar.s) 70

/. 0tte&!t a## 1uestions. 2. Ma.e suitab#e assu&!tions w2ere3er necessar$. 3. Fi%ures to t2e ri%2t indicate "u## &ar.s. Q./ Q.2 (a) 42at are t2e t0pes of NGOs. (b) Short note on characteristics of NGOs (a) What are activities of NGOs.? (b) Foreign contribution for the Indian NGOS. OR Write brief about International NGOs. (b) (a) Income tax exemption of 3 !c" (b) Incinconeone Income tax exemption of #$!G" $1 07 07 07 07 07 07 OR 07 07 07 07


Q.3 Q.4

(a) %ole of NGOs in the &usiness ' Government. (b) Short note on N(&(%). (a) Short note on NGO and *I+. (b) Short note on NGO and %,I. (a) Formation of NGO. (b) -xplain Steps for fund raising for NGOs. (a) Short note on SW-(. (b) Write the process of registration of NGOs. OR (a) Short note on .(*(%,. (b) Short note on I+O

Q.4 Q.5 Q.5

07 07 07 07 07 07

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