Role of Waqf

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Semester 2 - 2010-11 DSLP 2

Students Name: Dk Hjh Hana Molina binti Pg Hj Mohammad Registration No :09d000!

"e#turer: $sta%ah Datin Dr Hajah Mariah

DATE: 31 MARCH 2011

CONTENTS Introduction Chapter 1 2 Topic Concept of Waqf The Role of Waqf in the Economic Development of a Muslim Society 3 ! Management and Administration of Waqf in runei The #mportance of $ealth Redistri%ution for the Economic Development of Muslim &mmah " The Role of Waqf in the Economic Development and its Application in runei

Conclusion References


Waqf' (hich literally means )religious endo(ment*' is one of the underlying instruments in #slam (ith a purpose inter alia to eradicate poverty and to improve the socio+economy of the Muslims ummah, The famous (a-f in the holy city of Mecca1 and Cairo.s endo(ment have contri%uted significantly to the Muslims society at large in various forms and sectors, /rom economic point of vie(' (a-f is a po(erful mechanism in developing the nation in form of charita%le instruments (hich is very uni-ue and %eneficial, The o(nership of waqf is (ithdra(n from the o(ner and returned to Allah for the %enefit of 0is su%1ects to (hom the property has %een %e-ueathed, Waqf is a form of (orship to Allah and has significant contri%ution to economic development as it plays an important role as (ealth redistri%ution mechanism, #n common tradition' properties given out for (a-f purpose are namely mos-ue' land for Muslim cemeteries' %usiness premises' agriculture lands' religious schools' etc, This paper offers a %rief discussion on the concept of waqf' the importance of (ealth redistri%ution for the economic development and ho( the role of (a-f in the economic development of a state and its application in runei,

CONCEPT OF WAQF $a-f is an Ara%ic (ord meaning to hold' contain or to preserve 2literal3, 4iterally' Waqf came from Ara%ic (ord (hich means5 ma6e endo(ment of the land and give it to the needy3, $a-f also means5 ma6e endo(ment of houses and 6eep its gains in the (ay of 7od!, y this (e can understand that (a-f or endo(ment is to preserve or up6eep the original (ealth' (hether land or house etc and give its profit to the needy, #n term of (ord or phrase' the four eminent #slamic scholars have given different meaning of (a-f or endo(ment as follo(s5 Al+0anafi $a-f is to preserve and up6eep the original (ealth that %elonged to someone else and give the profit to the need", y this (e can learn that (a-f is to preserve and up6eep (ealth or something that can give %enefit or profit' (ithout %eing consummated %y the original o(ner and give that %enefit or profit to the needy, Al+Mali6i 8(nership of the profit from the origin of (ealth' (hich (as given for endo(ment and gives it to (hoever the endo(ment (as meant for or the needy9, y this (e understand that (a-f is giving the right to consummate the profit of (ealth that (as given for endo(ment to (hoever the endo(ment (as meant for or the needy, Al+Syafi.# $a-f is to 6eep the (ealth that can give %enefit' and 6eep it remaining in the same form (hile the original o(ner cannot consume it:, $e can learn that (a-f is to 6eep the (ealth that can give %enefits to the needy' and that (ealth remain in the same condition (hile the original o(ner cannot consume it, 0an%ali $a-f is 6eeping the original o(ner from consuming (ealth that he had endo(ed' (ealth (hich produce %enefit should remain in the same form;,

y this (e can understand that (a-f is (ealth that (as 6ept from the consummation of the original o(ner and give its %enefit to the poor and needy' and that (ealth must remain in the same condition (ithout %eing consummate %y the first o(ner, /rom these four eminent scholars.s vie(s (e can learn that all scholars agreed that the (a-f is to 6eep the origin (ealth and use its profit for charity in order to help the poor and needy, 0o(ever' <rof,A%,Manan defines that (a-f is o(nership of a property (hich (as converted from private o(nership to social o(nership category %y allocating a property together (ith it.s o(n income to a %eneficial service=, #n the conte>t of #slamic philanthropy' $a-f is a voluntary and permanent endo(ment of a portion of ones (ealth 2in cash or 6ind3 for the sole purpose of see6ing 7od.s pleasure, #t springs from the idea that all (ealth and creation %elongs to 7od and is placed as a trust in the hands of men and (omen, The definition of (a-f as suggested %y many scholars such as #%n ?udamah' the reno(ned 0an%ali 1urist means "to bequeath a property and dedicate its yields for Allah's sake." Therefore' (a-f property is no longer o(ned %y the person (ho consecrated it, #t cannot %e gifted' sold' or terminated, 1 @ahf 21==;' p, !3 adds' )/rom a Shari.ah point of vie(' $a-f may %e defined as holding a Maal 2an asset3 and preventing its consumption for the purpose of repeatedly e>tracting its usufruct for the %enefit of an o%1ective representing righteousness andAor philanthropy, 0ence' $a-f is a continuously usufruct+ giving asset as long as its principal is preserved, <reservation of principal may result from its o(n nature + as in land + or from arrangements and conditions prescri%ed %y the $a-f founder,* Since $a-f involves the transfer of o(nership and the endo(ment of the recurring %enefits of the gift' the (ords B%e-uest. and Bendo(ment. do not %y themselves convey the e>act meaning of the (ord, Additionally' B%e-uest. is associated (ith the demise of an individual (hile $a-f can %e esta%lished %oth during one.s lifetime and via a $ill after one.s demise,

See Wael Shihab, Usurping Waqf Properties: A Grave Sin?, September

, !1!"

Waqf is a virtuous act and an ongoing charity that entails %lessings and continuous re(ard for the person (ho offers it for AllahCs sa6e, Many ?urCanic verses and <rophetic hadiths encourage (a-f, #n the ?urCan' (e read' By no means shall you attain piety until you spend of what you love 2Ayat al+ D#mran 35 =23, $hen the a%ove ?urCanic verse (as revealed' A%u Talha said to AllahCs Messenger 2peace and %lessings %e on him3' E8 AllahCs MessengerF Allah says' 2Gou (ill not attain piety until you spend of (hat you love'3 and # priHe a%ove all my (ealth' airuhaaC 2a garden that (as situated opposite the Mos-ue of the <rophetI the <rophet used to enter it and drin6 from its fresh (ater3' (hich # (ant to give in charity for AllahCs sa6e' hoping for re(ard from Allah, So' you can use it as Allah directs you,E 8n that' the <rophet commended his action,2 Also' in the Sunnah' (e read that A%u 0urayrah 2may Allah %e pleased (ith him3 reported that the <rophet said' E$hen a person dies' all of his (or6s' e>cept three' cease5 an ongoing charity he endo(s' %eneficial 6no(ledge he imparts' or a righteous offspring (ho prays for him or herE, 3 Commenting on the a%ove hadith' #mam An+Ja(a(i says' EThis hadith affirms the original validity of (a-f and its great virtues and re(ards,E ! Al+$a-f in the light of al+? and al+0adith 1+Al+? al+@arim As (e all 6no( #slam is the religion of (elfare' 6indliness and %ara6ah' and al(ays finding the %est (ay to serve the ummah in achieving peace' calmness and good condition, Among the 6indlinesses that mentioned is (a-f,Allah s,(,t, mentioned indirectly a%out it in surah Ali #mran'verse =2 (hich means5 Gou couldn.t achieved the 6indliness until you give a(ay (hat you love most, $hile translating this verse al+Syai6h Ali al+Sa%uni said1K5 This verse means5
Al#$u%hari, Al#&ami' As#Sahih, ha(ith no" )*+"
, .

-uslim, Sahih, ha(ith no" 1*,1" An#/a0a0i, Al#-inha1, 12 vols", n( e(it" 3$eirut: 4ar 5h6a7 at#8urath al#'Arabi, 1,+ A9:, 11: pp" 2;"

Gou (ill not %ecome a pious person and (ill not enter <aradise unless you spent your most precious possession or part from your (ealth, Allah s,(,t, also says in 0is 0oly %oo6 in surah al+ a-arah verse 29: (hich means58h %elievers spent the %est things from (hat you had o%tained and from (hat (e had given out to you from the earth, $hile translating this verse al+Syai6h Ali al+Sa%uni said115This verse means5 Spent the la(ful portions from your (ealth that you had o%tained 'and from the %est things that (e had given out to you from seeds and fruits, y this (e can understand that Allah s,(,t, command us to spent the la(ful portions and the %est things from our (ealth that Allah s,(,t, had given out to us (hether it is from seeds of fruits, 2+Al+0adith The <rophet' Muhammad s,a,(, said as narrated %y al+ u6hari and Muslim (hich means5 $hen the son of the <rophet Adam a,s, passed a(ay' his good deeds (ill %e cut off e>cept for three things5 The first5 the endless charity 2Sada-ah Lariah3' Second5 = The influence of A(-af on economic development' 1K Al+Syai6h Muhammad Ali al+Sa%uni'8p,cit'Mol,1'<,1=; 11 #%id,<,1"3+1"!, 9 6no(ledge (hich %enefit the people' and the last one5 the good son (ho al(ays pray to %oth his father and mother, The <rophet' Muhammad s,a,(, also said a%out the (a-f (hich narrated %y #mam al+ u6hari through the saying of Caliph 8mar r,a, sounded5 8h <rophetF # got (ealth that # never got it %efore and # (ant to %e closer to Allah through it, After that the <rophet ans(ered5 Gou tried to 6eep the origin (ealth and ma6ing charity 2%y giving it to the needy people3, Then the Caliph 8mar r,a, donated his land (hich he got from the %attle of @hai%ar' and the land cannot %e sold' even to %e %ought as (ell as to inherit it, Actually among the endless charity is (a-f of land' (a-f of the mos-ue' school and so on, #n addition to the good son (ho performed the right of 7od and the people, y this' (e can understand that the $a-f or endo(ment is a form of an endless charity or Sada-ah Lariyah (hich continually give out %enefits to the

people even after the death of the original o(ner,

Management and Administration of Waqf in runei #n runei Darussalam' Ma1lis &gama #slam runei adalah piha6 yang

%ertanggung1a(a% mengenai dengan pengurusan harta+harta (a6af dan merupa6an pemegang amanah yang tunggal %agi semua (a6af sama ada (a6af am atau (a6af 6has, &saha+usaha %agi mening6at6an lagi pentad%iran dan pengurusan harta+harta (a6af terse%ut telah dan a6an diterus6an lagi dari masa 6e semasa %agi memasti6an 6esempurnaan harta+harta (a6af %er6enaan, Sistem per(a6afan Jegara runei Darussalam Sistem per(a6afan di Jegara Tida6 %erdaftar ii, erdaftar (a6af secara tida6 %erdaftar a, Sistem per(a6afan ini ialah apa%ila seorang ham%a AllahAsuatu piha6 itu me(a6af6an sesuatu 6epada piha6+piha6 tertentu seperti 6eleng6apan' peralatan dan lain+lain secara tida6 %ertulis dan hanya dilafaH6an secara lisan saha1a, Tim%ang terima 6edua %elah piha6 telah %ersetu1u untu6 mem%eri dan menerima harta yang di(a6af6an itu, %, <er(a6afan cara ini 6adang+6adang ter1adi tanpa di6etahui oleh piha6 6edua iaitu orang yang menerima harta (a6af terse%ut, Contohnya' seorang ham%a Allah me(a6af6an 6ita% suci Al+?uran di mas1id tanpa di6etahui oleh pega(ai atau 6a6itangan mas1id, Secara %erdaftar c, Sistem per(a6afan ini ialah apa%ila seorang ham%a AllahAsuatu piha6 me(a6af6an 1enis+1enis harta yang 6e%iasaannya merupa6an : harta yang ta6alih seperti tanah dan %angunan dengan menentu6an pertu6aran nama pemili6 secara sah di sisi undang+undang, agi sistem per(a6afan serupa ini contohnya tanahI apa%ila (a6af seseorang itu telah runei Darussalam ter%ahagi 6epada dua5+ i,

diterima' dilafaH6an dan disah6an oleh piha6+piha6 %er6enaan' ma6a urusan tu6ar mili6 tanah daripada orang yang %er(a6af 6epada Ma1lis Agama #slam a6an dila6sana6an menurut undang+undang, Apa%ila telah selesai' harta itu a6an di tad%ir oleh Ma1lis Agama #slam runei dan merupa6an piha6 yang a6an mengurus harta (a6af %er6enaan, Lenis+ 1enis (a6af 0arta (a6af yang ditad%ir dan di6endali6an oleh Ma1lis &gama #slam dapat di%ahagi6an 6epada dua 1enis terdiri daripada5+ i, $a6af @has ii, $a6af Am $a6af @has $a6af @has adalah (a6af yang telah ditentu6an sendiri oleh seorang yang %er(a6af, Contohnya' se%idang tanah yang telah di(a6af6an oleh orang terse%ut dan tanah yang di(a6af6annya itu telah ditentu6annya untu6 6egunaan+6egunaan tertentu' misalnya untu6 didiri6an mas1id' surau' %alai i%adat dan se%againya, $a6af Am $a6af Am pula adalah merupa6an (a6af yang tida6 ditentu6an secara 6husus 6egunaannya oleh orang yang %er(a6af, agi (a6af 1enis ini' = Ma1lis &gama #slam adalah %e%as untu6 menentu6an tinda6an+ tinda6an yang patut di%uatnya 6e atas harta (a6af 1enis ini, TATACARA 2<R8SED&R3 ER$A@A/ $a6af erdaftar Di Jegara runei Darussalam' se%agaimana yang telah di1elas6an dalam peruntu6an undang+undang tadi' piha6 yang %ertanggung1a(a% mentad%ir dan mengurus hal eh(al harta (a6af secara %erdaftar adalah Ma1lis &gama #slam dan pengurusan %agi harta (a6af itu adalah terta6lu6 6epada 1enis (a6afI sama ada (a6af itu (a6af 6has atau (a6af am, <rosedurAtatacara %er(a6af itu adalah seperti %eri6ut5 1, Seseorang yang %erhasrat untu6 %er(a6af' henda6lah menulis surat 6epada Setiausaha Ma1lis &gama #slam' dengan menyata6an hasratnya untu6 %er(a6af itu 2 contohnya tanah 3' dengan menyerta6an 6eterangan tanah terse%ut seperti %eri6ut5 1K

#, ##, ###, #M, @edudu6anAlo6asi dan statusnya 26e6alAT84A4TS3' @eluasan tanah yang a6an di(a6af6an Tu1uan tanah terse%ut itu di(a6af6an 26hasAam3, Salinan geran tanah, 2, <ega(ai+pega(ai La%atan Ma1lis &gama #slam tanah terse%ut, 3, Setelah selesai mem%uat pemeri6saan terse%ut' <ega(ai+ <ega(ai La%atan Ma1lis Agama #slam runei a6an mem%uat 11 laporan %ertulis dan a6an di%incang6an dalam mesyuarat Ma1lis &gama #slam untu6 menentu6an sama ada hasrat orang terse%ut diterima atau se%ali6nya, 4aHimnya' %agi yang %erhasrat untu6 %er(a6af tanah' 6eluasan tanah adalah a6an diam%il 6ira le%ih+ le%ih lagi 1i6a sesorang itu %erhasrat untu6 %er(a6af %agi pem%inaan mas1id' surau atau %alai i%adat, Se%agai contoh' tanah yang henda6 di(a6af6an itu %er6eluasan satu e6ar saha1a %agi pem%inaan mas1id' surau' atau %alai i%adatI untu6 %angunan mas1id' surau atau %alai i%adat saha1a mung6in mencu6upi' tetapi 6emudahan+6emudahan lain seperti tempat leta6 6ereta' penam%ahan di masa a6an datang dan se%againnya perlu diam%il6ira, 8leh 6erana itu' dengan 6eluasan tanah sedemi6ian' ma6a orang yang henda6 %er(a6af itu a6an dinasihat6an untu6 me(a6af6an tanahnya secara (a6af am saha1a, !, Apa%ila hasrat orang yang henda6 %er(a6af itu diterima' ma6a orang %er6enaan adalah di6ehenda6i untu6 mengucap6an lafaH (a6af di hadapan 0a6im Mah6amah Syariah, ", Selepas itu' piha6 Ma1lis Agama #slam a6an %erurusan dengan piha6+piha6 yang %er6enaan seperti La%atan Tanah dan se%againya %agi proses pindah mili6 dan lain+lain, Setelah semua urusan terse%ut selesai' ma6a %aharulah didaftar6an di La%atan Ma1lis Agama #slam runei %agi urusan pentad%irannya, $a6af Tida6 erdaftar, agi harta (a6af yang tida6 %erdaftar' ma6a pengurusannya adalah merupa6an tanggung1a(a% piha6 yang di%eri6an atau menerima harta (a6af %er6enaan, Misalnya se%uah mas1id menerima (a6af Al+?uran' ma6a mas1id itu sendiri yang a6an mengurus6an segala hal yang %er6aitan dengannya, runei a6an memeri6sa





R&JE# runei Darussalam adalah

Secara umumnya' harta+harta (a6af di Jegara pem%inaan

terdiri daripada tanah' %angunan+%angunan' (ang tunai yang di(a6af6an %agi seperti mas1id' 6enderaan seperti 6ereta+6ereta 1enaHah' %u6u+%u6u ugama' 6ita% suci Al+?uran' peralatan 6omputer' alat ha(a dingin' peralatan+ peralatan mas1id seperti pem%esar suara' 6ipas angin dan se%againya, &ntu6 1elasnya' sila ru1u6 carta yang diserta6an se%agaimana lampiran, <E4A &RAJ 0ARTA+0ARTA $A@A/ 12 $a6af memain6an peranan penting dalam pem%angunan umat #slam, 8leh 6erana itu' harta (a6af (a1i% di1aga' dipelihara dan perlulah dila%ur6an agar ia terus 6e6al dan %er6em%ang serta dapat diperolehi manfaat dan pahalanya secara %erterusan, erdasar6an 6epada 6edudu6annya se%agai pemegang amanah harta+ harta (a6af' Ma1lis Agama #slam runei mempunyai 6uasa mela6u6an apa+apa lang6ah yang %ersesuaian 6e atas harta+harta terse%ut %agi ma6sud mema1u dan mengem%ang6an harta+harta itu seta6at mana yang di%enar6an oleh hu6um syara6 dan diper6enan6an oleh @e%a(ah Duli Gang Maha Mulia <adu6a Seri Darussalam, Di Jegara dima1u6an runei Darussalam' terdapat harta+harta (a6af yang telah untu6 pela%uran, Tu1uan pela%uran terse%ut ialah %agi aginda Sultan Dan Gang Di+<ertuan Jegara runei

mengem%ang6an harta (a6af itu %agi 6epentingan umat #slam di Jegara runei Darussalam, &mpamanya' tanah (a6af 4ot 11913 dan 4ot 111K9' Lalan @ota atu' Jegara runei Darussalam telah di%angun6an diatasnya angunan terse%ut telah rumah pangsa dan rumah 6edai untu6 dise(a,

mem%eri6an pendapatan se(a 6epada Ma1lis Agama #slam pada setiap %ulan, 0asil pela%uran terse%ut telah diguna6an %agi 6egunaan 6e%a1i6an masyara6at #slam di Jegara runei Darussalam, Ma1lis Agama #slam memang sedia menyedari %aha(a per6em%angan harta (a6af terse%ut perlulah diusaha6an dengan le%ih giat lagi 6erana

13 masih %anya6 ruang MAL4#S dan usaha &7AMA yang dapat di%uat DA4AM dalam memper6erm%ang6an harta+harta (a6af %er6enaan, &SA0A+&SA0A Ma1lis Agama #slam #S4AM MEJ#J7@AT@AJ <EJ7&R&SAJ 0ARTA $A@A/ runei telah dapat mengendali dan mela6sana6an tugas dan tanggung1a(a% yang diamanah6an 6epadanya dalam pengurusan harta+ harta (a6af ini, Dalam pada itu' usaha+usaha sedang di%uat %agi mening6at6an lagi pengurusan harta+harta (a6af %er6enaan supaya men1adi le%ih teratur dan sempurna, Antara usaha+ usaha yang telah dan a6an terus dila6sana6an oleh Ma1lis Agama #slam dengan 6er1asama La%atan 0al Eh(al Mas1id' @ementerian 0al Eh(al Agama ialah untu6 memasu66an %arang+ %arang yang telah di(a6af6an oleh orang ramai di mas1id+mas1id' surau+surau dan %alai+%alai i%adat di seluruh Jegara 6e dalam senarai daftar harta+harta (a6af di Ma1llis Agama #slam, <enyenaraian harta+harta (a6af %er6enaan adalah perlu dan mustaha6 %agi memasti6an harta+harta (a6af %er6enaan dipelihara dan di1aga dengan %ai6 dan ter1amin serta dapat menyampai6an Bha1at. orang yang %er(a6af itu untu6 dapat dimanfaat6an secara %erterusan, 1! Di samping itu' data+data (a6af %er6enaan a6an dapat disimpan dengan sempurna serta teratur dan dapat men1adi sum%er ru1u6an di masa a6an datang, Selain daripada usaha+usaha untu6 memasu66an harta+harta (a6af itu 6e dalam senarai harta+harta (a6af di Ma1lis Agama #slam' Ma1lis Agama #slam 1uga dengan 6er1asama &nit <erundangan #slam' @ementerian 0al Eh(al Agama dan <e1a%at <eguam Jegara' La%atan <erdana Menteri melalui satu La(atan6uasa @has yang ditu%uh6an oleh Ma1lis Agama #slam telahpun selesai meneliti draf <erintah $a6af 2 untu6 %acaan 6ali 6e+dua3 dan setelah draf <erintah %er6enaan selesai diteliti' ma6a ia a6an dapat di(arta6an dan di6uat6uasa6an untu6 pela6sanaannya, Menerusi pro1e6 .E+ 7overnment. 1uga' Ma1lis Agama #slam runei tida6 6etinggalan untu6 memanfaat6an 6ecanggihan te6nologi yang ada pada masa ini %agi mening6at6an pentad%iran dan pengurusan harta+ harta (a6af %er6enaan, Mem%eri ma6lumat dan 6efahaman mengenai tatacaraAprosedur %er(a6af %agi mengemas6an lagi pentad%iran dan pengurusan harta+harta

(a6af terse%ut se%elum dimanfaat6an oleh orang ramai, Ma1lis Agama #slam pada masa ini telahpun %er1aya mem%angun6an %e%erapa %uah mas1id di atas tapa6 tanah+tanah (a6af dengan 6os per%elan1aannya adalah melalui peruntu6an (ang yang di%eri6an oleh 6era1aan dan 1uga hasil (a6af daripada orang perseorangan dan orang ramai, Di samping itu' Ma1lis 1uga telah %er1aya mem%angun6an %e%erapa %uah %angunan rumah pangsa dan 1" rumah 6edai di atas tanah+tanah (a6af dan telah mendapat hasil daripada se(a+se(a %angunan+%angunan %er6enaan, &saha+usaha seumpama ini insyaAllah a6an dapat diterus6an lagi di masa hadapan melalui Tanmiah 0arta Ma1lis Agama #slam' salah se%uah ditu%uh6an oleh Ma1lis Agama #slam, adan adan yang telah

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