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MG University-Kottayam,Kerala

MCA SYLLABUS [2007 onwards

Ist sem. MCA101 MCA102 MCA10! MCA10& MCA10' MCA10) MCA10+ IInd Sem. MCA201 MCA202 MCA20! MCA20& MCA20' MCA20) MCA20+ IIIrd Sem. MCA!01 MCA!02 MCA!0! MCA!0& MCA!0' MCA!0) MCA!0+ Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science Probability Statistics "i#ital Systems Computer $ard%are Principles of Mana#ement and Accountin# Problem Sol(in# and Pro#rammin# in C C Pro#rammin# - *ab PC $ard%are *ab Computer ,r#ani-ation and Architecture "ata Structures Microprocessors .mbedded Systems ,b/ect ,riented Pro#rammin# and C00 Mana#ement information system. "ata Structures - *ab C00 *ab Computer 1raphics "ata 2ase Mana#ement System System Soft%are "ata Communication Computer 3et%or4s Soft%are .n#ineerin# Micro Processors - *ab Computer 1raphics and Multimedia - *ab

I5th Sem. MCA&01 - ,ptimi-ation 6echni7ue MCA&02 - ,peratin# Systems MCA&0! - Al#orithm Analysis and "esi#n MCA&0& - 8a(a and 9eb Pro#rammin# MCA&0'- .lecti(e I MCA&0)- "2MS - *ab MCA&0+ - 8a(a and 9eb pro#rammin# - *ab 5th Sem. MCA'01 MCA'02 MCA'0! MCA'0& MCA'0' Soft%are Pro/ect Mana#ement Internet 6echnolo#y and Applications. *inu: Internals "ata Minin# 9are $ousin# .lecti(e - II

MCA'0) - *inu: *ab MCA'0+ - Mini Pro/ect MCA'0; - Seminar 5Ith Sem. MCA)01 - Pro/ect MCA)02 - 5i(a-(oce

---------------------------------------------------------.lecti(e -I -------------------------------------------5isual Pro#rammin# Client Ser(er Computin# Applications 3eural 3et%or4s and Fu--y *o#ic 2usiness "ata Processin# and Cobol pro#rammin#. .ntrepreneurship .nterprise <esource Plannin#. ,b/ect ,riented Modelin# and "esi#n ---------------------------------------------.lecti(e- II ------------------------Ad(anced Computer Architecture and Parallel Processin# "istributed Computin# Artificial Intelli#ence Crypto#raphy and 3et%or4 Security Multimedia Systems 2io Informatics "i#ital Ima#e Processin#. ---------------------------------------

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