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Submitted To Mrs.

Rachna Sharma

Submittd By Taruna Kohal Roll No.- 1331879

What is job satisfaction?

Job satisfaction is the extent of positive feelings or attitudes that individuals have towards their jobs

Factor Affecting Job Satisfaction

Individual factors: Personality, education,
intelligence & abilities, age, marital status, orientation to work.

Social factor: Relationships with co-workers,

group working & norms, opportunities for interaction, informal relations.

Cultural factor: attitudes, beliefs & values.

Organizational factor: Nature & size, formal
structure, nature of work, policies, supervision, working condition.

Environmental factor: Economic, social,

technical & governmental influences.

Determinants of Job Satisfaction

Nature of Work Nature of Supervision Working Conditions Rewards Opportunities of Promotion Nature of Work Group Employee Morale.

Morale is an overall attitude of an individual and group towards all aspects of their work.

Individual & Group Morale

Individual Morale is a single persons attitude towards work environment. Group Morale reflects the general attitude of a group of persons.

Factors Affecting Morale

The organization The nature of work The level of satisfaction The level of supervision Concept of self Workers perception of reward system The employees age Occupational level

Sign Of Low Morale

High rate of absenteeism High labor turnover Strikes Lack of pride in work Wastage and spoilage

Sign Of High Morale

Internal cohesiveness Absence of sub groups within a group Ability to cope changing environment Feeling of belongingness Commonness of goals

Factors Improving Morale

Two way communication Proper incentive system Human relation approach Welfare schemes Participation in management Improve workers training Job enrichment

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