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CJUS 4029Administration and management Chapter 6 quiz 1. Alderfer's growth needs were similar to a part of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Which part of Maslow's hierarchy is included in Alderfer's conception of growth needs? Self-actualization needs. 2. The police chief institutes a quota where the officers must write 15 traffic citations each month. They will be evaluated each month on their performance. This type of appraisal is best considered a results approach. 3. The extent to which a job provides a worker the liberty to schedule work and decide the procedure to complete it is autonomy. 4. nAch is a core component of McClelland's motivation theory. 5. A patrol officer rarely gets to see a case through from the beginning to the end. He/she conducts an initial investigation and then turns the case over to a detective who wants to clear the case. This example suggests that the patrol officer's work lacks task identity. 6. Sgt.Smith wants to offer motivations rather than attend to hygiene factors to improve the performance of her subordinates. According to Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory, which of the following is best considered to be a motivator? Personal growth 7. According to Maslow, the most basic human needs (the lower order needs) fall into which category? Physiological needs 8. In expectancy theory, the desirability that a worker assigns to any anticipated outcome is referred to as its valence. 9. Workers are likely to be motivated when they perceive that the processes of assessing their performance, disputes, and grievances are fair. This statement best describes procedural justice theory. 10. Which of the following is most likely viewed as a subjective measure of performance? For a prosecutor; ensure justice is served in each case. Chapter 7 Quiz 1. Compared to most other public organizations, police and correctional organizations tend to be characterized by Authoritarian forms of leadership. 2. Autocratic leaders have great confidence in the abilities of their followers to get the job done. False 3. A police sergeant bases his style of leadership on the readiness level of followers. His approach to leadership fits which of the following contingency theories? Hershey and Blanchard's contingency model 4. "There is no one best style of leadership; it depends on the situation" is a statement that sums up Contigency/ Situational theories of leadership. 5. Trait approaches to leadership assume that leaders are born rather than made. Ch 8 Quiz
1. Approximately 25 percent of information is lost each time it is passed from one person to another.

2. During the course of a raid, communication between SWAT team members suffered as excessive static overwhelmed radio's. Within communication process, this static can be viewed as noise because it interfered with communication. 3. When communications operate according to sequential tasks, the network is considered a chain network. 4. Research on forms of interpersonal communication has found that facial impact carries the most relative weight in communicating a message. 5. A police officer responds to her sergeants demands with a look of confusion indicating that she is not clear on the this situation, the facial expression is best viewed as the feedback in the communication process.

Ch 9-13 Test 1. The Supreme Court ruled that inmates have a right to proper classification in the 1976 case of Pugh v. Locke. 2. Attitudinal theory of decision-making is best illustrated in which of the following examples? An appellate judge gets to set the agenda and decide when issues to address and when they will be addressed 3. Brinks was credited with started the first armored car services in 1891. 4. Community policing is best considered a closed system approach to policing. FALSE 5. The largest provider of contract security services to day is Securitas. Managerial theory suggests that the size of a judge's work load influences decision-making. TRUE 6. Juvenile courts are increasingly becoming formalized and more and more like adult courts. TRUE 7. Technical violations are violations of conditions of probation other than the commission of new crimes. TRUE 8. Which of the following is a criticism of risk assessment instruments that are commonly used in the probation and parole? All of these (They are unable to predict violent recidivism, they can be easily manipulated to help officers manage their workloads, there is a low correlation between risk assessment scores and actual recidivisms) 9. Who is most likely to supervise the operations of a jail? The municipal police chief 10. Private security officers are considered to be client-focused. TRUE 11. Probation is a more costly alternative to incarceration. FALSE 12. A weighted caseload helps the courts determine the time and cost needed to process certain types of cases. 13. Police Department fall under control of the mayor or city manager. TRUE 14. All of the following are examples of community corrections except jails. 15. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the community policing philosophy? Decision making is centralized within the police organization 16. The managerial and administrative functions of the federal courts are handled by the Administrative Office of the United States Courts. 17. Classification systems are used to make decisions about inmate placement in educational, vocational, and work programs. TRUE 18. Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) certification typically uses which of the following to certify new officers? All of these (written exams, training, educational standards) 19. The operational branch of a corrections facility deals with security and custody. TRUE

20. Agencies may try to improve their organizations by encouraging officers to report misconduct-generally, encouraging officers to "do the right thing". These departments are stressing ethics. 21. Even before private corporations formally took over control of some prisons, government run prisons often contracted out certain services (for example, food) to private corporations. TRUE 22. State correctional officers are usually trained at state-sponsored correctional academies. 23. Judges in the federal court system are elected to their position. FALSE 24. Contracts between governments and private correctional facilities must specify the exact guidelines that the institution must follow. TRUE 25. The professionalization of the private security field advanced with the formation of the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) in 1955. 26. The Department of Homeland Security was created during the presidency of George W. Bush. TRUE 27. A police officer teaches a citizen how to avoid becoming the victim of theft. He also engraves serial numbers of value objects for the citizen. The officer is fulfilling which police function through his work? Crime-prevention 28. In some jurisdiction, probation and parole services are combined into a single office meaning officers supervise probationers and parolees. TRUE 29. The time between when a case is initially filed to when it is resolved is referred to as the case disposition time. 30. Modern police forces have attempted to increase the proportion of All of the above (hispanic, female, african-american officers) in their ranks. 31. "In house" security operations are also known as Proprietary security operations. 32. The police spend a lot of their time resolving conflicts between family members, friends, and neighbors. This activity generally falls into which category of police activity. Order maintenance 33. As described by Feeley and Simon, the new penology focuses on managing risks. 34. Administrative or staff divisions within police departments are staffed exclusively by civilian (rather than sworn) employees. FALSE 35. The average caseload per probation/parole officer in the United States is approximately 90 to 1. 36. Pinkerton and Burns were the only national investigative bodies concerned with non-specialized crimes in the United States until advent of the FBI. 37. Improved employee motivation has show to be linked to all of the following except higher rates of employee turnover. 38. The federal court system is very centralized in structure. TRUE 39. In order to improve service quality to probationers and reduce the number of probation violations, some have suggested a system that uses a combination of rewards and punishments. 40. Quality function deployment is comprised of three sets of matrices that link external and internal performances measure. 41. Which of the following is a function of private security services? all of these (minimize loss, minimize damage, minimize injury) 42. The support branch of a correctional facility is contained within the administrative services division. 43. Juveniles who violate the law are always processed through the same court systems as adults. FALSE

44. Depending upon the municipality, city, or state, probation services are organized as part of the judicial or legislative branch of government. 45. The operation of the juvenile court recognizes the interdependence or connections between schools, probation officers, the courts, parents, and others. TRUE 46. In the federal prison system, facilities lacking fences with low inmate-to-staff rations, and dorm style housing are probably federal prison camp facilities. 47. Offenders who can earn higher scores on risk assessment instruments are believed to pose a greater threat to the community. TRUE Ch 14 Quiz 1. Quality functions deployment is also referred to as house of quality. 2. Total Quality Management is based, in part, on the belief that all employees should be trained to deliver quality services. TRUE 3. The quality function deployment was first developed in Japan. 4. In a quality function deployment, the voice of the customer is introduced initially but not considered in later matrices. FALSE 5. A process flow chart examines the underlying sequence of operations and activities in the delivery of particular service. 6. Quality function deployment is designed to integrate internal and external measures of performance. TRUE 7. A poka-yoke is a foolproof device or routine used by organizations to achieve high quality without costly inspections. 8. External measures of performance are often gathered through citizen satisfaction surveys. 9. Quality function deployment attempts to link customers needs and day to day techniques adopted by front line workers. TRUE 10. Customers (market) orientation theory places the customer/client at the center of all the organizations activities.

1. Comprehensive Quiz Which component of the systems model is often used by individuals outside of the organization to determine if the organization is successful? Processes outputs 2. The _____ of an organization is/are considered its priorities. Values 3. Non-profit organizations, because they do not seek to generate monetary earnings, never engage in fundraising activities. False 4. The open systems model states that the actions of organizations are best explained by reference to internal organizational characteristics false 5. Learning organizations can be considered closed system organizations. False 6. Most employees in the criminal justice system work at the ________________ level of government. Local 7. Which of the following is best considered a commercial service? Private investigation agency 8. Legislatures sometimes pass laws that criminal justice organizations must enforce without the luxury of additional funding. True

9. Violations of civil laws are crimes. True 10. _____ is a core component of McClelland's motivation theory. nAch 11. Resource scarcity, incompatible goals, and differentiation are conditions that may give rise to conflict during the _________ stage of organizational conflict. Latent conflict 12. _____ is a core component of McClelland's motivation theory. nAch 13. Workers are likely to be motivated when they perceive that the processes of assessing their performance, disputes, and grievances are fair. This statement best describes _____ theory. Procedural justice 14. Which of the following best illustrates a formal performance appraisal? A correctional officer sits down for his review which involves a sergeant completing a worksheet 15. Hershey and Blanchard's contigency theory states that the best leadership style is based on the readiness level of the leader. true 16. A police officer is able (great record of accomplishment) and willing to perform the job. The sergeant should assume which style of leadership? Delegating 17. Informal leaders can be easliy indentified by looking at an organizational chart. False 18. Routine communications offer the most potential for miscommunication. False 19. Police departments that focus on specialization of services are likely to see and increase in department expenses. True 20. The time between when a case is initially filed to when it is resolved is referred to as the case _____. Disposition time 21. The average caseload per probation/parole officer in the United States is approximately______. 90 to 1 22. The Federal administrative maximum (Supermax)facility is located in______. Florence, Colorado 23. Pinkerton and _____ were the only national investigative bodies concerned with non-specialized crimes in the United States until the advent of the FBI. Burns 24. Quality function deployment attempts to link customer needs and day to day techniques adopted by front line workers. True false??? 25. Total Quality Management is based, in part, on the belief that all employees should be trained to deliver quality services. True 26. Non-profit organizations, because they do not seek to generate monetary earnings, never engage in fundraising activities. False 27. Each of the following is an example of a for-profit organization except _____. Matrix 28. In comparing organizations to one another, it is more important to focus on whether the organization is a for-profit or non-profit organization than it is to focus on organizational size. False 29. The personable leader of a gang organization is incarcerated leading to the disintegration of the gang. This illustrates Webers argument that authority should lie in the position, not a person. True 30. Fayol proposed six general principles of management. False 31. A family pays a monthly fee to a home security company to monitor in-home alarm systems. The service provided by the home security company is best considered a __________ service. Business to consumer 32. Today, most workers in the United States are employed in the ___________ sector of the economy. service

33. Police are restricted in their ability to search and seize individuals and property. These restrictions on the police are likely to be found in____________ law. procedural 34. The U.S. Department of Justice regularly announces grant opportunities for criminal justice agencies. true 35. People-oriented positions within an organization generally come with more power than taskoriented positions. True 36. The best conflict management approach, applicable in most situations, is _____. compromising 37. Which of the following is most likely viewed as a subjective measure of performance? For a prosecutor:ensure justice is served in each case 38. Once individuals self- actualize, they require less of this type of motivation. false 39. Workers are likely to be motivated when they perceive that the processes of assessing their performance, disputes, and grievances are fair. This statement best describes _____ theory. Procedural justice 40. A transformational leader deals with followers as a group, tending to avoid any type of individualized consideration. False 41. A police sergeant is rated as having strong human resource management skills. This means that he can effectively work with other people. True 42. The knowledge and ability necessary to complete a task are referred to as_____. Technical skills 43. A police officer responds to her sergeants's demands with a look of confusion indicating that she is not clear on the this situation, the facial expression is best viewed as the _____ in the communication process. Feedback 44. Agencies may try to improve their organizations by encouraging officers to report misconduct--generally, encouraging officers to "do the right thing" These departments are stressing ____. Ethics 45. A weighted caseload helps the court determine______. The time and cost needed to process certain types of cases 46. Technical violations are violations of conditions of probation other than the commission of new crimes. True 47. The Supreme Court ruled that inmates have a right to proper classification in the 1976 case of _____. Pugh v. Locke 48. The private security industry is _____ larger than the public policing sector in the United States. Three 49. The New York City police department instituted a service delivery program known as CPR, meaning _____, professionalism, and respect. courtesy 50. A ______ is meant to ensure that agency employee's perform a task correctly following certain procedures. Task poka yoke

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