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Briana Graham ~ Founder

Briana Graham, owner of Elite Exercise, is a young, inspired artist with a passion for all things sport. She loves to give, donating and sponsoring many causes around the world. Briana plays netball, soccer, softball and lawn bowls herself, all at high levels, meaning lots of travel around ustralia and !ew "ealand. #hen she$s not on or at the field she$s reading and writing about sports.

Ellen Smith ~ %ontent &anager and 'ealth #riter licia (homson ~ %o)Editor
licia (homson is a first year student at the *niversity of !ew England studying English and #riting. +reviously licia wanted to be a photographer, however, now she wishes to become a boo- editor. licia.s interests include reading, photography and art /mostly drawing, painting and sewing0. She has recently moved to rmidale with one of her high school friends from the !ewcastle area where she grew up. 1n 2345 licia will be travelling to (an6ania, frica with %hallenges broad to volunteer at a local school. She has also travelled to (hailand, merica, %anada and 1taly during her high school career.

Ellie Gall~ %o)Editor

Ellie Gall, 47 is a full)time student at the *niversity of !ew England studying a Bachelor of %riminology8Bachelor of 9aws. She recently moved from the !ewcastle area in the 'unter :alley to rmidale. Ellie is the youngest child in her family and is a twin. Ellie believes travel is important and is volunteering in (an6ania in 2345. Ellie$s interests include music, water sports, writing, reading, coo-ing and true crime. Ellie is also training as a swimming instructor.

;oseph /;.<.0 %armen ~ Fitness #riter

1 was born in !ew =or- some time ago and moved to !ew ;ersey when 1 was 4>. 1 graduated high school and fulfilled my dream to travel through

the *nited States in my twenties. 1 travelled through and lived in many places including lbu?uer?ue, !ew &exico, South Bend, 1ndiana, Salt 9a-e %ity, *tah, !ew @rleans, 9ouisiana and Seattle, #ashington. #hen 1 lived in Seattle 1 wor-ed on the fishing trawlers in Aitch 'arbour, las-a. 1 moved to ustralia in 4BB7 and studied communications at the *niversity of !otre Aame in Fremantle. 1 graduated in 233> with bachelor of communications and a second maCor in theatre studies. 1 moved to the Gold %oast in 233B and received my master$s degree in arts and media from Griffith *niversity in 2342. 1 have been involved in weight training since 1 was 4> and on my high school$s wrestling team. 1 train for power and have strived to learn everything 1 can about how to lift correctly. 1 am a lifelong !ew =or=an-ee, Giant and <anger fan. 1 enCoy the F9 and support the <ichmond (igers.

Bonnie Ba-er ~ Sports #riter

passion for writing and words may have been induced by a rather novelty)li-e name of Bonnie Belle Ba-er, a nice slice of alliteration. s an ex)gymnast of 44 years and now a dancer, s-ier and runner, there is a love for sports flowing through this healthy blood. 1 am a budding sports Cournalist and coming from a performing arts bac-ground, possess a -een interest to get into sports broadcasting sometime in the future. 9iving in Sydney and such a sport)obsessed culture drives my mind to write about all sports and current affairs that circulate within them.

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