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Overview: Student Success Email

Overview: Student Success Email

Project Phases
Roll-out weekly emails covering Phase student success tips

Integrate social media and other web Phase platforms for additional communication

Assess effectiveness and evaluate Phase policies and procedures

Communication Process Steps

Student Services Email Campaign Communication Process Map updated: 7/18/13

Step 1 Step 2

epartments ! "ffices submit topics#content to Pro$ect %oordinator

Pro$ect %oordinator enters onto && 'mail (racking (ool and submits )uarterly to *P&&

Step *P&& approves#edits#comments 3 Step 4 Step 5 raft of approved contents sent to epartments ! "ffices istrict "ffice for

Pro$ector %oordinator sends content to emailing distribution monthly or weekly

MOSS imeline
+ote, -ou will have the opportunity to submit spontaneous or urgent messages as fit to current needs#situation. All content will go through an e/pedited process. M%SS ACT&%' P(A' 1- &.plain on ept and pro/e t dire tion to %our staff0- !reate list of topi s and ontent rele1ant/appropriate under %our area3- Submit t)e Request (orm outlining %our A'')A( plan-

Proposed Timeline: July 29th Request forms sent out to MOSS August 23rd Submission deadline August 2 th ! 3"th Built-in gra e period Sept# 3rd ! th ! !ompile data Sept# $9th SS!! "resident#s $a% "resent 1st Sample &mail ' draft of (all !ontent S )edule Sept# 23rd (all *tr Starts first +ee, email laun ) plan-

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