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Daniel E.

3216 English Woods Drive Traverse City, MI 4 6!6 "231# $3%&1'$4 daniel(cgee)charter(

*+ril 14, 2'14

To Who( It May Concern, I a( very +leased to -rite this letter o. reco((endation .or /elly 0orrester. I (et /elly a co1+le o. years ago, -hen she -as (y st1dent in (y 2ealth and 3hysical ed1cation classes at Traverse City Central 2igh 4chool. /elly i(+ressed (e -ith her -or5 ethic and leadershi+ as a st1dent. /elly -as also st1dent in (y advisory .or the +ast 3 years. 0or the +ast t-o years, /elly has 6een in the Teacher *cade(y that I co&(entor at Central 2igh 4chool. /elly has had (any di..erent teacher assistant assign(ents in the Teacher *cade(y and has 6een o1tstanding in each classroo( and has 6een a great asset to each and every class she has -or5ed in. /elly has -or5ed -ith (any (aster teachers the +ast t-o years, and they have 6een e7cellent role (odels .or /elly. /elly has contin1ed to i(+ress (e as st1dent assistant. 2er +ro.essionalis(, instr1ctional s5ills and organi8ational s5ills are e7cellent. I have ta1ght ele(entary ed1cation (a9ors at Grand :alley 4tate ;niversity .or the +ast 1% years and /elly<s -or5 is at the to+ o. class. /elly has a great +assion .or teaching, sense o. h1(or and -onder.1l +eo+le s5ills, co((1nicating 1sing technology, -ritten and .ace to .ace. 4he ta5es +ride in her -or5 and -ill do -hat is necessary to get the 9o6 done and done right. The relationshi+s that she has develo+ed -ith the teaching sta.. and st1dents de(onstrate ho- (1ch she cares .or the +eo+le she -or5s -ith, es+ecially the st1dents. I 5no- that /elly -ill 6e an e7cellent teaching candidate. I -o1ld not hesitate to have /elly as a teacher in (y 61ilding. I. yo1 -o1ld li5e to contact (e -ith any =1estions, call 231&$3%& 1'$4. 4incerely,

Daniel E. McGee Teacher Central 2igh 4chool

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