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6193 S. West Bay Shore Drive Traverse City, Michigan 49684 231-932- 813 !

"ri#, 13, 2$14 To Who% &t May Concern' & ha( the "#eas)re to *or+ *ith ,e##y -orrester .or the "ast t*o years *hen & ta)ght -irst an( Thir( gra(e. She *as o)r high schoo# st)(ent teacher .ro% the Teacher !ca(e%y. ,e##y *or+e( *ith %y st)(ents .or the #ast ho)r every(ay rein.orcing o)r %ath c)rric)#)%/ The activities she instr)cte( or vo#)nteere( .or inc#)(e' Math ro)tines an( ga%es ,e##y create( C)rric)#)% Math ro)tines Menta# %ath 0o#)nteere( .or c#assroo% "arties 0o#)nteere( .or -a%i#y -itness 1ight 0o#)nteere( .or en( o. the year .a%i#y vi(eo night 0o#)nteere( to teach %ath even tho)gh her tri%ester ha( en(e( in thir( gra(e

,e##y is e2tre%e#y inte##igent, very organi3e(, an( has e2ce##ent %anageria# s+i##s. The e2"erience *ith o)r st)(ents at Co)rta(e has tr)#y enhance( her s+i##s an( has enriche( the #ives o. o)r chi#(ren. She *i## %a+e a *on(er.)# teacher4 Sincere#y, 5ea 6aring

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