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Shrimp + bacon + cheese in Pastry puff / /shrimp-in-puff-pastry!ith-"oat-cheese-and-bacon.html
1 pkg. (5.2 ounces) garlic & herb spreadable cheese, softened 1 tbsp. finely chopped fresh parsley 2 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled 18 fresh jumbo shrimp (about 1 pound), peeled ith tail left on, de!eined and butterflied 1"2 of a 1#.$%ounce package puff pastry sheets (1 sheet), tha ed (see tip belo ). &eat the o!en to '(()*. +tir the cheese, parsley and bacon in a medium bo l. +poon about 2 teaspoons cheese mi,ture do n the center of each shrimp. *old the sides of the shrimp o!er the filling. -nfold the pastry sheet on a lightly floured surface. .ut the pastry sheet cross ise into 18 (1"2% inch ide) strips. +tarting at the top, ind 1 pastry strip around 1 shrimp, slightly o!erlapping the pastry and ending just before the tail. /epeat ith the remaining pastry strips and shrimp. 0lace the pastries onto a baking sheet. 1ake for 15 minutes or until the pastries are golden bro n. 0uff 0astry 2ip3 4s you kno if you5!e orked ith puff pastry before, each sheet is folded in thirds hen you take it out of the package. 6 ha!e found that it5s much easier to unfold it if you do this hen it5s still partially fro7en. 6f you ait until it5s completely tha ed, the pastry ill stick to itself and ne!er flatten out properly. +o 6 let it sit out for about 15 or 2( minutes and then unfold it before letting it tha completely.

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