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LducaLor and ArLlsL

(616) 340-7778 ! vandyke.rachael[ !

kendall College of ArL and ueslgn, Crand 8aplds, Ml (2007-2011) CA 4.0 !MasLers ln ArL LducaLlon

Crand valley SLaLe unlverslLy, Crand 8aplds, Ml (2004) CA 3.97 39 CraduaLe CredlLs Pours ln Ceneral LducaLlon
!CraduaLe 1eacher CerLlflcaLlon ln ArL LducaLlon k-12

!Ceneral LducaLlon CerLlflcaLlon k-8Lh grade
!CvSu CraduaLe 1eacher Scholarshlp reclplenL
!Crand 8aplds loundaLlon Scholarshlp reclplenL

8oberLs Wesleyan College, 8ochesLer, n? (1994) CA 3.6 !8S SLudlo ArL
!vocal Scholarshlp 8eclplenL

8ochesLer lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology, 8ochesLer, n? (1991) CA 3.4
!loundaLlonal ArL SLudles

AddlLlonal coursework:
Columbla College, Chlcago, lll. Advanced lacemenL CerLlflcaLlon
SeaLLle aclflc unlverslLy, SeaLLle, WA
Crand 8aplds CommunlLy College, Crand 8aplds, Ml

ArL LducaLor, 8rlghLon ubllc Schools -k-8
grade shared-Llme, Lanslng, Ml (2013-2014)
!uevelopmenL and lmplemenLaLlon of k-8Lh grade ArL Currlculum for 3 shared-Llme schools
!lncorporaLlon of cross-currlculum songs, arL hlsLory and all learnlng sLyles

Ad[uncL lnsLrucLor, College for CreaLlve SLudles, ueLrolL, Ml (2012-2013)
!1eachlng LlemenLary ArL MeLhods and MaLerlals -Lesson lan/unlL lan uevelopmenL, hllosophy
and PlsLory of Ceneral LducaLlon, Classroom ManagemenL, LlLeracy and 1echnology ln Lhe Classroom Currlculum
!Cbservlng and LvaluaLlng SLudenL 1eachers ln lleld lacemenLs

ArL LducaLor, norLholnLe ChrlsLlan Schools, Crand 8aplds, Ml (2004-2012)
!uevelopmenL of k-12Lh grade ArL and ueslgn Currlculum
!CranL wrlLlng and fundlng
!arLlclpaLlon ln ScholasLlc ArL and WrlLlng Awards -naLlonal and 8eglonal 8eclplenLs
!Lxpanslon of program Lo lnclude a parL Llme arL Leacher
!CoordlnaLlng Annual llne ArLs Lxpo
!CreaLlon of learnlng envlronmenLs LhaL reflecL real world" lssues and pro[ecLs
!laclllLaLed guesL arLlsLs -crlLlques, lecLures, demonsLraLlons

vlsual ArLs for Pome Schooled Chlldren, Crand 8aplds, Ml (1993-1998)
!Self-employed arL educaLor for over 120 home schooled chlldren
!ueveloped and LaughL school year lengLh program
!Worked collaboraLlvely wlLh esLabllshed home schooled programs and churches

ArL LducaLor, norLhPllls Classlcal Academy (1996)
!k-6Lh grade ArL LducaLor

!"#$"%& () *"+ ,-.% ! LducaLor and ArLlsL

CreaLlve 8esource lnsLrucLor, L1M ArL SpeclallsL, Crand 8aplds, Ml (summers 1999-2002)
!ConducLlng creaLlve Lhlnklng exerclses, Leam bulldlng exerclses, sLlmulaLlng arL pro[ecL

ArL 1eacher, Mld-Mlchlgan Summer MlgranL rogram, 8ockford, Ml (summer 2002)
! laclllLaLlng arL classes for summer school program for Plspanlc mlgranL populaLlon

SLudenL 1eachlng, Crand valley SLaLe unlverslLy
!CenLury ark Learnlng CenLer, Crandvllle, Ml (2003-4) MulLl-age 1-3
grade general educaLlon classroom
!norLh 8ockford Mlddle School, 8ockford, Ml (2004) MS ArL classroom

AfLer School ulrecLor, Mayfalr ChrlsLlan uaycare, Crand 8aplds, Ml (1996-1999)
!ulrecLed k-3Lh grade afLer-school and summer program and fleld Lrlps

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!1lCA , Chlcago, one week fellowshlp Lo Lhe School of Lhe ArLs lnsL. Summer 2012
!Les 1aples ArL 1eacher lellowshlp, Ardeche valley of lrance, summer 2009
!!apanese lulbrlghL Memorlal lund Scholar, 3 weeks ln !apan, november 2006

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!Ld-Camp, Lanslng, Ml
!LlLeracy and 1echnology for Lhe Classroom, ueLrolL, Ml
!CapLurlng klds PearLs, Crand 8aplds, Ml
!Mlchlgan ArL 1eacher Conference. Macklnaw lsland, Ml led workshop, lecLurer
!Mlchlgan ArL 1eacher Conference, Crand 8aplds, Ml, led workshop
!Palf-page arLlcle for ChrlsLlan Pome & School, CcLober 2007 lssue
!1eachlng Advance lacemenL ArL, Columbla College
!MonoprlnL Workshop, Columbla College
!CreaLlve 1hlnklng Workshop, urban lnsLlLuLe of ConLemporary ArL
!MALA Conference, 8aLLle Creek, Mlchlgan
!losLer Care Llcense for SLaLe of Mlchlgan

ArL Callery Cwner, Capsule, Llvlng SLudlo, Crand 8aplds, Ml (2003-2010)
!ArL Callery Cwner, Capsule, Llvlng SLudlo, Crand 8aplds, Ml (2003-2010)

ro[ecL CoordlnaLor, ulvlne Models and 1alenL, Crand 8aplds, Ml (2000-2002)
!AsslsLed ln coordlnaLlng LalenL and model shooLs wlLh adverLlslng agencles
!ArLlsLlc ulrecLor for new model shooLs and composlLe cards

Pouse arenL, Cmega MaLernlLy Pome, Crand 8aplds, Ml (2000-2002)
!nurLured and malnLalned a 3 resldenL home for unwed, expecLanL young women
!CrganlzaLlon of acLlvlLles, weekly lnformaLlonal meeLlngs, counsellng and goal seLLlng

AdmlnlsLraLlve AsslsLanL, 8eformed 8lble College (2002-2003)
!upkeep of records, naLlonal accredlLaLlon maLerlals and campalgns

rogram Alde, 1hresholds, Crand 8aplds, Ml (1993-1997) AdulLs wlLh physlcal and menLal lmpalrmenL
!"#$"%& () *"+ ,-.% ! LducaLor and ArLlsL


vlsual ArLlsL, local and reglonal represenLaLlon (2003-presenL)
!Ann Arbor CenLer for Lhe ArLs, Ann Arbor, Ml, 2013-presenL
!Sleeplng 8ear Callery, Lmplre, Ml 2012- presenL
!Cog's Creek Callery, 1raverse ClLy, Ml 2012 -presenL
!La lonLsee Callerles, Crand 8aplds, Ml 2012-presenL

!SelecLed Solo LxhlblLlons
upcomlng 2014 !"#$%&#' )*+%*,-' .-'/0+-1&0, ClfLs of ArL aL uM PosplLal, Ml
upcomlng 2013 !"#$%&#' )*+%*,-' -'/ 210$-$& !3 .-'/0+-1&0, ower CenLer for Lhe erformlng ArLs, Ml
2013 !"#$%&#' )*+%*,-' .-'/0+-1&0, u of M lerpolnL LxhlblLlon, Ml
2013 !"#$%&#' )*+%*,-' .-'/0+-1&0, uevos CenLer for ArLs and Worshlp, Ml
2008 4 5 67 osLma CenLer, Ml

!SelecLed Croup LxhlblLlons
2014 689:8;<= 8=>;?;97 Lowell ArLs Councll, Ml
2013 A818lZL, Crand 8aplds, Ml
2013 @" A*,B#&7 LalonLsee Callerles, Ml
2012 @&'#&7 Seed Callery, Ml
2012 A818lZL, Crand 8aplds, Ml
2012 A&0$*C-D "E $%& 6#$0, Crand 8aplds ubllc Museum, Ml urchase Award
2012 @&$ F#&00&/7 Seed Callery, Ml
2011 6#$:#*G&, Crand 8aplds ubllc Museum, Ml
2011 9%-H7 uavlson Callery, n?
2011 6C&'B& E"# $%& 6#$07 loresL Pllls llne ArLs CenLer, Ml
2008 4 5 6, ALrlum Callery, Ml
2008 >"I-,&0 -'/ ;J-,&K
uolan CenLer Callery, n?C
Cold uome Callery, Ck
Pawken Callery, CP
2007 9%& L%*D/ ;' 3"B7 Woman-Made Callery7 lL
2003 9%#&& ?$-#0 8*0*',M9%& =1%*'-'I7 Lyekons, Ml
2003 ?1#*', 6#$0, Callery 800, Ml
2003 N*'$&# A&0$*C-D =O%*P*$*"'7 Callery upLown, Ml

lreelance lllm and vldeo 1alenL and Model (1997-presenL)
!Local, 8eglonal, naLlonal acLress for commerclals and lndusLrlals
!Local, 8eglonal, naLlonal model for commerclal prlnL ad campalgns

1heaLer (1980-presenL)
!Leadlng acLress and slnger ln local and professlonal LheaLer companles
!Cpera Crand 8aplds Chorus member/roles (1994-2011)

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