Paachana Kashaaya

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Paachana Kashaaya


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Contents :
Ghana (Mustha), Chandana, Shunti, Ambu (Hribera),
Parpataka, Usheera

Procedure :
Take the above specified drugs in the quantity of one
Karsha (12 gms) each and add water of one Prastha (768
ml) and boil till it reduces to half of the quantity.

Indications & Pharmacological Actions :
Aamapaachaka, Jwara and Trushna Shaamaka

Dosage :
80-100 ml

Shelf Life :
24 hours

Note :- The same formulation has been mentioned in
Shaarangadhara Samhitha (Madhyama Khanda 2/153) by
the name Shadanga Paaneeya.

Reference :
Sahasrayogam/Kashaaya Prakarana

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