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Adobe Photoshop Tutorials

Flames Text
Este tutorial lhe mostrará como fazer um texto em chamas como este:

1º Passo
Crie um novo documento RGB do tamanho que você deseja.

Configure com o fundo preto e a fonte do texto branca.

Hit CTRL-A to select everything, then CTRL-SHIFT-C and finallay CTRL-V to copy
text and background into a new layer.

2º Passo
Rotate the image bei 90 degree counter clockwise

(Image --> Rorate Canvas --> 90 degree CCW)

Now use Filter --> Stylize Wind and use these settings.

Hit CTRL-F two times to repeat the wind filter.

This is what you will get:

Step 3
Apply Filter --> Blur --> Gaussian Blur with a radius of approximately 3:

Step 4
Press CTRL-U to bring up the Hue/Saturation dialogue and pick a color like this:
Copy the layer and bring up Hue/Saturation again.

Use these settings this time:

(don't check colorize)

Set the layer's blending options to Color Dodge and hit CTRL-E to merge it with the
layer below.

The intermediate result:

Step 5
Select Filter --> Liquify

Pick a brush of about 20px and draw the flames like this:

Copy the text layer and move it to the top of the layers palette.

Then, copy the fire layer and move it to the top of the layers palette, set it's blending
options to hard light.

Hit CTRL-A, then CTRL-SHIFT-C and then CTRL-V, set the new layer's Opacity to
50% and set it to overlay.

There you go, done:


(c) 2006 Photoshop Tutorials by Tutorial Jungle

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