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Free Jyotish Gemstone Recommendations


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Astrological Gem Offers a Free Gemstone Recommendation

The best way to select your Jyotish gemstone(s) is to follow the advice of your trusted Vedic Astrologer. We offer this free Astrological Gemstone recommendation as a starting point for those without an Astrologer, as well as a unique resource for learning about the areas of your life that may be effected with each gem. This report is powered by Parashara's Light, an internationally known and highly respected Jyotish software.

Our Gemstone recommendation is designed to reflect the balanced effect of many astrological principles that factor in to the selection of a gem. By nature, this is not a perfect science. Recommending gemstones is a complex process that requires a deep knowledge of Vedic Astrology and the specific use of gemstones. There are a number of schools of thought as to how to recommend a gemstone for a particular astrological chart, and opinions and interpretations from one expert to the next can often vary in this field. Please consult your Vedic Astrologer if you have any further questions.

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suraj prakash Place of birth: Cochin, Kerala, India Coordinates: 76E14'00, 09N58'00 Date and time of birth: Sat Mar 7,1981 01:10:00, TZ -05:30:00 with DST 00:00:00 Birth chart Navamsha

Vimshottari Dasha Me-Mo-Ra Me-Mo-Ju Me-Mo-Sa Me-Mo-Me Me-Mo-Ke Me-Mo-Ve Me-Mo-Su Me-Ma-Ma Me-Ma-Ra

Start date 03-03-2014 05-19-2014 07-27-2014 10-17-2014 12-29-2014 01-29-2015 04-25-2015 05-21-2015 06-11-2015

Gemstone Recommendation Summary:

Graha Moon Venus Jupiter Saturn Stone Pearl Diamond Yellow Sapphire Blue Sapphire Recommendation 100 % recommended 100 % recommended 63 % recommended 59 % recommended

The first two gemstones recommended for you relate to two planets, which do not have a friendly relationship with each other. So it is advisable not to wear them together or set together in the same piece of jewelry, as they may cause some undesired effects.



Free Jyotish Gemstone Recommendations

Wearing a Jyotish quality Pearl will enhance as well as strengthen Moon in one's chart. Because of the natural resonance of a Pearl with Moon, wearing a Pearl will enliven, and thereby increase the influence of Moon in one's chart. At the same time, the purity of the Pearl will help improve the quality of Moon. But what does that mean for you specifically, and why is this stome recommended for you? Why do you need "more Moon" and a "better Moon"? The answer is found entirely in the analysis of your birth chart, and the way Moon is positioned. Based on your birth chart we know what houses Moon rules, and the house it is placed in. These houses govern the areas of life that will be enlivened and improved by wearing a Pearl. There are three houses that are particularly desirable and auspicious to enliven: the 1st, the 5th and the 9th. So most astrologers will recommend gems for the planets that rule the 1st, 5th or 9th



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