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Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt Sarajevo BiH Consular Section

2 PH ! S

"isa Application #orm #ormular $a "i$u (i))le name & 'me ca Surname & Pre$ime

#irst %ame & 'me %ationality & *r$avljanstvo

ccupation & +animanje

Passport !ype & "rsta *o,umenta Regular & bicini Service & Slu$beni *iplomatic & *iplomats,i Passport %o- & Broj Pasosa. 'ssue) By & rgan ,oji je i$)ao . *ate of 'ssue & *atum '$)avanja *ate of E0piry & "a$i )o & & 2/ & & 2/ Purpose of "isit & Cilj posjete !ourism Business fficial 1en)er & Spol (ale & (us,i #emale & +ens,i *ate of Birth 2 *atum ro)enja Place of Birth 2 (jesto ro)enja & & (arital Status & Bracno stanje Single & Samac (arrie) & $enjen *ivorce) & Ra$ve)en Home A))ress 3 !el %o- & A)resa stanovanja i telefons,i broj 4or, A))ress & A)resa ustanove Civil '* &Broj licne ,arte. !ype of Entry "isa Re5uire) Supporting *ocuments . Applicant6s Signature 7 Potpis 8 . Single (ultiple

*ate . & & 2/

ffice :se

!el . ; <=> 2 << 2 ???@A= #a0 . ; <=> 2 << 2 ???@AA

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!el . ; <=> 2 << 2 ??B?BA !el . ; <=> 2 << 2C=/C2 E2(ail . Eg-Em-SaDBiH-%et-Ba

Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt Sarajevo BiH Consular Section

/ / ( )/ ' *
REE:'RE* * C:(E%!S. ! :R'S( "'SA. 2 Photos. Passport (validity 6 months). Copy of the passport (1st page). Return Air-plane tic et. !otel reservation. Completed Application form. "# $% for single visa& 6" $% for multiple visa. !:R'S!'CFA "'+A. 2 fotografi'e. Pasos (validan godinu dana). $opi'a pasosa (prve stranice). Povratna Avio arta. !otels a re(ervaci'a. Popun'ena apli aci's a forma. "# $% (a singl vi(u& 6" $% (a multiple vi(u.

B:S'%ESS "'SA. 2 Photos. Passport (validity 6 months.). Copy of the passport (1st page). Return Air-plane tic et. !otel reservation. )nvitation letter. Completed Application form. *" $% for single visa& 11" $% for multiple visa. ##'C'AG "'SAS+

P SG "%A "'+A. 2 fotografi'e. Pasos (validan 6 m'eseci). $opi'a pasosa (prve stranice). Povratna Avio arta. !otels a re(ervaci'a. Po(ivno pismo. Popun'ena apli aci's a forma *" $% (a singl vi(u& 11" $% (a multiple vi(u.

*'PG (A!'C 3 -

*'PG (A!SFE ' +"A%'C%E "'+E+ 2 fotografi'e. Pasos (validan 6 m'eseci). 0vanicno pismo od %inistarstva van's ih poslova ili relevantne Am/asade . "ise su vali)ne $a je)an ula$a, i na )uljinu borav,a o) </ )ana.

2 Photos. Passport (validity 6 months). ,fficial letter from %-A or the relevant .m/assy. "isas are vali) for a single entry an) for )uration of stay of </ )ays

%B. Some visas may ta,e up to < Hee,s for processingProces i$)avanja ne,ih vi$a mo$e trajati i )o < se)mice C (PG'!E* PASSP R! 4'GG BE *EG'"ERE* E"ERI !H:RS*AI !el . ; <=> 2 << 2 ???@A= !el . ; <=> 2 << 2 ??B?BA !el . ; <=> 2 << 2C=/C2 #a0 . ; <=> 2 << 2 ???@AA E2(ail . Eg-Em-SaDBiH-%et-Ba

Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt Sarajevo BiH Consular Section

Fompletirani pasosi ce biti isporuceni sva,og cetvrt,a

!el . ; <=> 2 << 2 ???@A= #a0 . ; <=> 2 << 2 ???@AA

!el . ; <=> 2 << 2 ??B?BA !el . ; <=> 2 << 2C=/C2 E2(ail . Eg-Em-SaDBiH-%et-Ba

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