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Chimney Ridge Homeowners Association Annual Meeting Minutes March 25, 2014 at 7:00 pm Board Members Present: Jeff

Miles, Monica Kobayashi, ot !hite, Jill "#d$ins, and Jerry %#c&er 'Property Mana$er( Meetin$ )as called to order* Meetin$ min#tes from +ebr#ary 2014 )ere appro,ed* %he ne) estimated time of arri,al for the comm#nity )eb site and co#pon boo&s-)eb ,a#lt electronic payment system for assessments is .pril to May 2014 Jerry reported that the pool company /#ote to $et the pool ready for openin$ this s#mmer is forthcomin$* 0t is e1pected to be bet)een 22500 and 23000* %here is a lar$e bro&en limb on a tree )hich still needs to be remo,ed* 4ome trim aro#nd the )indo)s need paint* Jeff )ill find the paint color name* Jerry is c#rrently the official 5e$istered .$ent of 6himney 5id$e 67. Jerry )ill ha,e someone loo& at ot8s #nit as it appears a )all is separatin$ from the fo#ndation* Jerry reported that he met )ith 5yan 'la)yer( abo#t escalatin$ action a$ainst delin/#ent o)ners*

%he meetin$ mo,ed to the e1ec#ti,e session* Meetin$ )as ad9o#rned*

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