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Free Online Listening Practice

Are you having problems understanding native English speakers in everyday conversation? If so, here are a number of listening eb !ites that you can use to improve your language skills" # Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab $%%%&esl'lab&com( )ry over *+, language activities in several different levels %ith both adult and children-s voices& )his site %ill help you improve your listening, speaking,%riting, reading, and thinking skills through pre'listening e.ercises, discussion /uestions, online investigation tasks, and vocabulary practice& # Daily ESL $%%%&dailyesl&com( ' 0ead, listen, and discuss everyday situations %here people often encounter English& # EZ Slang $%%%&e1slang&com( ' Listen to conversational English topics, study idiomatic e.pressions and slang, and improve your %riting and discussion skills& # Randall's ESL Blog $esl'lab&blogspot&com( ' Listen and read topics on language and culture and share your ideas %ith a %orld%ide community& # Tips for Students $%%%&tips2students&com( ' 0ead and listen to topics on helping students prepare for study abroad& # Train Your Accent $%%%&trainyouraccent&com( ' 0educe your accent and sound more fluent by listening to natural English& # English3oices $%%%&englishvoices&org( ' Listening to voices around the %orld on language and cultural topics, and then record your o%n voice to share %ith others& Web Site Features Activities designed to teach you ho% to listen and speak better, not 4ust test your listening& 5edia files prepared in Flash, indo%s 5edia, and 0eal5edia formats for all Internet connections& !peed control settings in indo%s 5edia Player can be used to slo% do%n the audio for improved listening&

0andall 6avis is an E!L instructor and computer lab coordinator in the 7nited !tates, and he develops his eb sites as independent pro4ects outside of his teaching position& 3isit http"88%%%&esl'lab&com8fa/&htm for more information about his %ork, or %rite him at rdavis9esl'lab&com&

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