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Duke University School of Nursing Nurse Anesthesia Program Matriculation Plan First Year Class of 2009 Spring Semester

I (January-April) N353 Advanced Physiology N512 Pharmacology of Anesthetic Agents N513 Basic Principles of Anesthesia N515 Chemistry and Physics Related to Anesthesia N529 Clinical Anesthesia Practicum I (1 day/week; sim-lab) Clinical and Literature Review Semester I Total Summer Semester II (May-August) N308 Applied Statistics (on-line) N514 Anesthesia Pharmacology I N517 Advanced Principles of Anesthesia I N521 Advanced Pathophysiology for Nurse Anesthetists I N529 Clinical Anesthesia Practicum II (2 days/week; OR) Clinical and Literature Review Semester II Total Fall Semester III (September - December) N307 Research Methods (on-line) N518 Advanced Principles of Anesthesia II N522 Advanced Pathophysiology for Nurse Anesthetists II N529 Clinical Anesthesia Practicum III (3 days/week; OR) Clinical and Literature Review Semester III Total Credits 4 3 3 3 2 15 Credits 2 3 4 3 2 14 Credits 3 3 3 2 11

Second Year Class of 2009 Spring Semester IV (January-April) N312 Research Utilization (on-line) N526 Professional Aspects of Nurse Anesthesia Practice N529 Clinical Anesthesia Practicum III (4 days/week; OR) Clinical and Literature Review Semester IV Total Summer Semester V (May-August) N303 Health Services Program Planning and Outcomes Analysis (on-line) N529 Clinical Anesthesia Practicum III (4 days/week; OR) Clinical and Literature Review Semester V Total Fall Semester VI (September-December) N301 Population Based Approach to Health Care (on-line) N529 Clinical Anesthesia Practicum III (4 days/week; OR) Clinical and Literature Review Semester VI Total Third Year Class of 2009 Spring Semester VII (January-April) N529 Clinical Anesthesia Practicum III (4 days/week; OR) Clinical and Literature Review Semester VII Total Total Program Credit

Credits 3 3 2 8 Credits 3 2 5 Credits 3 2 5 Credits 2 2 60

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