Differentiating Presentation Lesson

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Name: Shawntel Davis Lesson Plan Title: Differentiated Instruction School Site: Petersen Elementary School 1.

State Standards: N/A 2. Teaching Model: N/A 3. Objective: Student teachers will know the three major components of differentiated instruction as well as at least one strategy for each component provided they have listened to the presentation and actively participated in discussions. 4. Materials & Resources: SMART board or projection screen (1) Laptop (1) Prezi on Differentiated instruction (1) KWL chart (1) Think Tac Toe questions (one per student) Post its Accommodation checklist (one per student) Tiered Lesson Plan Template (one per student)

Distribution/Collection Strategy: 5. Instructional Procedures: a. Motivation/Engagement: (Lemov: the Hook) Quiet Signal: Give me 5, Teacher holds up hand and this serves as the signal for the other Student teachers to hold up their hands and quiet down. Lesson Modeling/Guided practice: b. Activities or Student Learning Experiences: Step 1: Teacher will prompt students with the following question, What do you already know about differentiated instruction? (Blooms: Knowledge) Students will then asked to write down their answer on a post it note and stick it on to the KWL chart. TW read the responses aloud and then direct students attention to the SMART board. I will explain the definition of differentiated instruction as well as some dos and donts.

Step 2: Then TW ask students to write down (on a Post-It) what they would like to know about differentiated instruction. SW place their Post-It note under the W section of the KWL chart. Discussion Question: What are you or your mentor already doing to differentiate instruction in your classroom? Think Pair Share (Kagen) Step 3: Presentation will continue with the explanation of the 3 Ps of differentiated instruction: presentation, process and product. Within each of these categories several application strategies will be explained. PresentationAccommodations slide- This slide will give the definition of accommodations. I will then direct their attention to the handout I have provided for each of them. I will give them a couple minutes to view the accommodations checklist. Then I will ask, has anyone used any of these accommodations in their classroom? If yes, will ask for the student to explain their experience further. If no, I will ask if they have seen students that may benefit from one or more of these accommodations? -Do you see a useful accommodation that you are interested in trying? Step 4: Now TW bring students attention back to the SMART board. Teacher will say, Flexible grouping is an extremely important component to differentiated instruction. Teachers implement flexible grouping strategies that cluster students by achievement in a particular subject area, interest, learning style, personal choice, and/or ability. The key is flexible. Teachers move students in and out of groups after assessing students instructional needs. - Moving on to Process. This is how the lesson activity is done by the students. Process strategies include but are not limited to: Traditional pencil/paper, Cooperative Groups, Stations, Compacting, Independent Contracts, Choice opportunities, or tiered activities. - Check for understanding (Lemov) - Okay if you know what compacting is give me a thumbs up. If you think you know but you are not sure give me a sideways thumb. If you dont know and thats okay give me a thumbs down. - Let me further explain compacting. Curriculum compacting involves defining a set of objectives, pretesting students over those objectives and then eliminating what they already know from your teaching and their practice. Eliminating the mastered curriculum allows time to provide the students with enrichment and accelerated learning options. You must be able to somehow show proof of students mastery.

- Tiered activities- Tiered activities seem like a really daunting task and it does involve more preparation but once you get used to thinking about lessons in this way it may start to come easier. - TW show a tiered lesson activity and then further explain the tiered lesson plan template. Green: Find a way to count and show how many people are in our class today. How did you get your answer? Blue: Find a way to show how many people are in our class. How many are absent today? How many are here today? How do you know? Purple: Find a way to show how many boys are in our class today. How many boys are absent today? How many girls are here today? How many girls are absent today? Prove you are right. Step 7- Briefly review formative and summative assessment before proceeding to Product. Step 6 Product How to demonstrate knowledge Traditional assessments Written reports/ papers Art/ video projects Oral reports/ presentations PowerPoint presentations Skits/songs/ dances This is an opportunity to really get creative and offer your students choices. One way I would like to show you is Think Tac Toe. (Then I will show an example of Think Tac Toe) Step 7 Review How to differentiate: - Presentation - Process - Product YOU MUST: - Assess & Group - Prepare and organize -Train students - Start small

c. Closure: Exit Ticket- Tic Tac Toe choice worksheet. Directions: Just like Tic Tac Toe you must choose three questions to respond to in a row. (Blooms: Comprehension) (Blooms: Application) Name one new differentiating strategy you learned from this presentation. In your own words what is differentiated instruction? Why do you think it is important to use flexible grouping?

How have you been differentiating instruction in your class?

What are the three Ps of differentiated instruction?

What is compacting?

When do we assess our students?

What accommodations have you made for your students, if any?

How do you plan on differentiating instruction when you take over full time?

d. Extension and Contingency Plans: Extension: The extension for this lesson would be for teachers to look at their past lesson plans and evaluate them based on how well they differentiated their lesson. They would evaluate their lessons based on the three ways to differentiate i.e. presentation, process, and product. Contingency plans: If student teachers are having trouble coming up with differentiated activities I will give them some ideas to get them started. 6. Modifications and Accommodations: Repeat vocabulary throughout lesson and if a student teacher is struggling I will pair them with a student for added support 7. Student Assessment: Formative Assessment: KWL Chart will serve as formative assessment. Summative Assessment: I will be collecting the Think Tac Toe closure activity and this will serve as summative assessment. 8. Homework: No homework necessary because lesson objectives were met during class time.

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