Text Type 3 English Literature Honors Rubric Example

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Honors English 10 A Thousand Splendid Suns/Osama Compare/Contrast Essay Rubric Name ________________________________________________________________________ _______/100= _______% = ______

There ma" be a comparison and contrast as evidenced in a thesis statement; thesis ma" or ma" not ma e a c!aim about the t"o "or s# The introduction and conc!usion are inc!uded$ but are not 'ni%ie$ and $o not present a case %or comparison and contrast# The comparison/contrast is not or&ani'ed usin& either the chun in& or se(uencin& method; method is not &onsistent throu&hout essay# )imi!arities and di%%erences are *ust !isted or identi%ied; they $o not "or as a "ritin& strate&y to s' ort the thesis# +e" e,amp!es$ inc!udin& direct (uotes$ %rom (oth -or.s are discussed# Essay is an in&oherent discussion that la&.s topic sentences and transitions that connect separate points# Errors in mechanics$ usa&e$ &rammar$ and spe!!in& $istra&te$ %rom &ontent3

There is a comparison and contrast as evidenced in a thesis statement; thesis ma" or ma" not ma e a c!aim about the t"o "or s# The introduction and conc!usion are inc!uded$ but ma" not (e 'ni%ie$ and present a case %or comparison and contrast# The comparison/contrast may be or&ani'ed usin& either the chun in& or se(uencin& method; method is not &onsistent throu&hout essay# )imi!arities and di%%erences ma" (e *ust !isted or identi%ied; they $o not "or as a "ritin& strate&y to s' ort the thesis# )ome e,amp!es$ inc!udin& direct (uotes$ %rom (oth -or.s are discussed# Essay is a &oherent discussion "ith topic sentences and transitions that connect separate points# Se#eral errors in mechanics$ usa&e$ &rammar$ and spe!!in&#

There is a #ali$ comparison and contrast as evidenced in a thesis statement; thesis ma es a c!aim about the t"o "or s# The introduction and conc!usion are 'ni%ie$ and present a case %or comparison and contrast# The comparison/contrast is or&ani'ed usin& either the chun in& or se(uencin& method; method is &onsistent throu&hout essay# )imi!arities and di%%erences are not *ust !isted or identi%ied; they "or as a "ritin& strate&y to s' ort the thesis# E,amp!es$ inc!udin& direct (uotes$ %rom (oth -or.s are discussed# Essay is a &oherent discussion "ith e%%e&ti#e topic sentences and transitions that connect separate points# - %e- errors in mechanics$ usa&e$ &rammar$ and spe!!in&#

There is a #ali$ comparison and contrast as evidenced in a %o&'se$ thesis statement; thesis ma es a s e&i%i& &laim about the t"o "or s# The introduction and conc!usion are 'ni%ie$ and present a reasona(le &ase %or comparison and contrast# The comparison/ contrast is or&ani'ed logi&all" usin& either the chun in& or se(uencin& method; method is &onsistent throu&hout essay# )imi!arities and di%%erences are not *ust !isted or identi%ied; they "or as a "ritin& strate&y to ' hol$ an$ s' ort the thesis# S e&i%i& e,amp!es$ inc!udin& direct (uotes$ %rom (oth -or.s are discussed# Essay is a 'ni%ie$0 &oherent discussion "ith e%%e&ti#e topic sentences and transitions that smoothl" connect separate points# 4e- or no errors in mechanics$ usa&e$ &rammar$ and spe!!in&#

Thesis Statement (15 oints!

Intro$'&tion an$ Con&l'sion (15 oints!

Com are/ Contrast Organi)ation *etho$ (10 oints!

+riting Strateg" (15 oints! Te,t E#i$en&e (10 oints! Coheren&e/ Organi)ation (/5 oints!

*12S (10 oints!

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