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Al Gore

Name: Albert Arnold Gore Jr.
Birthday: March 31, 1948
Mom: Pauline LaFon Gore
Dad: Albert Arnold Gore Sr.
Sister: Nancy Gore Hunger (died of lung cancer)
High School: St. Albans School
College: Harvard University
Spouse: Mary Elizabeth Aitcheson Gore
Children: Karenna Gore Schiff, Kristin Gore Cusack,
Sarah Gore Lee, Albert Arnold Gore III
Grandchildren: Wyatt Gore Schiff, Anna Hunger Schiff

Short interview with Al Gore:

Evolution: Hi Al Gore! As we all know, you released a movie. What inspired you
to make this movie?
Al Gore: Global Warming has been going on for hundreds of years. But it had
never been this worse. I then found out it’s caused by our careless pollution into
the atmosphere. So I just wanted to spread the word for people to be aware of
this problem.

E: Do you think more people are conscious about this crisis? How?
AG: Yeah. People have been more alert about this problem. The movie site
actually reached up to 1million views a week after the movie was released. And I
actually see more people planting trees in their neighborhood.

E: Is the co2 pollution currently being slow down from when you released the
movie of is it still about the same?
AG: The last time I checked was last week. It was one thousand pounds. less
co2 in the air. So were doing some progress. That was actually more than I
expected. I was impressed when I got the results. In about a year, was can
prevent co2 contamination by one hundred thousand pounds.

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