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Masco Industries Limited is a total commitment to

its products and customers has helped it grow from a knit fabric manufacturer to a composite and garment manufacturer. Masco Industries Limited is a pioneer in introducing European technology in knit fabric manufacturing in this country. It started its journey at December 09 999.!ow its ha"ing one knitting factory# one dyeing factory and two garment manufacturing units with capacity about $ % millions do&. of '( )hirt# *olo )hirts# )horts of all designs per day# we are in a position to ser"e the ultimate users to their satisfaction. +e may not be so big if the capacities are considered but our commitment to ,uality and adaptability to the e"er(changing customer demand is our strength.

Coporate Directory
-roup .omposition / M0).1 Industries Ltd. M0).1 2nitting Ltd. M0).1 Dyeing Ltd. 4M0).1 .enter4# 3ouse 5 06# 7oad 5 0 # )ector 5 08# 9ashimuddin 0"enue# :ttara# Dhaka( ;80# <angladesh. 'el / ==(0;(=9 > 80#=9 > 8>#=9 =0=; ?a@ / ==(0;(=9;8 ;6 E(mail/ / ;8# )hataish 7oad# -a&ipura# 'ongi# -a&ipur 'el / ==(0;(9= 886;(8# ==(0;(9= 0B9 ?a@ / ==(0;(9= 0B90 E(mail/ 00C E@port 1riented .omposite 2nit -arments Industry December 09# 999 E@im <ank Ltd# Motijheel <ranch# Dhaka.

3ead 1ffice


!ature of project Dear of establishment <ank Management

/ / /

/ . M. 0. )0<:7 -roup .hairman .ell/ 0 B (%80;09 ;. 03MED 07I? <ILL03 Managing Director .ell/0 = 9(;600>= 8. M). ?03IM0 023'E7 Director .ell/ 0 B (%;==89 >. M). ?0730!0 023'E7 Director .ell/ 0 => (;60>B= 0 B;6(9>%B;6

Composition of Factory
0s a composite project# the enterprises ha"e been organi&ed in the following manner/ M0).1 -roup ?abric 2nitting Masco Dyeing Ltd. Masco Industries Ltd. Location : ?irst process of our head office located at Dhaka# near by Dhaka International 0irport. 1thers processes $;nd# 8rd# F >thG are located at -a&ipur District# > 2ms !orth direction from Dhaka International 0irport. Present Buyers: !ew +a"e $)wedenG# :mbro $:2G# 0ldi $-ermanyG# Hara# )tradi"arius# <ershka $)painG# <ig )tar $*olandG# '2 International $-ermanyG# Lonsdale $:2G <G )pain Countries of Exports: 0G -ermany DG 'he !etherlands .G )weden ?G ?rance EG Italy 3G !orway -G :nited 2ingdom 9G ?inland IG *oland LG Denmark 2G 0ustria MG <elgium Countries of Imports: 0G 3ong 2ong <G .hina .G 2orea DG 'hailand EG 'aiwan / / / / .orporate 3ead 1ffice *roject in operation ?abric Dyeing E *roject in operation -arments Manufacturing $:nit F ;G E *rojects in operation

Garments Division
0rea Men power *roduction .apacity / / / >6#000 sft. #B80 8%#000 *csIper day

Capacity and products items for Garments Item

'()hirt *olo )hirt

8%#000 *cs =#000 *cs

=B%#000 *cs ;00#000 *cs

0.% Millions ;.> Millions

0long with '(shirt F *olo )hirt we are doing all kinds of )tyled '(shirt# Jest# 'ang 'op# )paghetti top# )kintight '(shirt# )weat )hirt# )horts# <ermuda# *ajama )et# 9ogging )uit# !ight +ear and so on for MenKs# <oyKs# Ladies# -irls and Infants.

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