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Directions: In each group of words, there is one word that does not belong with the others. Find the word that does not belong and cross it out. Next, draw the musical symbol next to each word that is left in the group. (Skip this step for the second group of words.) Finally, pick a word from the Labels list to describe each group of words. Write the label on the line next to the number. Be ready to explain why the words are related. Labels: Information Located at the Beginning of the Staff Dynamics (Volume) Time Signatures Tempo (Speed) Note Values Rests 1. _________________________________________ Four-four Three-four Four-three Two-four Five-four 2. _________________________________________ Allegro Fortissimo Moderato Largo Andante 3. _________________________________________ Whole Note Quarter Note Eighth Note Double Note Dotted Half Note 4. _________________________________________ Key Signature Time signature Treble/Bass Clef Tempo Rests 5. _________________________________________ Ritardando Forte Piano Mezzo Piano Pianissimo 6. _________________________________________ Quarter Rest Whole Rest Multiple Measure Rest Single Rest Half Rest

*Hint: Remember that all of our music vocabulary words are posted on the board along with their musical symbol.

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