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Early Childhood Education Learning Experience Plan Name: Bethany Vannoy Elizabeth Caraher Lesson Title: What We Wear in Different Seasons Date: 18 Mar h 201! Grade Level: "res hool Circle one: ECE Standard s!"Guideline s!: #ro$% an& Cate'orize: Sort an& lassify ob(e ts by one or )ore attrib$tes *e+'+, size, sha%e-+ .ntera tions /ith a&$lts+ En'a'e in e0ten&e& re i%ro al on1ersations /ith fa)iliar a&$lts+ Pre#assessment o$ current %no&ledge: "re23 rea&iness he 4list5 o%enin' e0%erien e lesson 'nstructional ()*ectives +#,! (ne"T&o -ssessed 'nstructional ()*ective s-: 6he st$&ent /ill be able to+++ Cate'orize /hat ty%e of lothin' sho$l& be /orn in /inter an& s$))er base& on /hat they 4no/ abo$t the seasons+ Con1erse /ith the tea hers $sin' lan'$a'e they71e %re1io$sly hear& an& ha1e learne& in the o%enin' &is $ssion -ssessment o$ Student Learning 'denti$y Evidence: *What /ill yo$ olle t or re or& as &ata to &e)onstrate st$&ents ha1e )et yo$r ob(e ti1e*s- an& s4ill89ne tea her /ill ta4e lan'$a'e sa)%les to see /hat 4in& of lan'$a'e they are $sin' to &es ribe their %i t$res+ 9ne tea her /ill be ta4in' %i t$res of the st$&ents /hile they /or4 to see ho/ they are 'oin' abo$t reatin' the %i t$res+ PKSN

Learning Experience -cademic Language: Sort, Cate'orize Procedural steps: 6ea hers /ill sho/ the st$&ents &ifferent ty%es of /inter an& s%rin' /eather lothin' *e+'+ s arfs, boots, 'lo1es, shorts, et +-+ 6he tea hers /ill as4 the st$&ents /hen they thin4 ea h ite) sho$l& be /orn+ 6he st$&ents /ill then )o1e to the art table, /here there /ill be s issors, rayons, )ar4ers an& olore& %en ils+ 6he st$&ents /ill be 'i1en &ifferent %i t$res of /inter/s%rin' /ear+ 6hey /ill &ra/ a %i t$re of the)sel1es an& $t o$t the lothin' an& &ress their %erson in the lothin' they thin4 is a%%ro%riate for ea h season+ -uthentic .aterials: *Des ribe a$thenti real life, han&s2on )aterials+S arfs, boots, 'lo1es, shorts, hat, /inter oat, a li'hter oat for s%rin'+ -dult /oles: 9ne tea her /ill be tal4in' to ea h st$&ent as4in' hi) or her abo$t /hy they hose to &ress their %erson li4e that, /hile ta4in' lan'$a'e sa)%les+ ;nother tea her /ill be ta4in' %i t$res of the st$&ents as they are /or4in'+

Program .onitoring: *:o/ /ill yo$ a''re'ate or o)%ile yo$r e1i&en e into a lass or 'ro$% 1ie/8Dis%lay the %i t$res aro$n& the lassroo) /ith the %i t$res ta4en /hile they are /or4in'+ Sa$ety Considerations: S issors


Early Childhood Education Learning Experience Plan

/esources 0 /e$erences:

/e$lection: What ha1e yo$ learne& abo$t yo$r st$&ents8 :o/ /ill this infor) f$t$re instr$ tion8-

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