Coinco Bill Acceptor

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Keyword: coinco bill acceptor Word Count: 402 Eating is a necessity for us human beings and given the

fast paced way of living we have today, the need for a faster means of ac uiring food is highly needed! "he e#istence of vending machines is found to be very essential in certain aspects of man$s e#istence! "he very first vending machines dispose candies, gums and other sweet and tiny products! "hey are often found in casinos, shopping malls and carnivals and are very popular with children! %ending machines of this type is designed with different shapes often to attract children! &hapes li'e robots, balls, space ships are (ust few of the many shapes of the vending machines! "hese types of vending machines dispose goods after a coin is inserted in the coinco bill acceptor! "oday, vending machines dispose more 'inds of goods that are no longer (ust attractive to children! %ending machines types li'e carbonated drin's vending machines, cigarette vending machines, detergent vending machines, coffee vending machines are now also very famous! "he e#istence of coins and bill acceptor most probably came together with the e#istence of vending machines considering that the machine cannot wor' without the coinco bill acceptor! "he acceptor is very important in determining whether the bills and coins inserted in the machine is genuine or not! Considering that the machines are placed in public areas, it is inevitable that mindless human beings will tend to insert things that are not supposed to be inserted in the machine in the attempt to have it dispose goods for free! )thers tend to go for the more desperate means of po'ing and sha'ing the machine to release the goods and fall off the machine! &ome vending machines need strict supervision especially those that dispose products that are not to be accessed by children such as li uors and cigarettes! *any vending machines are created as years go by and several developments were made in the hope of providing better useful products! "he company that provides the coinco bill acceptor is responsible for the installation and programming of the machine! Coin and bill acceptors can detect the thic'ness of the coins that are being accepted by the acceptor! +s the coins pass down the acceptor, they are instantly classified as good or bad! "he good ones actuate switches in the coin changer and sends credit pulses and they are logically added up and the machine initiates change pay out if needed!

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