Study of Biodigester Design For Fuel and Fertilizer

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International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

2013; 2(4): 147-152 Published online July 10, 2013 (http://www s!ien!epublishin""#oup !o$/%/i%#se) doi: 10 11&4'/% i%#se 20130204 13

Study of biodigester design for fuel and fertilizer

Omprakash Sahu, Yasabie Abatneh
(ep)#t$ent o* +he$i!)l ,n"inee#in", -./0, 1ollo 2ni3e#sity, ,thiopi)

Email address:
ops01214"$)il !o$(/ 5)hu)

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/$p#)6)sh 5)hu, 7)s)bie 8b)tneh 5tudy o* 9iodi"este# (esi"n *o# :uel )nd :e#tili;e# International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. <ol 2, =o 4, 2013, pp 147-152 doi: 10 11&4'/% i%#se 20130204 13

Abstract: (esi"n o* ) bio")s pl)nt supplyin" ene#"y *o# the students> !)*ete#i) while utili;in" the )bund)nt hu$)n w)ste
h)s been done with )n )i$ o* si"ni*i!)ntly #edu!in" wood !onsu$ption ?)%o# *uels used in the !)*ete#i) to p#ep)#e th#ee $e)ls pe# d)y *o# 3500 student>s ele!t#i!ity, =)phth), )nd *uel wood 0h#ee ye)#s d)t) h)3e been e@)$ined to study the p)tte#n o* the ene#"y de$)nd, )$ounts, )nd p#i!e o* the ene#"y sou#!es with e$ph)sis on wood :eed sto!6 potenti)ls, its !o$positions, ne)#ness to the !)*ete#i), )nd 3)#ious othe# !#ite#i) h)3e been !onside#ed in the site sele!tion .t h)s been *ound th)t te!hni!)lly possible to p#odu!e )s $u!h )s 30 !u/$/d)y bio")s in the sele!ted site !ont#ibutin" to 44 5A #edu!tion in wood !onsu$ption Pe#*o#$)n!e o* di"este#s in the !li$)te )nd we)the# !ondition o* the #e"ion *o# si$il)# *eedsto!6 h)s been )ssessed to dete#$ine the )pp#op#i)te di"este# $odel +hinese *i@ed do$e )nd (eenb)ndhu $odels )#e !o$$on )nd h)3e shown "ood pe#*o#$)n!e (et)il desi"n )nd di$ensionin" o* the di"este# h)3e been done :in)n!i)l *e)sibility h)s been e3)lu)ted usin" =P< (net p#esent 3)lue), inte#n)l #)te o* #etu#n (.BB) )nd si$ple p)yb)!6 $ethod Positi3e =P<, 1' 5A .BB )nd ) p)yb)!6 pe#iod o* & 27 ye)#s h)3e been !)l!ul)ted indi!)tin" the *in)n!i)l *e)sibility

Keywords: :i@ed (o$e, 9io")s, (i"este#, Betention 0i$e

1. ntroduction
9io")s te!hnolo"y is bein" used both )t s$)ll s!)les )nd l)#"e s!)les in ,thiopi) (ue e$ph)sis h)s )lso been "i3en *o# )ppli!)tions *o# #u#)l people )s $e)ns o* #edu!in" de*o#est)tion, i$p#o3in" indoo# )i# pollution )nd #edu!in" wo$)n>s ti$e )nd e**o#t in *uel !olle!tion 8ppli!)tions in Cospit)ls, p#isons )nd s!hools )#e )lso seen in $)%o# p)#ts o* the !ount#y Pl)ns )lso e@ist *o# wide sp#e)d use o* the te!hnolo"y :o# inst)n!e the 8$h)#) p#ison )d$inist#)tion h)s )llo!)ted si"ni*i!)nt bud"et *o# inst)ll)tion o* bio")s pl)nts th#ou"hout the p#isons in the #e"ion D4E 8ppli!)tion o* bio")s te!hnolo"y in 2ni3e#sities is 3e#y li$ited in the !ount#y Cowe3e# #ese)#!h on bio")s )nd p#odu!tion te!hnolo"ies )#e obse#3ed in so$e 2ni3e#sities +u##ently the#e is no 2ni3e#sity who h)s )pplied bio")s te!hnolo"y *o# use in #edu!in" its *uel !onsu$ptions 0he #isin" nu$be# o* students )nd *uel !ost )nd s!)#!ity is *o#!in" uni3e#sities spent ) lot to !oo6 *ood th#ee ti$es ) d)y *o# l)#"e# popul)tion 8ddition)lly, due to !o$$only used t#)dition)l w)ste t#e)t$ent te!hnolo"ies li6e septi! t)n6 pe#$)nent en3i#on$ent)l solution is ) $ust 0he $)in #ese)#!h Fuestion e$)n)tes *#o$ these *)!ts Cow !)n

bio")s pl)nts !ont#ibute to #edu!ed ene#"y !ost )nd eli$in)te en3i#on$ent)l p#oble$s in uni3e#sities while )bund)nt *eed sto!6 8n)e#obi! di"estion h)s been su""ested )s )n )lte#n)ti3e $ethod o* #e$o3in" the hi"h !on!ent#)tion o#")ni! w)ste 5e3e#)l #ese)#!h "#oups h)3e de3eloped )n)e#obi! di"estion p#o!esses usin" di**e#ent o#")ni! subst#)tes D5-7E 0he )d3)nt)"es o* su!h p#o!esses o3e# !on3ention)l )e#obi! p#o!esses )#e ) low ene#"y #eFui#e$ent *o# ope#)tion, ) low initi)l in3est$ent !ost )nd ) low slud"e p#odu!tion D'E .n )ddition, the )n)e#obi! di"estion p#o!ess p#odu!es bio")s, whi!h !)n be used )s ) !le)n #enew)ble ene#"y sou#!e DG, 10E .n ,u#ope, in!#e)sin" nu$be#s o* bio")s pl)nts (9HPs) e$ployin" )n)e#obi! di"estion use *ood w)ste )nd $)nu#e )s ene#"y sou#!es 8n)e#obi! di"estions !)n be de3eloped )t di**e#ent te$pe#)tu#e #)n"es in!ludin" $esophili! te$pe#)tu#es ()pp#o@i$)tely 35I+) )nd the#$ophili! te$pe#)tu#es #)n"in" *#o$ 55I+ to &0I+ +on3ention)l )n)e#obi! di"estion is !)##ied out )t $esophili! te$pe#)tu#es, th)t is, 35J37I+ 5e3e#)l new p#o!esses h)3e been #epo#ted *o# up"#)din" slud"e di"estion usin" the#$ophili! )n)e#obi! di"estion (55I+) )nd these #ep#esent )n i$po#t)nt )lte#n)ti3e to $esophili! )n)e#obi! di"estion (35I+) D11, 12E 0he the#$ophili!


/$p#)6)sh 5)hu et al.: 5tudy o* 9iodi"este# (esi"n *o# :uel )nd :e#tili;e#

te$pe#)tu#e #)n"e is wo#th !onside#in" be!)use it will le)d to "i3e *)ste# #e)!tion #)tes, hi"he# ")s p#odu!tion, )nd hi"he# #)tes o* the dest#u!tion o* p)tho"ens )nd weed seeds th)n the $esophili! te$pe#)tu#e #)n"e Cowe3e#, the the#$ophili! p#o!ess is $o#e sensiti3e to en3i#on$ent)l !h)n"es th)n the $esophili! p#o!ess 0wo $)in te!hnolo"ies h)3e been used *o# the #)pid t#e)t$ent o* o#")ni! *#)!tion o* $uni!ip)l solid w)stes (/:?51): seFuenti)l le)!h-bed )n)e#obi! p#o!esses D13E )nd +50B #e)!to#s D14E o# 9)t!h syste$s D15E 9oth te!hnolo"ies h)3e 3e#y si$ple desi"ns )nd the#e )#e nu$e#ous #epo#ts on thei# use D1&E Cowe3e#, the +50B syste$s )#e the le)st e@pensi3e solid w)ste di"este#s *o# si$plest desi"ns .t is supe#io# )nd $o#e e!ono$i!)l th)n othe# !o$petin" te!hnolo"ies be!)use it is "#own in ) si$il)# )n)e#obi! en3i#on$ent D17E 0he syste$ h)s hi"h potenti)l *o# )ppli!)tion in de3elopin" !ount#ies D15E 8lso, the l)#"e $)%o#ity o* indust#i)l )ppli!)tions use one-st)"e syste$s )nd these )#e e3enly split between Kd#yL syste$s (w)stes )#e di"ested )s #e!ei3ed) )nd KwetL syste$s (w)stes )#e slu##ed to )bout 12A tot)l solids) Cowe3e#, the Kd#yL desi"ns o# hi"h-solid D'E h)3e p#o3en #eli)ble due to thei# hi"he# bio$)ss !on!ent#)tion, !ont#olled *eedin" )nd sp)ti)l ni!hes D1', 1GE ?o#eo3e#, *#o$ ) te!hni!)l 3iewpoint, the Kd#yL syste$s )#e $o#e #obust )nd *le@ible th)n KwetL syste$s ?uni!ip)l solid w)ste (?51) is ) se#ious p#oble$ *o# u#b)n !o$$unities /#")ni! solids )#e p#esent in 3e#y l)#"e Fu)ntities )s p#odu!ts o# w)ste *#o$ )"#i!ultu#e, the *ood indust#y )nd $)#6et w)ste 5p)in "ene#)tes )pp#o@i$)tely 24 $illion tonnes o* ?51 )nnu)lly 8!!o#din" to the d)t) published by the =)tion)l Pl)n o* 2#b)n 1)stes (=P2B, 2000J200&), 40J45A o* tot)l ?51 is the o#")ni! *#)!tion o* $uni!ip)l solid w)ste (/:?51) 0he !o$position o* /:?51 is in*luen!ed by se3e#)l *)!to#s, in!ludin" #e"ion)l di**e#en!es, !li$)te, !olle!tion *#eFuen!y, se)son, !ultu#)l p#)!ti!es, )s well )s !h)n"es in !o$position D20E 8t this #espe!t, nu$e#ous p)pe#s h)3e *o!used on )spe!ts o* )n)e#obi! di"estion biode"#)d)tion o* the /:?51 )!!o#din" to its o#i"in: e " , $)#6et w)ste D21E, *#uit )nd 3e"et)ble D22E, household w)ste D23E, *ood w)ste D24E, 6it!hen w)ste D25E, biow)ste D&E )nd o#")ni! *#)!tion o* $uni!ip)l solid w)ste (/:?51) D2&E .n this #e")#d )n e**o#t h)s been $)de desi"n the )n)e#obi! biodi"este# *o# the !)*ete#i)

!. "esi#n $arameter
:ollowin" is ) dis!ussion o* the $ost i$po#t)nt p)#)$ete#s whi!h $ust be !onside#ed in the desi"n o* )n )n)e#obi! di"estion syste$: i) 0e$pe#)tu#e - 0h#ee #)n"es e@ist *o# )n)e#obi! di"estion: Psy!h#ophili! #)n"e - 9etween 5I )nd 25I+; !h)#)!te#i;ed by slowe# $eth)ne p#odu!tion )nd lon"e# #etention ti$es

?esophili! #)n"e - 9etween 30I )nd 40I+; the $ost widely used o* the th#ee D27E, this #)n"e b)l)n!es he)tin" !osts with $eth)ne p#odu!tion 0he#$ophili! #)n"e J :#o$ 50I to &0I+; p#odu!es the $ost $eth)ne but is )lso the $ost sensiti3e, due to *ewe# b)!te#i)l spe!ies in e@isten!e /n!e ) st)ble te$pe#)tu#e is #e)!hed, *lu!tu)tions should be 6ept within 5I+ to )3oid 6illin" the desi#ed b)!te#i) D2'E 0he#$ophili! tole#)n!e is "ene#)lly less th)n th)t o* lowe# te$pe#)tu#es D2GE ,)!h te$pe#)tu#e #)n"e )t whi!h the di"este# !)n be ope#)ted h)s its own )d3)nt)"es 0he the#$ophili! p#o!ess h)s been *ound to be supe#io# to the $esophili! p#o!ess *#o$ )n ene#"y b)l)n!e )nd, thus, Kp#o*itL point o* 3iew D30E 0he#$ophili! di"este#s usu)lly )!hie3e bette# de"#)d)tion o* lon"-!h)in *)tty )!ids, h)3e ) sho#te# #etention ti$e, )nd #eFui#e less bio$)ss !o$p)#ed to the Fu)ntity o* $eth)ne p#odu!ed 0he the#$ophili! p#o!ess )lso )!hie3es hi"he# p)tho"en )nd weed seed dest#u!tion th)n the $esophili! p#o!ess )lone D31E Cowe3e#, the #is6 o* )$$oni) inhibition is "#e)te# )nd $o#e ene#"y is #eFui#ed to ope#)te ) the#$ophili! di"este# 0he#$ophili! p#o!esses )#e !onside#ed to be $o#e p#one to inst)bility th)n $esophili! due to *lu!tu)tions in input Fu)lity D32E Cowe3e#, in ) study o* $)%o# !ent#)li;ed bio")s pl)nts in (en$)#6, 8h#in" D30E *ound no si"ni*i!)nt di**e#en!e in 3ol)tile *)tty )!id !on!ent#)tions between the two p#o!esses )nd !on!eded th)t the st)#t-up ti$e o* the#$ophili! di"este#s is lon"e# th)n th)t o* ) $esophili! #e)!to# due to the low nu$be#s o* the#$ophili! b)!te#i) in o#")ni! w)ste ?ost o* the )"#i!ultu#)l di"este#s in the 2nited 5t)tes )#e $esophili! D33E 0he p#o!ess is sli"htly $o#e st)ble )nd )d)pt)ble to *lu!tu)tions in *eedsto!6 Fu)lity th)n the#$ophili! 0he lowe# he)tin" #eFui#e$ents o* $esophili! te$pe#)tu#es t#)nsl)te into lowe# !osts Besiden!e ti$e should be )t le)st 15 d)ys *o# )deFu)te di"estion D32E Psy!h#ophili! di"este#s #eFui#e ) solids #etention ti$e )pp#o@i$)tely twi!e )s lon" )s $esophili! 0hese di"este#s #eFui#e the le)st )$ount o* ene#"y input 9io")s p#odu!tion is slow but ")s Fu)lity )nd othe# p)#)$ete#s indi!)te *)3o#)ble p#o!ess st)bility D2GE 0hese syste$s )#e !o$$only *ound in the *o#$ o* ) !o3e#ed l)"oon )nd, )s su!h, they )#e usu)lly sub%e!t to *lu!tu)tions in te$pe#)tu#e ii) Mo)din" B)te J 0his is e@p#essed )s the wei"ht o* 3ol)tile solids (<5) pe# unit o* 3olu$e o* di"este# !)p)!ity pe# unit o* ti$e Mo)din" #)tes typi!)lly #)n"e *#o$ 1 2 to 11 0 6" <5/$3/d *o# 3)#ious types o* di"este#s )nd $)nu#e sou#!es D34E 1hile hi"h lo)din" #)tes use the di"este# 3olu$e $o#e e**i!iently, they )lso in!#e)se solids !on!ent#)tion, #etention ti$e )nd )l6)linity, whi!h $ust be t)6en into !onside#)tion iii) Betention 0i$e - 0he Cyd#)uli! Betention 0i$e (CB0) )nd 5olids Betention 0i$e (5B0) )#e the )3e#)"e len"ths o* ti$e the liFuid o# solid po#tion o* $)nu#e #e$)ins in the di"este# Hene#)lly, the lowe# the ope#)tin" te$pe#)tu#e (e " psy!h#ophili! di"estion) the hi"he# the #etention ti$e th)t is needed

.nte#n)tion)l Jou#n)l o* Benew)ble )nd 5ust)in)ble ,ne#"y 2013; 2(4):147-152


i3) 5olids +on!ent#)tion- =o#$)lly #epo#ted )s the pe#!ent)"e d#y $)tte# )nd the 3ol)tile solid pe#!ent)"e o* th)t d#y $)tte#, the solids !on!ent#)tion is ne!ess)#y to dete#$ine the lo)din" #)te 0he solids !on!ent#)tion )lso helps to dete#$ine the $ost suit)ble type o* di"este# 3) 8l6)linity )nd pC - /pti$u$ pC !onditions *o# $eth)no"eni! b)!te#i) #)n"e *#o$ & 4 to 7 & D2GE /the# b)!te#i)l spe!ies )#e $o#e tole#)nt to pC le3els outside o* this #)n"e

o* solids !on!ent#)tions (3 to 10A tot)l solids) D35E .n*luent is o*ten )dded to the di"este# )s e**luent is e@!#eted in s$)ll Fu)ntities )t #e"ul)# inte#3)ls 0he#e*o#e the #etention pe#iod o* $)nu#e in ) !o$plete $i@ di"este# is not ne!ess)#ily uni*o#$

%. Types o& 'iodi#ester

0he #e)!to# di$ensions )nd bio")s potenti)l depends on: 0he type o* subst#)tes to be di"ested 0he Fu)ntity o* e)!h in $et#i! tons pe# ye)# 0he tot)l solid !ontent in pe#!ent)"e 0ot)l solids !ontent (05) N 100(A) - w)te# !ontent (A) 0he o#")ni! !ontent in pe#!ent)"e: /#")ni! d#y $)tte# !ontent is dete#$ined by in!ine#)tin" the d#ied s)$ple )t 550I+ *o# si@ hou#s )nd wei"hin" the #e$)inin" )shes Organic content (ODM)=( ass of !S(g)" ass of as#es (g)$%&&' ass of !S(g) 0he si;e o* the di"este# (<d) is dete#$ined by the #etention ti$e (B0) )nd the d)ily subst#)te input in $3 (5d) 0he *ollowin" *o#$ul) !)n be used in o#de# to !)l!ul)te the )pp#op#i)te 3olu$e: <d N 5d @ B0 5e3e#)l di**e#ent syste$s h)3e been desi"ned *o# )n)e#obi! di"estion :ollowin" )#e b)si! des!#iptions o* the $o#e popul)# syste$s used on *)#$s 3.1. Plug Flow System 0he plu" *low syste$ usu)lly t)6es the *o#$ o* ) lon" !on!#ete t)n6 with ) sli"ht "#)de o3e# the len"th .n*luent is eithe# !ontinuously o# inte#$ittently )dded to one end )nd *lows by "#)3ity to the opposite end 0he !ontents )#e not $i@ed $e!h)ni!)lly 0he #etention ti$e is thus ) *un!tion o* !h)nnel len"th, !h)nnel "#)de, )nd the lo)din" #)te 0he plu" *low di"este# is best suited *o# $)nu#e with ) hi"he# solids !ontent (11 to 13A tot)l solids) su!h )s th)t o* ) d)i#y ope#)tion D35E :i"u#e 4 shows the $)in ele$ents o* ) plu" *low di"este# syste$ 3.2. Complete Mixed System 8lso 6nown )s ) +o$pletely 5ti##ed 0)n6 Be)!to# (+50B), the !o$plete $i@ed syste$ is $ost !o$$only ) !i#!ul)# t)n6 with ) $e!h)ni!)l )"it)to# 0he $i@in" p#e3ents settlin" )nd $)int)ins !ont)!t between b)!te#i) )nd the $)nu#e .t )lso helps $)int)in ) uni*o#$ te$pe#)tu#e D37E ,le!t#i!ity input !osts )#e hi"he# due to the inte#$ittent $i@in" o* the di"este# Cowe3e#, the $i@in" !)n !)use *o)$in" in the t)n6, whi!h is undesi#)ble be!)use it o!!upies di"este# 3olu$e )nd !)n !lo" ")s lines +o$plete $i@ syste$s )#e )ble to h)ndle the widest #)n"e
Fig 1. !y(ical (lug flow digester syste )*+,

Fig 2. -i$ed Do e .iogas Digestor )*+,

(. "i#ester "esi#n
4.1. Digester Selection +o$$on di"este# types in de3elopin" !ount#ies )#e *i@ed do$e )nd *lo)tin" d#u$ pl)nts :i@ed do$e pl)nts )#e $)de enti#ely below the "#ound s)3in" sp)!e )nd bein" less )**e!ted by d)$)"e )nd d)ily te$pe#)tu#e *lu!tu)tions 0hey )#e the $ost !o$$only built di"este# in the hot !li$)te o* the #e"ion .n *lo)tin" d#u$ pl)nts the ")s holde# is $)de o* st)inless steel whi!h !ont#ibutes to the e@pensi3eness o* the di"este# but its ope#)tion is e)sy to unde#st)nd th)n *i@ed do$e pl)nts sin!e the ")s holde# is )bo3e the "#ound 8$on" *i@ed do$e types (eenb)dhu )nd +hinese *i@ed do$e #ep#esent the $ost built )nd well pe#*o#$in" di"este#s in the #e"ion :o# inst)n!e di"este#s in :ele"ehiwot Cospit)l (&5!u $ di"este#) )nd 9)hi# ()# P#ison (100!u $ di"este#) h)3e (eenb)dhu type *i@ed do$e pl)nts whi!h )#e se#3in" ) lot D4E 9io")s di"este# is 8ddis Oe$en () s$)ll !ity ne)# 9)hi#-d)#) p#ison h)s ) well ope#)tion)l *i@ed do$e di"este# 4.2. Sizing of Digester )) 8!ti3e slu##y 3olu$e (<s) :o# no#$)l #etention ti$e o* CB0N40 d)ys D1E )nd w)ste )$ount o* 1N4006"/d)y, <sN2PCB0P1/1000!u $ <sN32!u $ b) H)s p#odu!tion H


/$p#)6)sh 5)hu et al.: 5tudy o* 9iodi"este# (esi"n *o# :uel )nd :e#tili;e#

5pe!i*i! ")s yield o* hu$)n w)ste HsN0 03!u $/6" D1E )nd tot)l )$ount o* w)ste *o# 1000 people with 0 46"/pe#son/d)y D1E is, HN1000P0 4P0 03N30!u $/d)y !) 1)te# 3olu$e 5lit !)ns )#e used du#in" toilet !le)nin" )nd 0 75lit !)ns )#e used *o# *l)shin" )*te# use Cen!e the tot)l 3olu$e o* w)te# is, 0 75lit/pe#sonP1000Q5lit/toiletP30 toiletNG00lit :o# #etention ti$e o* 40 d)ys w)te# 3olu$e is 3&!u $ 0ot)l di"este# 3olu$e 32Q30Q3&NG'!u $ 5hown in t)ble 1 )#e the di$ensions o* 100!u $ bio")s p)nt )s dete#$ined by 5el)$ te!hni!)l )nd 3o!)tion)l +ente# (50<+); !ont#)!to#s on bio")s pl)nts 0he di$ensions #e*e# to di"este# desi"n shown on *i"u#e 2 0)ble 2 shows the bill o* Fu)ntities ntities )s spe!i*ied by 50<+ D3'E 'E )nd p#i!e o* Fu)ntities )s dete#$ined by $)#6et 5u#3ey du#in" /!tobe# 200'
)omponents Men"th o* outlet 9#e)dth o* outlet Cei"ht o* outlet B)dius o* pit B)dius o* di"este# Cei"ht o* di"este# w)ll (epth o* pit (e@!)3)tion) Cei"ht o* do$e Cei"ht o* outlet p)ss)"e 0hi!6ness o* !on!#ete do$e ,@p)nsion !)n)l Symbol 8 9 ( + : C , .-C .

Fig 3. /eneral biogas (lant designs )*1,

!"le 1. Di ensions of %&&cu. fi$ed do e (lant "imensions +cm, 1150 200 100 425 3&5 310 400 30 340 &0 Men"thN22 5$, depthN50!$

+ost bene*it )n)lysis h)s been done usin" net p#esent 3)lue (=P<) p)y b)!6 ti$es )nd inte#n)l #)te o* #etu#n

0he bene*its )#e !)l!ul)ted b)sed on #epl)!e$ent #)tio #) o* bio")s )nd !o$$only used ,u!)lyptus wood .t h)s been su""ested th)t 1!u $ bio")s #epl)!es 1 36" *i#e wood D1E 8$ount o* *i#e wood #epl)!ed, 30P1 3N3G6" wood/d)y ?)#6et su#3ey indi!)tes 206" wood !osts 30bi## "i3in" ) #)tio o* 1 5bi##/6" wood ?onthly s)3in" is then, 3G6"/d)yP1 5bi##/6"P30d)ysN1755bi##/$onth

8ssu$in" 30!u $/d)y ")s is )3)il)ble *o# 10 $onths ) ye)# due to lowe# ")s p#odu!tion du#in" #)iny se)son, 8nnu)l s)3in" is 17,550bi## D2E .n 200'/200G the *)!ulty spent 3G,424 7&bi## Cen!e this s)3in" #ep#esent ) #edu!tion o* 44 5A !ost due to wood !onside#in" ele!t#i!ity i!ity i##e"ul)#ity )t the ti$e 0he use*ul li*e ti$e o* ) bio")s pl)nt is up to 40 ye)#s but the e!ono$i! li*e ti$e is 20 ye)#s ye)# sin!e the 3)lue o* bene*it dis!ounted to p#esent ti$e *o# ti$e )*te# 20 ye)#s is ne"li"ible 0he dis!ount #)te h)s been t)6en to be b the b)n6 inte#est #)te o* 4A /the# $)inten)n!e !osts in!lude !le)nin" o* the di"este# e3e#y *ou# ye)#s whi!h is typi!)l ti$e i$e b)sed on e@pe#ien!e on ho$o"enous hu$)n w)ste di"este#s 9)sed on !u##ent lo##y !osts 1,000bi## is #eFui#ed *o# !le)nin"
*nit price 'irr.unit 5 300 1'5 71 52 230 152 25 Transport birr 2,000 1,500 '00 2,000 400 200 cost

!"le 2. .ill of 0uantities and cost esti ation "escription 9lo!6 +e$ent 5)nd 5tone H#)3el B! b)# 10 ,n"ine oil *nit P!s Ruint)l +u $ +u $ +u $ P!s Mit -uantity 144& &' 30 72 7 33 ' Total cost birr 7,230 20,400 5G50 3744 1&10 501& 200

.nte#n)tion)l Jou#n)l o* Benew)ble )nd 5ust)in)ble ,ne#"y 2013; 2(4):147-152


1)@ H)s pipe 5lu##y !olle!to# pipe 5to3es <)#ious *ittin" s ?)son#y M)bo# 5upe#3ision ,@!)3)tion Total

-" $ $ no P!s ()ys ()ys ()ys ()ys

4 250 130 4 22 50 5 15 10(10 people) 11/,///birr

40 30 30 &00

1&0 7,500 3,G00 2,400 ''G 22,500 G,000 5,&25 3,000

450 30/pe#son/d)y 375 30/pe#son/d)y

P)yb)!6 ti$e = (y#s), = N110,000/17,550, =N& 27ye)#s =P< !)l!ul)tion shows ) 3)lue o* 12G,G15 )nd inte#n)l #)te o* #etu#n 1' 5A M)#"e# )nd positi3e =P< )nd the .BB 3)lue indi!)te *in)n!i)l 3i)bilities o* the p#oposed p#o%e!t

D1E .n*o#$)tion )nd )d3iso#y se#3i!e on )pp#op#i)te te!hnolo"y (.580) )nd H0O bio")s )ppli!)tion )nd p#odu!t de3elop$ent, 9io")s di"est <ol .. .580/H0O 9io")s p#o"#)$ i$ple$ent)tion, 9io")s di"est <ol ... ,P8 de!ent#)li;ed te!hnolo"y *)!t sheet, septi! t)n6 syste$s, united st)ted en3i#on$ent)l p#ote!tion )"en!y, 5epte$be# 2000 ,$b)ssy o* #epubli! o* :inl)nd, #epo#t on bio")s p#o%e!ts e3)lu)tion, ?)#!h 2007, P / 9o@ 4&&1, 8ddis 8b)b), ,thiopi) Pe#e;, ? , Bo$e#o M . , 5)les ( 1GG7 5te)dy st)te )n)e#obi! the#$ophili! de"#)d)tion o* distille#y w)stew)te# in *luidi;ed bed bio#e)!to#s 9iote!hnolo"y P#o"#ess, 13: 33-3' H)lle#t, + , Cennin", 8 , 1inte#, J 2003 5!)le-up o* )n)e#obi! di"estion o* the biow)ste *#)!tion *#o$ do$esti! w)stes 1)te# Bes , 37: 1433J1441 :o#ste#-+)#nei#o, 0 , PS#e; H)#!T), ? , Bo$e#o H)#!T), M . 2007) +o$postin" potenti)l o* di**e#ent ino!ulu$ sou#!es on $odi*ied 5,98+ syste$ t#e)t$ent o* $uni!ip)l solid w)stes 9io#esou#!e 0e!hnolo"y, G' (17): 3354-33&& ="uyen), P C M , -u#up)#)n), P , <is3)n)th)n, + 2007 8n)e#obi! di"estion o* $uni!ip)l solid w)ste )s ) t#e)t$ent p#io# to l)nd*ill 9io#esou#!e 0e!hnolo"y, G'(2): 3'0-3'7 9ou)ll)"ui C , 9en +hei6h B , ?)#ou)ni M )nd C)$di ? 2003 ?esophili! bio")s p#odu!tion *#o$ *#uit )nd 3e"et)ble w)ste in ) tubul)# di"este#, 9io#esou# 0e!hnol , '&:'5J'G

0. )onclusions
.t h)s been *ound th)t inst)ll)tion o* bio")s pl)nt le)ds to l)#"e# s)3in"s besides en3i#on$ent)l )nd s)nit)tion bene*its 0he ")s thus p#odu!ed #epl)!ed 44 5A o* the !ost due to wood 0he e!ono$i!s o* the syste$ )s e3)lu)ted by #eli)ble =et p#esent wo#th $ethod p#o3es ) l)#"e )nd positi3e 3)lue indi!)tin" the )tt#)!ti3eness o* the in3est$ent 0his i$plies su!!ess*ul inst)ll)tion o* this pl)nt )nd si$il)# othe#s will p#o3e to be e!ono$i!)l in the *)!e o* #isin" nu$be# o* students )nd *i#e wood s!)#!ity )nd p#i!es ,n3i#on$ent)l 3)lues )#e i$$ense )s ) w)ste *#o$ 4 blo!6s h)3in" 1000 people h)s been t#e)ted e**i!iently )s !o$p)#ed to septi! t)n6s )nd di#e!t dispos)l 0his !ont#ibutes ) lot in en3i#on$ent)l p#ote!tion )nd s)nit)tion e**i!ien!y 8lso the ")s p#odu!ed #epl)!es si"ni*i!)nt )$ount o* wood !ont#ibutin" to #edu!ed de*o#est)tion .* si$il)# p#o%e!ts )#e inst)lled in )ll uni3e#sities, its i$p)!t on the *o#est p#ote!tion will be well 3i3id 0he bio *e#tili;e# thus p#odu!ed !)n be used *o# pl)nt)tions )nd ")#dens *ound in the *)!ulty 0his h)s du)l bene*it in the slud"e $)n)"e$ent )nd bio-*e#tili;e# utili;)tion .t !)n *u#the# open ) window o* oppo#tunity in int#odu!in" bio-*e#tili;e# *o# the lo!)l *)$e#s )#ound 9)hi#d)# .nst)ll)tion o* the pl)nt is hi"hly #e!o$$ended due to its *in)n!i)l )nd en3i#on$ent)l bene*its 5i$il)# )ppli!)tions in othe# 2ni3e#sities !ont#ibute ) lot in #e)li;in" its e!ono$i!)l bene*its .t le)ds to *o#est s)3in"s, ene#"y sel* dependen!y )nd e**i!ient #esou#!e utili;)tion 0he uni3e#sity !)n be ) $odel in #enew)ble ene#"y )nd ene#"y sel* su**i!ien!y i* $o#e e**o#ts )#e $)de to e@ploit the )bund)nt #esou#!es (in!ludin" !)*ete#i) w)ste) )nd the w)#$ !li$)te o* 9)hi#-d)# whi!h !#e)tes *)3o#)ble !ondition *o# $i!#obi)l p#o!esses








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8utho# )!6nowled"e to (ep)#t$ent o* +he$i!)l ,n"inee#in" *o# p#o3idin" *undin" )nd *)!ilities


/$p#)6)sh 5)hu et al.: 5tudy o* 9iodi"este# (esi"n *o# :uel )nd :e#tili;e#

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