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Minier 1

Loghan Minier Adrie Koehler EDCI 270 23 April 2014 Project 3 Narrative a) I believe my project is not too lengthy, but it gets the job done in the sense that students will comprehend and remember the material given in the presentation. The topic is interesting enough to capture the attention of young and curious middle-schoolers. b) If I had more time and , I would have taken the lengths to make this project more aesthetically pleasing. I will not deny that this project is unpleasing to the eye, but it could definitely be improved to better motivate the students interacting with the activities. I am not sure what I would do if I had more money to spend on this project. I would maybe use the extra money to fund my project in order to get it published, possibly, for educational purposes and astronomy teachers throughout the country. c) I believe the planning cards were greatly beneficial in the making of this project. I was sort of angry at the beginning of this project because I felt like I did not need to make that many notecards. But in the end, I appreciate this requirement because it definitely helped me plan and map out what I was going to say, what materials I was going to use, and how I would put all that into action. Peer evaluation, on the other hand, was not as beneficial. Honestly, my peers were so busy trying to work on their own project and get it done. They did not pay enough attention to grading my project to be truly helpful.

Minier 2

d) I have learned that although a short lesson or instructional activity may seem simple above the surface, there is a lot of work and effort required to plan these sorts of things. My project would take students approximately thirty minutes to go through, yet I spent hours upon hours planning. Basically, do not take the planning process lightly! e) I believe I exhibited the first two NETS/ISTE teacher standards successfully through the development of my project. The first standard, Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity, was exhibited throughout the project. This project provided a means of learning, exploring, making decisions, and being creative via technology. Although I myself as a teacher was not directly teaching the students, they were still gaining knowledge. That is one of the awesome things about technology in education. The second standard, Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments, was clearly demonstrated through the development of this activity. I designed an instructional activity, adapted for my specific learners, and allowed students to become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress.

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