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(a) (i) Write equations to represent: the lattice energy of magnesium oxide, the enthalpy change of formation of magnesium oxide.

(ii) Use the following data, together with appropriate data from the Data Boo let, draw an energy le!el diagram to calculate the lattice energy of magnesium oxide.
"irst electron affinity of oxygen 'econd electron affinity of oxygen ,nthalpy change of atomisation of -g ,nthalpy change of formation of -g./s0 # $4% & mol#$ ( )*+ & mol#$ ( $4+ & mol#$ # 1%2 & mol#$

(b) (i) Define the term standard enthalpy change of com3ustion. 4$5

(ii) 6he enthalpy change of com3ustion of ethanol, 789782.8, and octane, 7+8$+, are # $91) & mol#$ and # :4)% & mol#$ respecti!ely. 6he densities of ethanol and octane are %.)* g cm#9 and %.)% g cm#9 respecti!ely. 7alculate the heat produced 3y the complete com3ustion of $.% dm9 of each fuel.

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