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Class: Year 4 Al-Razi No.

of pupils: 27(9boys, 18 girls) Day/Date: Monday/ 14th April 2014 Time Theme Topic Focus : 60 minutes (9.45 am- 10.45 am) : World of knowledge : Care for the sea : Reading 2.2 By the end of the 6 year primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of variety of linear and nonlinear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning. Learning Standard: 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences from: (b) Non-linear texts 2.2.3 Able to read and demonstrate understanding of texts by: (a) Sequencing Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: 1. Match 2 out of 5 words that opposite with the words given by the teacher by showing it on the whiteboard 2. To answer 2 out of 5 questions given correctly by the teacher by referring to the text given to find the answers. 3. To match 3 out of 5 pictures with characteristic given correctly by referring to the text given. Educational Emphasis: Thinking skills (Making connection) Multiple Intelligence

Content Standard:

Moral values: Caring, love sea creatures Teaching aids: Reading texts, worksheet. Song, lcd, laptop Assessment: 1. Observe pupils understanding to the reading texts 2. Able to answer teachers question correctly. 3. Able to complete the worksheet given by teacher.

Activities Stage/ Time Content Teaching Learning Notes

Watching video Set Asking simple 1. Teacher shows a video to the pupils. 2. Pupils sing 2. Teacher asks pupils to sing the song. 3. Teacher asks questions to the pupils to elicit information 3. Pupils respond to teacher questions Video the song. Multiple Intelligence: (Musical Intelligence) 1. Pupils watch the video. Contextual Learning

induction questions: (5 minutes ) 1) What can

you see in the video?

PreReading ( 20 minutes)

Suggested question

1. Teacher shows word cards to the students.

Manila cards ,

Thinking skills: Who can read this word? 2. Teacher reads the words 1. Students repeat the words Explain the meaning of the words to students? 3. Teacher shows and read another cards that are opposite with the previous one. What is the word that opposite to this word? 4. Teacher explains the meaning of the words to
1. Float 2. Small 3. Male 4. Sink 5. Large 6. Female 7. Slow 8. Grow 9. Shrink 10. Fast

after teacher

students? 5. Teacher shows example of opposite words. 6. Teacher pastes the words on the whiteboard and asks students to go and match the words 2. Students go to the front and match the words with their opposite.

7. Teacher gives a piece of paper to each pupil that contains fact about sea creatures. 8. Teacher reads aloud the story first. 9. Teacher asks pupils to repeat after him. 10. Teacher asks for volunteer to read the text. 3. Pupils repeat after teacher.

Power point (slide)

Whilereading ( 20 minutes)

Examples of questions.

1. Teacher divides pupils

1. Pupils sit in groups and follow teachers


1. Which sea creature can grow even after it has cut into pieces?

into 5 groups.

Thinking skill

2. Teacher gives a piece of paper to each group that contain questions


2. Pupils listen and respond to the teacher.

2. What does a seahorse do to avoid floating away when at rest? 3. How does the jellyfish sting?

about the sea creatures. 3. Pupils write the answer in 3. Teacher asks pupils to read and discuss the answer. worksheet.

Postreading (10 minutes)

Match the pictures with suitable characteristics.

1. Teacher asks pupils to complete the worksheet given

1. Pupils complete the given worksheet individually.


Thinking skills

2. Teacher asks the selected pupils to read their answer. 2. Pupils listen to the teacher and mark their answers.

Closure (5 minutes)

Sum up the lesson

1. Teacher concludes the lesson.

1. Pupils listen carefully to the teachers

Moral Values: Love sea creatures

Inculcating moral values e.g.: 1) Love sea creatures

2. Teacher tells the pupils to love sea creatures.


Float Small

Male Sink

Large Female

Slow Grow

Shrink Fast

Answer the questions below.

4. Which sea creature can grow even after it has cut into pieces?

5. What does a seahorse do to avoid floating away when at rest?

6. How does the jellyfish sting?

7. What are two unique characteristics of an oyster? (i) (ii) ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

8. Why does seal spend most of its time in the water?

Under the water, under the sea Lots and lots of fishies swimmin' by me Under the water, under the sea Lots and lots of fishies and me Hello there Octopus The way you move is fabulous Hello there sea lion When you swim, it's like you're flyin' Hello there Dolphin You always look so happy Hello there great white shark I hope you're not feeling hungry Under the water, under the sea Lots and lots of fishies swimmin' by me Under the water, under the sea Lots and lots of fishies and me Hello there Mr. Crab You're my friend, I'm so glad Hello there jellyfish I hear you're actually not a fish Hello there Ms. Stingray You're the grooviest in the bay Hello there Mr. Whale I think it's time to set sail Under the water, under the sea Lots and lots of fishies swimmin' by me Under the water, under the sea Lots and lots of fishies and me Under the water, under the sea Lots and lots of fishies swimmin' by me Under the water, under the sea Lots and lots of fishies and me Lots and lots of fishies and me

Under the water, under the sea Lots and lots of fishies swimmin' by me Under the water, under the sea Lots and lots of fishies and me Hello there Octopus The way you move is fabulous Hello there sea lion When you swim, it's like you're flyin' Hello there Dolphin You always look so happy Hello there great white shark I hope you're not feeling hungry Under the water, under the sea Lots and lots of fishies swimmin' by me Under the water, under the sea Lots and lots of fishies and me Hello there Mr. Crab You're my friend, I'm so glad Hello there jellyfish I hear you're actually not a fish Hello there Ms. Stingray You're the grooviest in the bay Hello there Mr. Whale I think it's time to set sail Under the water, under the sea Lots and lots of fishies swimmin' by me Under the water, under the sea Lots and lots of fishies and me Under the water, under the sea Lots and lots of fishies swimmin' by me Under the water, under the sea Lots and lots of fishies and me Lots and lots of fishies and me

Match the pictures with suitable characteristics.

1. No blood

2. Brightly colour

3. Slowest fish in the ocean

4. Excellent eyesight

5. Produce pearls

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